Hi! A lot of you might be asking how was the dinner? For me it was really a great night! Everybody seem to be enjoying their selves that night. Me? Oh Yes!!! Although i'm taking video that night, it didn't stop me to enjoy the dinner and mingle around with all the staff, especially from the branches.
The performance was great, but i personally like our group performance. We did the warrior cry, and we did well. They might be some slack here and there, but the most important thing is we manage to give our best!!! Hope to do that again though!
Oh, my first Annual dinner, i did win a lucky draw! Not bad for a first timer eh... TQ again to SCC for the prize. I like it!
Well, today the 21st January 2008. It is the 2nd month of my 27th birthday. I'm older already. i hope to be much wiser this year... hehehe. Today also i should be celebrating something that would make my life even more complete. But i didn't happen that way. It's okay... I'm currently enjoying my life at the moment. Although i really wish i have "it" but never mind. That time will come, sooner or later. Right now, i want to concentrate my life and look foward to the future! YEAH!!!
Archive for January 2008
Today is 21st Of January 2008

All Geared Up!
The SCC Annual dinner is few hours to go (at this time of writing). I am really fired up to perform at the event. The Warrior Dance (what we called it). should be no problem because i've got all the move right in our last practice. And guess what, i mastered the basic poco-poco dance! Hehehehe... We will be performing the poco-poco dance with a little improvisation. Thank to our GM, and guess what again i like it! Hehehehe... Can't wait for it!
We'll be updating this!

Pakai baju batik setiap Khamis
Oleh Abdul Razak Raaff dan Haika Khazi
Arahan KSN akan diedar kepada setiap jabatan
PUTRAJAYA: Mulai minggu ini semua kakitangan awam lelaki perlu memakai baju batik buatan Malaysia pada setiap Khamis dan bukan lagi pada hari pertama dan ke-15 setiap bulan.
Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN) Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, berkata pekeliling penguatkuasaan peraturan itu sudah ditandatangani Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam, Tan Sri Ismail Adam dan akan dihantar ke semua jabatan kerajaan secepat mungkin.
Pemakaian baju batik oleh pegawai perkhidmatan awam pada hari pertama dan ke-15 setiap bulan diperkenalkan pada 30 Jun 2005.
Mohd Sidek berkata, keputusan itu bagi menyokong perkembangan dan pembangunan industri batik yang menjadi warisan dan identiti negara.
"Pemakaian batik oleh kakitangan awam terutama batik Malaysia dapat meningkatkan permintaan batik Malaysia dan membangunkan perusahaan batik tempatan," katanya, kepada pemberita, di sini, semalam.
Terdahulu, beliau merasmikan Seminar Penilaian Keberkesanan Pelaksanaan Inisiatif Baru Mempertingkatkan Penyampaian Perkhidmatan Kerajaan Penambahbaikan Urusan Cadangan Pemajuan serta Penyelenggaraan dan Pengurusan Hartanah di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya (PICC).
Arahan pemakaian batik setiap Khamis itu diumumkan menerusi Surat Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bilangan 1 Tahun 2008 yang disiarkan di laman rasmi Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), semalam.
Bagaimanapun, arahan itu tidak terpakai kepada pegawai kerajaan yang dibekalkan pakaian seragam, pegawai yang menghadiri acara rasmi seperti persidangan antarabangsa atau perjumpaan dengan pelawat asing atau majlis yang menetapkan pemakaian pakaian lain.
KaDuS Bilang:
Well, its good actually. It's a promotions for all Malaysian to appreciate the local batik industry. Here at SCC, we've been wearing batik for every 1st and 15th of every month. Now they (the goverment) change it to every thursday. hehehehe. Me? i never wear batiks before. would love to try it... hehehehe...
Oh, about the annual SCC dinner. I've got an outfit for me. really Gearing up for the dinner. Can't wait to perform in the Haka Dance! Yeah!!! I hope i can do it, as this is my first time and i like CHALLENGES!!! Wanna prove people wrong here.. whoever lah... Okay... i'll update again later...

the runs up
I really can't dance... even the haka dance. hahaha... my body is not though enough for this kind of dance. Why ah? Maybe i'm not born to be as a dancer... Nah... This is one of the performance that my group has to do on the dinner night this saturday. As i said earlier, this is my first annual dinner as a staff, so whatever it is i have to join the dance... :(
Hmm... how will i look like? Terible... later i'll post some picture... if got any lah hehehe. Below are the real haka dance from the new zealand all black! Enjoy!
Wish we could do that!

