Ni sia dapat dari kawan sia punya frenster buletin... ekekekeke. Bacalah kalau kamu paham...
* You drive at right lane of the road, with a speed of only 50
KM/H. If people horn behind you, you still don't know what's
wrong. - manada.... kalau sini mimang kana paling kurang kana horn balik, kalau tidak tatap kana tampiling trus...
* You have the luxury of working from 8 AM to 5 PM (get off
work punctually). - NO COMMENT
* You don't believe that there is any "clean" politician in
Sabah. - Ini betul... sia sukung
* You feel "obligated" to reach the top of Mount Kinabalu at
least once in a lifetime. - off coz lah... kin malu bah kalau urang Sabah tidak pernah naik Gunung Kinabalu, dalam negeri juga!
* You prefer a big car than a big house (probably you can't
drive a big house round to show off). - NO COMMENT
* You wear slipper and short wherever you go, even in city. - Besa lah tu, buat apa mo smart-smart!
* You still think that Labuan belongs to Sabah. - Sometimes!
* You will not go to any FREE seminar / function that has no
food or refreshment. - AGREE!!!
* You don't care about service. You just want things cheap,
cheap, cheap. - Yalah mo bejimat bah!!!
* You know where to get your candles and torch light quickly
in the total darkness (due to training by frequent blackout). - Kebiasaan sudah gia tu... macam kana program saja di mana mo cari...
* You know what "aramaitiee" means... - OFF COZ!!!
* You shout "referee bodoh" and at the same time throw
mineral water bottles on the pitch during a football match at
Likas Stadium.. - NOT ME
* Your Timorese maid ran away with her lover, taking your
money or jewellery along.. - Maid sia dulu sudah kawin, dia lari, teda curi apa²! ahaks... Uda juga kana tangkap... kotoh!
* You doubt someone's mykad whether it is real or fake.. - Kadang-kadang. Even sia punya sindri pun sia takut fake... manatau...
* Your favourite assemblyman whom you vote and supported
all this while... gambled away and lost a whopping 60 million
ringgit in a London casino.. - Bukan di kawasan sia!!! sana ***** tu... ekekeke
* You go inside a karaoke at 12 pm and realise that the place
is still open at 5 am... - Kebiasaan bah tu... The night is still young gia...
* You come across a supposedly local person but with a very
foreign accent.. - Jarang pula sia jumpa. lalu tu sia tau trus... ekekekeke
* You cannot vote in an election because someone has voted
on behalf of you... - Nda tau... belum pula sia pernah mengundi... ekekekeke
* You own a bakakuk tambah....- Dulu... lama sudah... tapi uda jual... nda tau mana uda tu...
* You are a Sabahan if u say and understand these words....
1) tuuuna/ saaaana - points with the lips - (there-- at a
distance)- macam sannaaaaa ranau... uiks buli tau trus bah tempat tu...
2) limpas (to pass/walk by - Maaf, saya limpas dulu? Excuse
me, can I passby? - Sia limpas dulu kio... ekekekeke
3) palui (stupid, duh! ) - jarang sia pakai ni ayat... paling² sia pakai badukang!
4. tapuk (to hide ) - kiut bah ni ayat nie...
5. bida (ugly) - itulah aat yang paling sesuai untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang kurang cantik... BIDA' oh!
6) bubut (as in proper malay- "kejar", to chase) - sempena nama burung bubut... napa tu burung kana panggil burung bubut... membubut kali...
7) sakai (ignorant, uncivilized, "hoosier") - Kebiasaan tu...
8) andang-andang (that's how it is) 0 Kebiasaan juga bah nie...
9) sapak (kasi campur/gaul -- utk masakan- or mix as in
cooking) - never heard of dis word... sipak adalah...
10) inda/tia (short form of "tidak" - not, no) - buat apa mo tulis panjang-panjang? membazir ayat ja...
11) wicin (another brand of msg as in "aji-no-moto" - a
seasoning or food enhancer) - VISIN tu kalau sana rumah...
12) talampau (proper malay - "terlampau"- too much) - smart bah... itulah unik
13) takajut (proper malay - "terkejut" - shocked, startled) - Jarang sia pakai, selalu kotigog!
14) siorang (proper malay -"kami"/ "saya - orang" - us, we) - ayat kebiasaan siorang bah nie. Jarang sia pakai kalau tulis... besa becakap jak...
15) ngam-ngam (proper malay "kebetulan" - exact, at that
time) - kasih ngam-ngam tu duit ah...
16) mangkali (proper malay "barangkali" - maybe, perhaps) - sia kalu pakai ngkali.. ilang tu ma ahaks...
17) kamarin (proper malay "kelmarin" - yesterday - ntah kenapa sia suka bahasa Sabah... Unik bah...
3 months ago
3 Responses to Truly A Sabahan
shallom marc..
uinaa..sia mimang salalu kama guna tu ayat2 yang sana list tu..dei.. kekeke..
pandai kawan ko mengkaji nie..
siuk ba kan bahasa sabah nie..banyak yang sakap direk sija.. tiak paya sakap panjang2..
cute2 laitu ;)
*fantat kalo semenanjung blang..
itu *feremfuan punia tue! ^__^
mandak cutie, kenapakah ko ber"f" "f" nie...? Trus sia teringat tu wayang P.Ramlee yang Ahmad Albab lah...
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