Am i? I hope no. I will be back but it will take time. Just an update.
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Archive for 2011
Am i really abandoning this blog

Currently Listening To: Take Over by Mizz Nina feat. Flo Rida
Good Day... i'm blogging after a very long absent... yes, A VERY LONG Absent. Works come up, all of the sudden everything became so and so mess up. I didnt have time to write on my blog. Even have less time to check on my Facebook. Well, given that i have yhe apps install on both my phone still i can't find time to use it. But i still have time to try a new sport in Golf. But that another story. hehehehe...
Well, this time around, i would like to let you, KaDuSVillian to listen to a great song by our very own, Mizz Nina. As some of you might known, Mizz Nina is one of the member of Teh Tarik Crew (not sure still a member or not). She made her name by collaborating with Colby O'Donis in a song What You Waiting For. Now she made a big step, by singing a song featuring American Rapper and singer-songwriter, Flo Rida with Take Over.
This for me is one of the best song i heard in 2011. Catchy tunes, and yes the melody has stuck in my head! I rarely review international song, but this really make me want say something as for me, this song is cool. Well, hope you enjoy listening to this, and i really hope there is more to come from Mizz Nina!
Saying Houston,
We got a little problem, we got a little problem,
I, Imma gonna solve em’
Saying Houston,
We got a little problem, we got a little problem,
Cause Imma gonna rock em’
Enjoy Y'All!
KaDuS Bilang:
Wonder, bila orang2 Sabah buli buat lagu macam ni and kasi ketengah pigi peringkat antarabangsa! Buli bah kan... sama-sama kita cuba... Mizz Nina Buli, why not us!

my life... do i have one?
Hi KaDuSVillian, sorry for the long update. I actually way too busy with life. Life a an working adult, part-time businessman, part-tike student. Hell, im involve in both district and state level kaamatan committee. Both in Sugandoi competition. For those who dont know what im talking about above, let me explain a bit. Kaamatan is a celebration celebrated by KadazanDusun like me in Sabah. It is a harvest festival where people will celebrate the paddy harvest season. Although nowadays people hv less paddy field, but the spirit to celebrate kaamatan is.still strong among sabahan. This celebration is celebrated every year on the 30-31 OF May every year, with some modern touch in it. The Sugandoi in other and is the singing competition. Its has become a major.part in Kaamatan celebration after the Unduk Ngadau (beauty queen).
Enuff bout that. This waht made me quite busy. Havent have that much precious.time to go and 'play' with my camera. My weekends is fully occupied with studies and weekdays, as usual, with works. Im studying part time but seriously im struggling. I just cant get my hand on what ive been studying. Its a big probem, considering im approaching the crucial time of my life. well, i have to just give it a try. No matter what.
KaDuS Entertainment
This is my baby. This is my passion. The. Local music industry, im running with my friend.under KaDus Entertainment. Im entering the 6th year in KE. And still i dont want it to be a major industry, or even changing it to be a major company in Saah. I just love how KE runs at the.moment. Well, when things getting more successful, they will be people who might thing they can do what they want. Sorry to say, but u r wrong. Although KE meant for everyone, it doesnt means that anybody can do or act on behalf of me. Im still the Founder/Owner of KE. Put that in you dictionary. For people who think that they can do what they wishes is wrong. They way KE runs it business is different than any other company, and i want it to be that way. Even if i have to dig my own money for.that. so if anyone thinking of doing what he/she like, stop it, u giving urself a big trouble. Ehehe
Twitter Activity vs Facebook
Aving dificulty accessing my FB acc for.almost a week. Dunno what have i done wrong, but i think i am.happy with it. i done feel that i 'really' need FB to operate my daily life, although FB has become useful tool nowadays, apart from social networking. Hmm... the words networking says it all. I've been more active in twitter. Set up an account way back in 2007 and only last year again. No wonder more 'newbie' had become.more activethan me. Heehe . As for my FB account, ill try to figure it out this.coming days. Well at the time if writing i've completed 1 week without FB. Haahaha
Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Scare in Japan
On friday, a powerful earthquake hit the coast of Japan. It measure 8.9 on the richter scale and has been billed as the largest quake in record. The effect of the quake, well, tsunami. About 10m high of tsunami hits Japan and reports saying that might be almost 10k people had died.or missing. The nuclear plant at Fukushima also 'having big problem'. And reports i read stated that one of the reactor had explode, and there are radiation leakage in surrounding area. One unofficial reports stated that one of volcano mountain in Japan had exploded. to be confirm.
Wat can you see or wrap up above? Dooms Day? The making of 2012? First, condolences to the people of Japan and those.who lost one in this disaster. My prayer and thoughts are.with you. Be Strong.
I learn baout this when looking at the trending topic in twitter on my phone. I quickly went ack to the office.and inform my colleague about.ths, rush to see the news in the computer and the tsuami alarm as been rang in Japan, warningpeople that a tsuami is iminent. It was shockingly scary to see the footage from CNN, BBC and AlJazeera. the wave of tsunami hitting everything in it path. no forces could stop it. I still wondering what had.happen to the one car, who try to reverse back when the tsunami wave almost hits.the roads. God power.
Kadus Bilang:
Sia nda suka bila ada urang buat lawak budu pasal ni kejadan di Japan. Budu kerana urang dalam kesusahan, masi buli buat lawak...

