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Archive for August 2007
Manchester United: Now & Forever Man. Utd!!!
Another dissapointing performance by my favorite Man. Utd. I guess a lot of United fans worldwide especially in this part of the world was "devastated" by Man. Utd recent form. I am one of the dissapointed fans. This would be their worst start ever since 1998. First game, they drew 0-0 with Reading and 1-1 with Portsmouth. Last night saw United lost for they first time this season against their city rival, Manchester City by 1-0. so far United has collected only 2 points from the possible 9, and could be 7 points behind their main title contender Chelsea. To make it worst, they were 7 poinst behind Man. City. (City won their last 3 mathces)
What happen to Man. Utd? It's a question everybody ask including those who support other team. They might be expecting to see Man. Utd doing well in the first few opening fixture. If you ask me, i would definitely say, I DONT KNOW. United, on paper has the strongest assembled squad. The arrival of Nani (Sporting Lisbon) and Anderson (Porto) looks to strengthen United squad. And there was, (for me) the most intresting signing by Man. Utd. Owen Hargreaves (Bayern Munich) and the much awaited signing of Carlos Tevez (West Ham). It's looks like Man. Utd were untouchable this season. Chelsea on the other hand was not the biggest spender. The only significant arrival was Florent Malouda (Lyon) and yes, he announced his arrival by scoring goals, against Man Utd. In my point of view, this is one of the best assembled squad mades by Sir Alex Ferguson during his 21 years at Old Trafford. But what happen? Despite their vastly talented squad, with the attacking flair of Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo, they have only manage to score one goal! That was through Paul Scholes. A midfield player! the sign of United slump stated when Rooney was force out of the game against Reading because of injury. That was the turning point. Now without Ronaldo, the problem could not get any better. With only Carlos Tevez as a striker, it's hard for him to shoulder the responsibilities of Man Utd main goalscorer.
For me they were no problem with the way Man Utd plays. Although Rooney and Ronaldo were out, they still show the best they can. Of all the three game, they control almost 70% of the ball posssesion and in the game against Portsmouth, they got 22 shot on goal but only one finds the net. The are playing their normal game actually. From what i see, the opponent seems to know the tactic deployed by Sir Alex. Like they, the opponent can read what was the player thinking. Maybe they all have what Matt Parkman (Cast in Heroes) can do. The ability to read mind. Micah Richards (Man. City) was nothing if he's up against United, but for me he was the man of the match last night. Any through ball, any crosses and passing, he would be there to cut it of. For me, Sir Alex needs to change his tactic. I don't mind if Ryan Giggs has to be sacrifice in order to change tactic. Man. Utd needs to come back, and sir Alex needs anything in his tactic books to do that. Whoever play, as long as it's suit the tactic, i doesn't matter. I really hope Rooney will be back soon. He's the player who can make the diffrent in Man. Utd. Carlos Tevez needs to regain his match sharpness. United must WIN the next two match if there still want to retain the Premiership. By united standard, losing two matches will close half the door to retain the Premiership, although i still have high hope that United will do well after this. Crossed my finger to see the United improvement.
It's really hard to walk around with people around me who supported other team. What make me sick, some of my friends was a Man Utd supporter (Until Beckham sign for Real Madrid and/or when Roman Abramovich bought Chelsea and started to buy a lot of Star player), mocking me when United lose or even draw. I don't know how will my day be today (as this post was written last night). I should count how many people making funs of United recent form to me... hehehehe... that would be much fun.

Browsing through the web, i found some old pic of me and my friends. Taken around 2004, almost 3 years now. we were at the Hutan Lipur Likas in our Student Council (MPP) Courses. Why they called it Hutan Lipur, i don't have any idea. Hahahaha. The place is in the middle of a school, a housing area and a small town... okay... Enjoy the pic.. Laugh if u want to... Ahaks...
They named this pic, AFTER CRAWL. hehehe... after doing the commando crawl, or should i say 'main lumpur'. Really enjoy the day. (Back Row L-R: Donna, ME, Nukley, Christina, Albina, Munah. Squatting L-R: Faizal, Mushie, Ijan, Bobby) Hehehehehe... guys where are you!!!
I Enjoy this activities. TQ Ms Liza! Just look at my leg. Macam baru lepas dari sawah ja.
