Finally i've got my payment for submitting a link on my blog. Thanks to Mr. Ben from UK for everything. I am new to this sort of things but i never stop trying. Although the fund was "not to be considered as much" amount, still its a good start for a newbie for me. Now who says internet is bad for you? Ahaks...
The only problem that i would be facing now is HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO GET THE MONEY??? Nowadays a lot of "internet biz-man" tend to used paypal as their system of payment. The only problem for Malaysian user is, Malaysia was not listed as a country that allow you to withdraw your fund directly to your local bank account. It is really disspointing when i really need to withdraw this money but i can't. There is a solution though that can be found easily on the net. If you want to find an e-books about how to withdraw money via Paypal or Clickbank, you can always visit Gobala Krishnan (Hopefully i spell this right) site. There is a lot information about online marketing and bussiness.
For me, i will used a method that i recently find on the net. i would give it a try first then i will post the result here. As for now... ahaks... have to wait lah. No other way... Anybody with a simplest way to withdraw this fund, please contact me... TQ!!!
3 months ago
5 Responses to My 1st Online Income!
check out macam free. i could've provided you with the affiliate link but... nvm lah.
as for the gobala krishnan book, it's available at either ebay malaysia or lelong for cheap, pirated by someone.
btw, what program did you participate in to get the income? Text Link Ads?
esay sayyy ayyy!
17usd tu bos. x 3.50= 59.50 rm. 5 settt juga oh. hehe...
ya memang nda bleh witdraw tu $$. kena2 account masih blum verified (means bleh buat transaction +/- 1000 usd ja ka klu sa nda silap).
bah... beli ja bah apa pa produk yg bleh beli online lu. atau klu dah banyak terkumpul, mkali bleh bli Digicam Online. hehe (sa punya target gak tu, itu pun klu ada yang lebih murah daripd beli di KARAmsing Complex.. :P).
anyway, all the best on yo online biz... klu si Gaman so sukses in this online biz FULLTIME (5 figure income in RM lagi tu). Kita try to beat half of his income... heheh...
hi bengodomon (weird but smart name!!!) TQ fr ur comment. ya, i actually find one way, turns out to be the simplest way from malaysiapal. TQ for the info. the program that i joined to get the income was something to do with text link ads. Some of the many "Opportunity" in the internet. I forgot oredi about the site add. but i will inform u in your blog. TQ
Allbynose, TQ. ahakss kalau ikut mimang plan mo beli apa saja yang ada di online. Tapi tgk lah... kalau dapat tu "debit card" sinang saja bah... anytime mo kasi keluar tu duit, given atm yang ada visa, maestro, cirrus machine. Ahaks..
sy ada bili juga tu buku c gobala.. method dia memang bagus.. practical.. anyway.. the best way is stil e-gold.. never fails me.. klu mo trade, i mean jual or beli e-gold d msia bleh pg site ni ~//@> , i trust this lee kok hoe guy personally..
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