Theme Song?

Going to the class, if idon't listen to this song, my day would be , well kindda incomplete. I must listen to this song everyday, because we are used to this song. Haven't listen to the song before i first heard it in our class. The song will be played by one of our friends before and after the class started. Kinnda anthem to our class. Ahaks.. It reminds me when i were still studying at primary school (still high school), we used to line up every morning and sing the National Anthem + State Anthem + School Anthem. Only today, we listen it before the calss started.
Its (the song) make our mood up! Dunno who bought it but tq playing the song everyday! Yiiha!!!
Harold, Hairie, Richard, Ibnie... (I now you'll like this song)

The Lyric
The lyrics widgets going crazy... i've deleted it.
Enjoy This Song Guys!

(some error might occurs on this lyric widgets. dunno why. i'll rectify it soon. thank you)

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2 Responses to Theme Song?

Anonymous said...

Hi Markie Marc (you have a funky bunch?), I found your blog while surfing through, not sure if you are aware of this, but we're organizing a KK Bloggers' Meet next weekend and would love for you to join us. :-)

markiekadus said...

Cute! Hahahahaha, My funky bunch has turn into funky monkey... wakakakaka
Yes, i do aware about and i do know that you were organizing a KK Bloggers' Meet! Hehehe.
TQ again for the invitation. I'll confirms as soon as posible.