After the outdoor couses. Feel tired tapi enjoy!!!
Were are presenting something here. but i can't remember what. This pic was taken a day before the outdoor courses. This pic is at Cosmopoint KK!!!

Song Of The Day
Feel bored... waiting for tomorrow match (the match Man Utd against Man City) was A long wait. Arrggghhh! The red devil was not in a good form for this past two matches. Two draw against Reading (0-0) and Portsmouth (1-1). The last time Man Utd draw the first opening match was in the 1998/1999 season, a it become historical. I really hope they can regain their best. Man Utd were without Rooney and Ronaldo. So can they do it agaisnt the rejuvenated Man City? ... Hehehehe...
Feeling Unwell so here's Match Box 20's UNWELL.
all day
staring at the ceiling making
friends with shadows on my wall
all night
i'm hearing voices telling me
that i should get some sleep
because tomorrow might be good
for something
hold on
i'm feeling like i'm headed for a
and i don't know why
i'm not crazy i'm just a little unwell
i know right now you can't tell
but stay a while and maybe then you'll see
a different side of me
i'm not crazy i'm just a little impaired
i know right now you don't care
but soon enough you're gonna think of me
and how i used to be
see me
talking to myself in public
and dodging glances on the train
and i know i know they've all been talking 'bout me
i can hear them whisper
and it makes me think there must be something wrong
with me
out of all the hours thinking
i've lost my mind
i've been talking in my sleep
pretty soon they'll come to get me
and they'll be taking me away

Sekali sia teingat gia...
I've found a very intresting post about some fun stuff when we were born around 70's and early 80's. I was among those who was born in that time... Siok oh, tu rekindle this kind of memory. Found this in Cons Constantine friendster profile. Hehehehe... TQ cons for the memory refresh!
Ni bah kan..kalau kamu urang lahir tahun 70an atau awal 80 an mesti kamu urang ada experience semua ni......Time tu tempatan yang popular cerita P-Ramlee...Paling-paling movie Jepun tu O-Seen ka tu ejaan dia...Movie yang lain Six Millon DOllar Man, cerita ninja...tundercats,ultraman,transformeskartun yg famous tu mickey mouse sama chipmunk ja :)ada juga la ninja turtles..
- Betul tu... yang sia ingat lai, ada satu siri ninja yang paling sia suka. Hero dia Sasuka. mati tu last-last. O-Seen? sia nda ingat, tapi yang sia ingat tu drama men bula tampar jipun. Jan lupa, bionic man sama bionic woman. Ninja turtle is my favorite.
Masa di sikul time rehat kana minta berus gigi..hehehh tu time sekolah rendah la kan..tapi yang siuk kan masa rehat tu kana bagi susu :)lepas tu ada masa-masa tertentu ada tu nurse tukang periksa gigi (dentis) pi melawat sekolah mau check gigi...Bila masa pulang kana kasi makan ikut tu program RMT..Rancangan Makanan Tambahan
- Sweet memory. sia pena bemain siram-siram sama kawan time berus gigi. Pasal susu tu, yang sia nda buli lupa, susu kutang bangas. Kalau malatup... alalalala... Punya bau. tapi siok tinguk dia kambang nie... tu RMT tu sia terlibat juga. tapi macam bukan ari-ari kami dapat. paling sia suka tu nasi guring ikan bilis sama bubur kacang ijau. Yeah!
tu cikgu-cikgu masa tu..senjata paling power diurang tu kira rotan la yang sia rasa diurang ambil lebihan untuk buat pagar bah tu..kalau tida pun diurang pakai tu pembaris yang kuning tu :) abis la tapak tangan siapa-siapa yang kana denda..kana rotan ooo.
