Still the same.. have yet to check out other blog or website... so this is truly my own opinion and it is not based on the critics of my fellow blogger or the critics in las nite concert. Cheewah... i'm speaking...! mentang² Felix nyanyi lagu English las nite! Ahaks...
Okay, now for the opinion... Overall the concert was OK. Until at the end when Aznil announce the student who are voted out, That was Magical but irritating! Go through to each student (not accordinglly).
FELIX (Smooth)
Not his best. Maybe his worst ever. I have to admit that dis kind of song is not suitable for Felix. Dia nda buli experimence vokal dia ke tahap yang power dengan ni lagu. For me... All part except his peformance was Worst. At some part of the song, sia nda bleh dengar apa yang dia cakap. Tapi sia admit juga yang lagu ni, bukan senang mo di bawa. Kalau pasal diction, itu bleh di maafkan. Coz English song is not his strength. Tapi, one thing sia puji about Felix, He Tried to do his best!. Even peformance dia... sia rasa enjoy... Overall Felix uda cuba... tapi dis song is not suitable for him. Apapun, my vote is still for FELIX!!!
MARSHA (My Destiny)
Finally she caught my heart! From the 2nd concert, i tried to look for something magical from Marsha, and finally las nite... she prove it. The only Sabahan Sumandaks that has peform live with a musical instrument after Linda. Everything was perfect fo Marsha las nite, except for salah tekan pinano (style Aznil)... Tapi itu bleh di fahami... coz it is not easy playing a musical instrument while you are singing. Marsha Was BRILLIANT las nite. She is the best peformer of all student.
YAZER (Cinta Kilat)
People come to the stadium to see Yazer singing a Rock song, but went dissapointed. Sia risau yang Yazer akan ter"stuck" dalam satu genre lagu ja, sedangkan AF is poised to groom a versatile kind of artis. Vokal Yazer was okay coz dia nda perlu teran suara dia... Peformance overall was okay, With the help from all his fellow friends. Mawi funny lah dalam ni... Apapun... ROCK STEADY!!!!
EKIN (Warna)
Macam ada yang kureng skit dengan Ekin nie las nite. Maybe becoz of the song. Dia nda buli buat persembahan yang energatic seperti las week, where she... announce her comeback to the audience. Vokal Ekin macam ada problem sikit until sampai yang final line of the song... tidak brapa pula stabil vokalnya time dia nyanyi lagu tu. Persembahan lagu, okay.
MAWI (Memori Cinta Luka)
World!!! Ahaks... After Marsha sia rasa dia yang agak terbaik. Sia nda nampak mana silap dia ni kali, kecuali satu verse yang dia lari tempo... Satu ja. Vokal dia memang perlu improve... but dia better than las week. Feel dia memang okay. For the first time sia rasa apa yang dia cuba sampaikan.
KEFLI (Kenang Daku Dalam Doamu)
Another Asli song... and suddenly Kefli drop dramatically from Las Week peformance. dunno what happen to him las nite. Maybe ni bukan genre yang dia suka. For me not his best. Ada something wron sama peformance dia nie...
AKMA (Hati Keliru)
Akma nampak cantik sangat malam semalam... Ahaks... She's look very cute! Akma is my pick to the Final. Las nite her peformance was OKAY. Vokal pun okay sikit, coz lagu nie rancak... and her dance move phew.. breathtaking! Jas like the way she peformed. Sumarni bah nie... ahaks..
AMYLEA (Hati Ini Telah Di Lukai)
Featuring FELIX! As i said las week punya opinion, i'm Starting to like this gal. And las nite... i like her overall peformance. Coz masa Diari, sia nda tau apa happen sama dia, nda sempat tinguk. But by judging las nite punya peformance... i know (maybe) she can go Far in this music industry. She had the vocal. And inilah punca sia nda kondem Felix... coz di sini, Dia peform much better. This is the type of genre yang suitable untuk Felix... Apapun Amylea HaVe Done It Again!!!
AIDIL (Matahari) - Voted Out
Kalau sia tinguk... persembahan dia okay. Ndada silap. Vokal pun dia guna sindri... and nda ikut Amuk. Nda perlu teran.. coz ni bukan genre lagu dia. Apapun sia mimang uda expect dia akan out since dari minggu ke-3 lagi. Ada something yang sia nda brapa gemar sama dia nie... Tapi satu benda sia salute tul sama dia... HE WENT OUT WITH PRIDE and WITH A BANG!!!! Tapi cara dia tu.. buat² sakit jantung... irritating juga... Sia admit, yang sia jugak almost Fallen into the Trick. Hoh! Aznil pun sia tau Marah gilaks tu! Apapun Las nite he did okay. Kezutan dia pun okay... Ahaks... Who Else.. Bandi(Amuk)
The Critics
Adlin Aman Ramlie
He's Back! Well.. Sia admit yang dia memang sincere bagi komen... Cuma sometime sia rasa dia tlampau sincere. Not all apa yang dia cakap, bagi sia, adalah betul. Apapun komen yang dia bagi terhadap Felix, sia rasa agak pedas... Coz.. sudahlah Felix mengalami kesukaran mo nyanyi lagu English kena lai cakap yang Tarian dia Worst. Of Course lah! kalau sia pun mimang sia buat gitu... kalau lagu sia nda dapat bawa... sia akan improved tarian sia... supaya audience tetap juga terhibur! Hoh! Apapun... Kira komen dia las nite was okay!!!
Datuk Sharifah Aini
Tekejut gaban juga sia, bila dia kana announce as a Critics. Ialah cakap pasal kes di luar... nda payah cakap lah... Then tiba² i thought Siti Nurhaliza akan kluar juga... bila sia dengar Intro tu nirmala... (kezutan untuk Kefli). Datuk Sharifah Aini... pun tinguk² sambil sinyum² uda... Ahaks... Tinguk² CT Square! Wakakaka... Okay... Komen Datuk Sharifah Aini... kira okay dan tidak tlampau pedas... tapi ada satu dua komen berbentuk sindiran dari dia... Kira power juga lah!! ahaks...
Iman Wan
Komen dia smua, Okay! Sia tinguk smua komen dia sincere... bukan di sebabkan oleh pengaruh Fanatics! Overall okay... except yang dia cakap Mawi. ko ambil ja tu kreta. Ini bleh melemah kan semangat student len. Tapi sia nampak ni sindiran untuk Fanatics Mawi juga.
Simply the best.. tapi sia rasa dia tercabar juga bila Aidil buat lawak irritating dia tu. Merah muka dia... marah pun ada... tapi dia cover juga... Ahaks... Aznil kena Kezutan yang kaw kaw!!!
The Crowd
Okay pla derang nie kali... nda banyak yang sia buli komen. Masa Amylea nyanyi... time crowd sorak, Sorakan tu untuk Felix... sia tau... Okay lah...
Hmmm... Whatever it is sia enjoy las nite punya konsert. Although not the best konsert yet... but dua peformer yang buat sia rasa Enjoy. MARSHA and AMYLEA. Tapi Felix tatap numbur satu!!! At least he tried mah!!! Bah keep on AFUNDI FELIX. Visit and join FAF!TQ... ikhlas nie opinion nie...
3 months ago
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