George Best 1946-2005
It is with extreme sadness that we learned of George Best's tragic death. He was 59.
The Belfast-born genius was without a shadow of doubt one of the greatest footballers the world has ever seen and in the opinion of many he truly was... the best.
Even Pele, the only exponent of the globe's most popular sport to contest Best's mantle, went on record to say that he thought George was indeed incomparable in football history. Loftier praise would be hard to acquire.
It would be impossible for anyone to deny that throughout his career he possessed a singular talent that was laced with greatness from the outset. Some would suggest that Stanley Matthews was the greatest ever, while others would plump for Tom Finney. Diego Maradona would certainly get some votes while the likes of Johan Cruyff and Alfredo Di Stefano would surely feature in the discussion. It has always been a tricky exercise comparing players from different eras, but there can be no doubt that George Best would have always stolen the show.
He was special in the world of football. He was destined to become the first genuine pop idol footballer, but his glittering career in the beautiful game almost didn't happen.
Best arrived in Manchester as youngster in 1961 with his friend Eric McMordie, who went on to play for Middlesbrough, but was so intimidated by hustle and bustle of life in a big city that he was quickly back on the ferry to Belfast. Sir Matt Busby and Jimmy Murphy, the Reds' legendary management duo, needed all their persuasive guile to tempt him back to Old Trafford, but succeed they did and it was amongst the best days' work they ever did during their glorious reign at United.
Originally tipped for stardom by Bob Bishop, United's hugely respected talent scout in Northern Ireland, Best proceeded to fast-track his way to the top. He made his debut, as 17-year-old, against West Bromwich Albion in September 1963, just a few short months after helping United win the FA Youth Cup for the sixth time. The Old Trafford crowd took him to their hearts instantly and he was to be their darling for the next ten years.
The club was still in the throws of re-building after losing the core of the great 1950s side in the Munich Air Disaster, and he proved to be the missing piece of the jigsaw alongside other great names like Bobby Charlton, Denis Law, Pat Crerand, Nobby Stiles and Bill Foulkes.
United picked up their first league title since before Munich in 1965, at the end of Best's first season, and again two years later. Then in 1968 the European Cup, for so long the club's holy grail, was finally captured and Best scored one of the goals as United defeated Benfica in front of 100,000 ecstatic supporters at Wembley.
It was crowning moment of the club's history at that time, but the team was showing signs of ageing and was ripe for another revamp. That was to take time and Best was increasingly relied upon to pull the team through when the chips were down. He was more than up to the task and on occasion he literally won matches single-handedly.
His excesses away from the game invariably made the headlines and his every move was splashed across the front pages. It became too much for him on several occasions and more than once he announced that he had played his last match for his beloved Manchester United. It was turbulent time with the club, going through a troublesome transformation and their one true world class star finding his name in the papers for all the wrong reasons.
He and United eventually reached the end of the road in January 1974 when after yet another reconciliation, orchestrated by then boss Tommy Docherty, the mercurial Irishman was left out of the team to play Plymouth Argyle in an FA Cup tie. Best knew it was the end and he left Old Trafford on that dismal Manchester day never to return, at least not in a playing capacity.
United had been robbed of perhaps the greatest footballing talent the world has ever seen at the time when he should have just been reaching the zenith of his magical career. He was 27 when he played his last game for Manchester United.
It wasn't to be his last outing as a player for he went to represent a whole raft of clubs including Fulham, Stockport County and Hibernian as well as carving out a mildly impressive career in America. But, it was his personal life and a gradual decline into alcoholism that was to be his eventual downfall. His health suffered hugely and he became mere shadow of the handsome, vital superstar of earlier life.
Anyone who was lucky enough to see him in a Manchester United shirt has a unique and abiding memory that will never diminish, for to see George Best with a football at his feet was a sight that transcended mere sport. He was surely the most gifted individual football has ever produced and though many pretenders may have attempted to replicate his wonderful skills in the years since none has gone within a football pitch's length of succeeding.
Capped 37 times by Northern Ireland, he made more than 450 appearances for United, scoring 178 goals - including six in one match against Northampton Town.
His passing will be mourned wherever football is played and in many places where it isn't.
It is unlikely we will ever see his like again.
P/S: As One of the fans on Manchester United, I Would like to send my deepest condolonce to All The Manchester United Fans Worldwide, Player and Staff and all Georgie Best Family and Friends. I Will remember him as one of the Greatest Player Ever Play For Manchester United.
