Back... Nor From Exile. Hehehehe... Okay, Don't waste any more time. Let's go on with this review. The KaDuS Entertainment Next Top Entertainer competition that entered Heat two last Friday, 5 Mac 2010. The Audience respoded to me that this heat so far has become the best heat in this season of KE Next Top Entertainer. This heat build up from the low to the highest quality of performances. On paper, this heat is bills as one of the toughest out of 5 heats and it's proved to be true, as 10 contestant trying hard to give their best of convincing the three judges that night to be the top 2 automatic entry to the Final.
The Top two contestant who make it to the finals are As Bryan Amre and Rudy Paul Pailus. Both manage to convince the judges to select them as two of the best singer that night. There were hope left for two female contestant (both heat 2 finalist are male), as they were both handed another chance to perform in one more heat, namely the Wild Card Heat where the top 2 of this heat will gain a backdoor entry to the Grand Finale. Jeniffer Julius, impressed the judges to vote for her, while the audience voted for Jasliah Elon as their choice to have another go at the competition. The Wildcard Round will be on 3rd April and the Grand Finale will be held on 16th April 2010.

Rudy Paul Pailus (Surprised Everyone with his vocal power) &
As Bryan Amre (The predicted finalist by fans)
Jasliah Elon (Crowd Choices) & Jeniffer Julius (Judges Choices)
Felicity Binsin (Failed to perform well because of health problem) & Veronica J Moingkal (Want to be known as VJ. Happy Go Lucky character)
Lina Maigol (2nd Time entering KENTE.) & Fairot Sinang (I personally thought he perform well, but failed to impress the judges.)
Devrenny Disin (Fan Favorite, Did well in both song) & Elvina Jane Justin (Energetic performance (with Jeniffer), Direct competition with Jeniffer)
The KENTE 2: Heat 2 Contestant
From L - R (Felicity, Veronica, Lina, Jasliah, As Bryan, Fairot, Jeniffer, Devrenny, Jayne & Rudy)
Those Lucky one
L-R (Jasliah (Audience), Jennifer (Judges) - As Bryan (Finalist) & Rudy (Finalist)
By far, this is the best heat of KENTE 2. The surprised performance from Rudy Paul Pailus received a well deserved ovation from the crowds. They didnt expect this would come from Rudy, Decent turns into Brilliant Performance. Personally, the moment i listened to Rudy's Voices, i knew straightly that this guy will go to the final, but before that, he will rocks Pusakag Cafe. He did it. He end the night on a high note.
It is too early to say that this is the Best Heat. We still have heat 3, 4 and 5 not forgetting the Wildcard Heat. They might have an idea on what they will do to impressed these really hard judges. So, be there to witness maybe another shock or surprised by KENTE 2 contestant. Come to Pusakag Cafe this Saturday, 13 March 2010 at 6:30pm and see who will go straight to the Grand Finale and to the Wild Card heat, The backdoor to the Finale. For more info, visit: or
Sinding Tokou, Boros Tokou, Tungkus Tokou
KaDuS Bilang:
Some of you might say i am biased towards a contestant, (being the founder of KE and Advisor of KENTE 2) but this is an opinion personally by me, myself and it is not related to neither KENTE 2 committee what soever nor public opinio by KENTE 2. Sia pinya sindri... HEhehehehe