Might be late, but this is me. hehehe. being busy with everything. Hahahaha.
So just want to wish Happy Chinese New Year to all the reader of this blog. This year is the year of the Snake. As for me, i was born in 1980 and bear the sign of Monkey, Steel Monkey to be exact. So what's in store for me in the year of the Snakes?
Most i read says that i will have a stable year with its ups and downs. Financially, it will be good, but i doubt that because i will be using almost all my savings on my big days. Maybe after that. hehehe.
Works/career wise, they might be a promotion, but looking at how things go at the moment, i don't think it will be this year, but i am confidence of a promotion. Maybe i just need to avoid conflicts with people near me, but not doing things such as "angkat kaki".
Nearing the big day, the zodiac says that i might not have a stable relationship... hmmm. All i read saying that Steel Monkey will be a bit lonely this year. Don't know what that means... But my overall health is good, only need to 'drive carefully' which i will and always do while on the road.
All the above I'll used it as a guidelines on how i will face the year. Never before i 100% adhere to all the advice of my Chinese Zodiac. Merely a guidelines. Try to improve where is my weakness is no 1 priority, the rest, if achieved is a bonus for me.
So, once again i would like to wish a Prosperous Chinese New Year To All readers of KaDuSViLLe.
KaDuS Bilang:
Well, this year would be the last year i can received angpows as a bachelor. Starting next year, wont be eligible anymore. So sepa2 yang rasa mo hulur angpow sama sia, selagi Chap Goh Mei blum sampai, masi buli lah tu... hahahaha... Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!!
4 months ago