Archive for November 2005
A Tribute To George Best (Greatest Man. Utd Player)

Your Life, Rated
Got This From ZirBaD's Blog, I Take the quiz and this is what i got: Check It Out And Try It... It's True, I Guess... Just Click On The "Take The Rate My Life Quiz" Link To Have Your Life Rated!
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | ![]() |
Mind: | ![]() |
Body: | ![]() |
Spirit: | ![]() |
Friends/Family: | ![]() |
Love: | ![]() |
Finance: | ![]() |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Life: Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accounts for how satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happy you are. The quiz attempts to put a number on the summation of all of these things, based on your answers. Your life score leaves room for improvement. You can make changes to improve your trouble areas, and this will bring you greater satisfaction. Focus on your weakest points and set about to change them. Do not delay your happiness and success.
Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity, ability, and health. Higher scores indicate an advancement in knowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and pure thought free of interference. Your mind score is not bad, but could be improved upon. Your mental health is not weak, but you are not achieving full mental clarity and function. Learn how to unclutter your mind. Keep learning, keep improving, continue moving forward.
Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, and general wellness. A healthy body contributes to a happy life, however many of us are lacking in this area. Your body score is fairly average, which means there is room for improvement. Keep a focus on your physical health. Protect your body as it is your most valuable physical asset. Nutrition, stress reduction, and exercise are key.
Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number that elusive quality which is found in your faith, your attitude, and your philosophy on life. A higher score indicates a greater sense of inner peace and balance. Your spirit score is relatively high, which means you are rewarded by your beliefs. Spirituality is clearly important to do. Never let it slip, and continue to learn and grow.
Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures your relationships with those around you, and is based on how large, healthy, and dependable your social network is. Your friends and family score suffers, yet it does not need to be this way. Strengthen your social network by reaffirming old bonds. Seek out new friendships, and they will provide you the reward you need. Try using to find people near you who share your interests.
Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romantic situation. Sharing your heart with another person is one of life's most glorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences. Your love score is very low, indicating trouble. There is love out there for you. Seek the advice of wise people on how to go about finding it. Do not lose hope.
Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your current financial health and stability. Your financial score indicates some trouble. Raise your score over time by making changes which will lead to greater prosperity in the future. Be sure to live within your means today.
P/S: It Seems Like Real... Go On And Try It!

Back For A While...
Hmm... Sikit jak sia mo kasi masuk nie kali... untuk ni ari lah...
Sia teringat ada satu pla satu urang. Dulu, he's nobody. Teda urang kenal. Kalau ada pun yang kenal, misti ayat dia begini, "Oh... si **** yang penipu numbur satu tu.". Or "Si **** Conman tu.". Dulu dia pemes pasal tu. Now dia pemes pasal len. Mimang ni urang penipu numbur satu. Cakap pun smua wap! Kasi buduh urang mimang kerja dia. Sebab sia pun pernah kena tipu oleh ni manusia. Kunu² dulu dia bawa sia mo buat something. He asked me to do a lot of work dengan janji untuk bayar sia. Lama sudah bah nie. Kalau nda silap almost 6 years sudah. Time tu, sia masih "budu²" lagi. Kalau pasal duit mimang sia cepat tu dulu... sal sia amat perlu duit untuk bayar sana sini... bla³! Then Bila sia cari dia, menghilang pula dia. Bila sia terjumpa, muka macam si tai² tul... cepat mo elak. Benda ni mimang lama uda. Maybe dia uda lupa or saja buat² lupa. Sia nda kisah sudah tu bah. Member sia saturang pla, sikit kana pukul oleh pihak ketiga pasal ni penipu nie... Kesian. Dua sudah urang macam nie sia jumpa. Tah lah. Sia cuma ada satu advice sama ni urang. Kalau dia mo urang respek dia, please lah change your atitude. Ramai urang kenal ko uda sekarang, tapi kalau perangai ko masih macam tu, ko senang jatuh. Sia tidak tau dengan orang yang pernah dia tipu selama ni. Sia okay jak... tapi yang len sekarang sinyum² kali bila dapat tau crita dia sekarang. Kalau dulu dia menghilang, melarikan diri dari derang sekarang sia rasa derang tau sudah macam mana mo cari ko. Jerat Buli Lupakan Pelanduk, Tapi Pelanduk Tidak Akan Melupakan Jerat. Apa saja yang dia buat sekarang ni pasti akan mendapat perhatian especially dari urang yang dia pernah tipu dan kasi budu, macam sia. Silap sikit saja... Well nowadays anything can happen. Sia buli buat dono saja, relax... but orang len yang pernah kena "jerat" dia... sia nda tau. Sia rasa ada satu grup mencari dia ni pasal satu benda lama sudah... Well kamu pasti tanya sia sepa nie urang yang sia maksud kan... biarlah sia simpan dulu. Ada juga kamu yang tau dan mimang kenal sama dia nie... So Sia tutup ni crita. Untuk ni urang nie... Change Your Atitude... Jan kasi malu urang kita... Bukan ko saturang ja yang idup dalam dunia nie...