- sia pena kana rutan pakai pembaris besi panjang. sebab? tidak hafal sifir 9. sia nda tau kenapa masa tu mesti betul mo hafal sifir. then sia nda tau kenapa sifir 9 ja sia ada masalah. Nasib bukan sifir 12. Asal nampak sigu pigang rutan, mimang bagagar kami tu...
kantin masa tu?sama ja menu dia tiap-tiap hari...mee goreng sama kuih pisang atau kuih kosong..kadang-kadang ada juga air sirip:)
- air sirip? ko maksudkan air sirap bah kan... kami dulu sia nda ingat ada sirap. yang sia ingat Oren sama Sarsi. kadang-kadang ada juga milo sejuk lah.
bagi yang tinggal di bandar macam di KK..supermarket yg popular tu Kompleks Karamunsing sama tu Yaohan(CenterPoint)
-dulu kalau mo pigi shopping, kira grand uda kalau tepigi Yaohan. Kompleks Karamunsing pun mimang class juga. Sekarang nda buli pilih ni, mana satu mo pigi...
kamu urang masih ingat masa sekolah menengah..camana mau begaya pun lupa suda sebab masa tu kasut jenama Bata BM Turbo atau Pallas Jazz atau Aliph saja yang ada..tu pun kasut yang sama iklan sana tv.
- Sia teringat time sekula rendah. kasut sia dari darja 1 sampai darja 3, jenama Yayasan Sabah. yang ada stripe warna coklat tu. infact baju pun sumbangan yayasan Sabah. Lepas tu baru upgrade pigi Pallas, sampai lah abis form 5. nda tau mana suda tu kasut tu...
Tingu wayang??kira popular la kunun kalau rajin pi tingu wayang..murah ja tiket masa tu
-dari dulu sia nda pandai tinguk wayang...
Music masa tu?sia pun lupa-lupa suda..yg sia ingat tu SEARCH,GERSANG kemudian EXIST,4U2C,Feminin,KRU jadi popular selain tu music barat Vanila Ice...
Ermmm lupa mau kasi tau..masa tu kami urang dengar melalui tu rancang muzik di radio atau kena beli keset..alallal mana ada CD atau mp3 player time tu:)
- sia dengar lagu Paul Anka, Beetles, Bee Gees. Radio dulu masih lai Blue Network. ada lai rancangan From Me To You, tiap-tiap tengahari jam 1 kah tu... NKOTB pun pemes time tu.
Download??amacam? Internet?? bila masa ada (sia main Internet hujung Tahun 1995) EMail?Paling kuat la pos la
-agreed! sia punya pos pun men pas kawan. Cuba ko tulung kasi ni anu ni. Tu lah pos men free sia...
This post can also be seen at my Friendster Blog.

Welcom Carlos Tevez!!! - TEVEZMANIA at Old Trafford!
The most exciting news that i've been waiting for quite sometime. The signing of Carlos Tevez to Manchester United. Although it will be only a 2 years loan deal, i believe that Sir Alex Ferguson, finally get his man. This was one of the most complexes tranfer negotiation by Manchester United by far. I know Old Trafford is the place for Carlitos, no offence to West Ham. I still remember one time when Tevez sign for Corinthians (Brazil) from Boca Juniors (Argentina), he wore a Manchester United shirt during an official club press confrence, and was fined for that... Truly Man. Utd was in Tevez heart long before he sign for them.
By far, this will be one of the most intresting signing by Man. Utd. I am eager to see how Tevez and Rooney spearhead Man. Utd attacking line. Some say that Rooney and Tevez has the same style of play, but that was not the case for me. And former England International Captain Alan Shearer agreed.
"While some have voiced concerns that the pair are too similar in style to
work together, Shearer counters that their compatibility will make United an
even more entertaining side next season.
The former England star told The Sun: “I don’t believe Tevez and Wayne
Rooney are too similar — because great players can always play well together.
“Rooney and Tevez do not have a lot of height but that is not the way
Manchester United play.
How often do you see them aiming high balls up front? Not very." Alan Shearer
Carlos Tevez will NOT making his Man. Utd debut tomorrow, but he might be playing some part next week as early as Wednesday against Portsmouth. According to, Owen Hargreaves, Nani and Anderson will be in the squad for the game against Reading tomorrow. Eager to see how the three new signing adopt in Man. Utd squad.
By the way, Manchester United has announce their squad number for this season. Most of the first team squad will wear the same number. Below are the list of new number.
4. Owen Hargreaves
8. Anderson
10. Wayne Rooney (8 last season)
14. Gabriel Heinze (14)
32. Carlos Tevez. (Same number last season at West Ham)
For full list of Man. Utd squad number for the 2007/2008 season. CLICK HERE
Glory-Glory Man. Utd!