Testing Post via Mobile Phone
Well, nothing much to say here. I actually testing on apps i downloaded from Android Market called Blogger-Droid. I actually posted one blog post few days ago using my iPhone but it didnt publish until now, and i remember i've press the "Publish" button, but hey, this is technology... i dont have any idea why it wont post. So rather than trying, turn to my HTC DHD and try to post using thus software... Thus post is hundred percent type from my phone using Blogger-Droid apps, the keyboard while listening to Neon Trees's Animal (love this song). Well so far so good...
There are so many function that i wish to test here. Hopefully i can get it posted on my blog, The typo error is because type too fast that i don't know what character i've typed...hehehe. Lets test this thing!
Inserted a picture. Dont know where it is placed yet as i need to post it before.i can see the placement. Some info about the.pic, it is a black & white scenario of a bus terminal in Donggongon. It was taken from our office gym...
I was actually looking for.the option where i can embbed my fav YouTube vids on, but so far fail to find.
Overall this apps is good. But i still need to keep on trying to see what i can do about it. I can see my older blog post here and it is easier to see which draft i havent post yet. Hehe. So i think thats it for now.
KaDuS Bilang:
I guess with this.apps, the will be no reason why i am so far faied update my blog. I can do this.on the go, but hey i am new to this apps, and on top, i am new to Android OS. It will be sometimes.until i can really undersand this thing. Okay, off to bed, bisuk, sia.ada class, Company Law. Hehehe. Lifting the Corporate Veil! Bah, MODOP!!!

1st Post of 2011
Hello readers! it's been a while...? while? it's been a very long time lah, easy to say. Over two months of absent. How am i going to catch up? Yeah, blame it on Facebook. hahahaha. nah, i've communicate less in FB nowadays. Only checking incoming message using my phone, and that's it. i guess time is the main issue here. I dont have that much time to write a post in this blog. Should i abandoned this blog? I don't think so. I think i should slowly catch up with the rest. Guess a lot of blogger had already abandoned their blogs and turn into FB. How fast technology change. Still remember i used to be an active chatters in MiRC and stop using it after i started using Yahoo! Messenger. After that i totally forget about MiRC. Does blogging will suffer the same fate as MiRc because of Facebook?
Talking about blogging, i remember one news (local one) headlining a news article about one food critics and a restaurant in KK. I don't think it is a things to mention the name of the blog and also the name of the restaurant involve. Well, i wouldn't risk myself to be sued just because of my posting... hehehehe. The restaurant owner is suing the blogger for a posting allegedly degrading the standard of the restaurant. I never been to the restaurant so i couldn't give my opinion on this. But i only can say that, this might be a remote cases and since the owner of the restaurant, maybe wanted to see how popular is he in the internet, he might stumble upon on Google about this article. Well it happened to me, and i have being warned. I once wrote a post about our organization annual dinner, where i say i am not really into the event where there is a dress code in it. Yeah, it is time wasting to go and find an outfit for one event. Unfortunately my boss the CEO, found the posting while searching in google the rest is history. I learned my lesson. hehehehe.
So, whatever happen to freedom of speech in Malaysia? or should i ask, is there any Freedom of Speech in Malaysia? or even the world...? Well there are... Only that it ask us to used it wisely. Does the blogger used the freedom of speech wisely when he post about the food he taste in that restaurant? For me, yes. He's expressing his opinion. Do the restaurant owner doing the right thing for suing google and the blogger over the posting? Yes, if his business is decline because of the posting. So who could we blame? Who is in the wrong here? Well, for me the only way is to practice a safe blogging. One wrong posting, then be prepare for Police to visit your doorsteps. Honestly i feel pity for the Food Blogger around the state. They might have won the best actor award, for pretending everything is good. Cheer Up pal...
Well this end my post today. Hopefully there will be more post to come... i really hope... Until then, Good Night and have a nice day... oh, I am actually waiting for the Man. Utd Match against Southampton for the FA Cup 4th round... Hopefully they can advance to the next round... Come On MAn. Utd!!! Bye!!!
KaDuS Bilang:
Teda lah bilang dulu ni kali...