Hmm... That's all...

Eddie Guerrero (1968 - 2005) REST IN PEACE
MINNEAPOLIS - Eduardo Gory Guerrero, a World Wrestling Entertainment superstar was found dead in his hotel room Sunday in Minneapolis, where he was scheduled to appear that evening in a WWE Supershow. He was 38.
When he didn't respond to a wake-up call, hotel security at Minneapolis Marriott City Center and Guerrero's nephew and fellow WWE wrestler, Chavo Guerrero, forced their way into the room, police said.
There were no apparent signs of foul play or suicide, police said. An autopsy was planned at the Hennepin County medical examiner's office.
He was a featured star on the UPN series "WWE Smackdown!" and son of Mexican wrestler Gory Guerrero.
Chavo Guerrero and McMahon said Guerrero was open about his past drug and alcohol abuse but they said he'd been sober for four years.
In February 2004, Guerrero became the second wrestler of Hispanic heritage to be WWE champion when he defeated Brock Lesnar, a former University of Minnesota wrestling standout. Guerrero lost the title four months later.
In May 2004, UPN aired the special "Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerrero Story." The one-hour program chronicled his childhood and his struggle with drug addiction that almost cost him his job, family and life before his recovery and eventual capture of the WWE championship.
My thoughts:
Terkejut pula bila sia dapat tau yang Eddie Guerrero Uda Passed away. Although Eddie Is Not my Favourite Wrestler, He Is SOOOO FUNNY!!! I Kindda Like Him. A Sportmans yang owez give hundred percent of his commintment. Part yang sia paling suka sal Eddie Guerrero Is bila dia membuyuk time match. Dia pukul urang then dia purak² pingsan... kana pukul kunu. Itu yang sia suka...
Yes Many Of You Will Say wrestling is a fake. Sia admit... tapi what i like about wrestling is the Entertaiment. I've been seing wrestling since i was 8 years old... So My Prayers And Thought Goes To Eddie's Wife, Vicki and their Children. All Wrestling Fans In The World Will Be Mourning For Your Dead. We Will Miss You, Eddie!

To My Fellow Friends And Blogger!
Hi... First of All, i would like to announce that i will not be able to update this Blog and KaDuS Entertainment Blog For quite sometime. It is all because of The Holidays Season and few personal and bussiness matter that i had to attend. The estimate time i wont be able to do this updating job is about Two Weeks. If everything going well, i will be back as soon as possible.
For KaDuS Page, You will be listening to Kelly Clarkson Song - Because Of You (With Lyrics) at the bottom of this post. If You're Visiting KaDuS Entertainment Page, You will be listening to a very Good Local Sabahan Song, Norubat Piginawaan (Wasted Love) by Ateng. It Is A Song that manage to be at the top of Sabah Dusun Top Ten Show for 7 Weeks In A Row! You can also read my review about this album and other album. Don't Forget To Comment on Those page. You can also Say What You Think At the Shoutbox on the Right of your screen for both site! I Hope you will enjoy your stay!
For The Fans of KaDuS Music, i would like to encourage you all to buy our local product as it is us who can help our music industry to grow! TQ for supporting my page and i wish your support will continue. A Big TQ To My 873 Page viewers Fo October! TQ Very Much!
Last But Not Least, i would like to take this oppurtinity to wish Every Malaysian Who Are Celebrating Hari Raya, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAD ZAHIR BATIN. Happy Holidays... Enjoy Ur Day!
P/S: For Those Who Know My phone number, you may call, or SMS if you want to find me. TQ Very Much!
(Lintang pukang inggris sia... silaka... tulah lama nda beurang putih!)