Sabah Credit Annual Dinner -part 1-
This Saturday, i will be going to my first ever SCC
(Sabah Credit Corporation) annual dinner, to be held at Sutera Habour. I'm not
really in to this kind of event to be frank. Why? it is because of the outfit!
I'm not sure what to wear for this event. There is a theme for this dinner
actually. A dress code to be exact. Black, White & Silver. so far, every dinner event i went was as photographer, event coordinator or as a dj, but that was my problem actually. I don't have any of these
shirts!!! Hehehehe.. As i say earlier, i'm not really into this kind of event, so i
don't shop much for dinner outfit. hehehe.. I will try to find it within this
week... arrrgghhh.. i hope that i would have enough choices of clothes for next
year event
But, i will be doing a dance!!! But not any kind of dance! Not the Line Dance, Poco-poco, Cha-cha... no... not that. Would you believe me if i say that i will be doing a HAKA DANCE??? Hehehehehe... Haka Dance made famous by the New Zealand All Black Rugby Team. That What we will be performing! This is SCC Version according to my colleague Jerome, who is my group member and also the choreographer for the Dance. Some of you might ask, what on earth am i doing? Nah... i love challenge! I know i can't do that in a week time, but it worth a try. I will go for it. For all SCC staff who are reading this blog, be prepare to see the "lawak" from me... hahahaha...
KaDuS Bilang:Hmmm... If only my body besar sikit... then nampak cantik... i hope that time tu, nda lah kana suru buka baju untuk perform... bikin malu beh... bagus kalau cantik body... tulang jak... wakakakakaka... Bah... will update with this later... kalau ada pic, will put it in... wekekekeke

Funny Song... Tapi Deep Meaning
Ingat tak lagi janji kita dulu aspalela
Kau dan aku akan bersama
Sampai ke hari tua
Tapi sayang janji itu dirampas orang ketiga
Oh aspalela jangan buat ku kecewa
Sampai hati kau pergi kepadanya
Makan hatiku bila kau berkata
Patah hati dengan hubungan kita
Hancur hatiku aspalela
Terpisah kerna terpaksa
Akur desakan keluarga
Ku sedar bukan kehendakmu
Tapi apakan daya
Adakah lagi harapan untuk kita bersama
Oh aspalela apa syarat pun ku terima
Oh lelalelalela lelalelalela
Oh lelalelalela lelalelalela
Ooo adakah lagi peluang untuk kita bersama
Ooo aspalela jangan tinggalkan ku sayang
Lelalelalela lelalelalela
Lelalelalela lelalelalela
Lelalelalela lelalelalela
P/S: Best juga lah dis song... Really upbeat. Saiful Apek, famously known as a comedian but also a singer too. Thumbs up to him... Great song also by KRU.

It's good eh... wakakakaka.. You might be thinking that i was sacked from my job. Hahahaha... No lah. It was a game. A Football Manager Game. (Soccer for US people) As stated in my previous post, i've become addicted to this game since 1999. At that time they called it Championship Manager. But due to some "i don't want to know" things happen beetween the publisher and creator of the game (Eidos & Sport Interactive) they split up. Eidos will have the rights to retain the Championship Manager name while Sport Interactive will take all the original source code of the game to create a new game call Football Manager. Hmmm... I played both actually. The Championship Manager 2008 and the Football Manager 2008. Which one is better?
It is still early to tell which one is better. CM and FM both have the advantage and disadvantage. CM for me is a new game, although it bear the original name. It have a "close-to-3D" match engine (the same in CM03/04 2D match engine) and i am a bit confuse with the Prozone tools, where it is supposed to tell you which player performed better or not. As for FM, since it use the original source code, there isn't much diffrent, except for some area of the game, such as the Team Talk. One thing i really like about FM was i can praise other player (although they will respon negatively sometimes). I can also play a "mind game" with other manager with hope that it will affect the player. Hehehehe.. Remember, Sir alex Ferguson Mind game with Arsene Wenger and Jose Mourinho. I will tell more about this later lah...
I was Sacked??? Hahaha... I become the Manager or Sabah, my state team (They also have Malaysian LEague in FM08. TQ SI). My early season expectation was to challenge for promotion to the Super League (Sabah were in the Premier League). My long term expectation was to Challenge for the Premier League title. season start convincingly, guess. I retain almost all player i can from the league. The only trouble i encounter was when you want to sign a foreign player, especially from european country. I only manage to sign two foreign youngster. Melky from indonesia and Sagna from Cameroon. Both are defender. My centre back, Dalibor Dragic, was 36 years old! So i need a cover. Other foreign player was Dumisa Ngobe, Paulos Shipanga, Chales Obi and Junior.
Okay back to Sabah. I actually gained promotion to the Super League when i finished 1st in the Prem, won the Malaysia Cup for the first time, beating another surprise team, MyTeam. Life in the top flight wasn't easy. I do manage to clinched 2nd place (runners up to Kedah). Reach the Malaysia Cup Quater Final. The only failure was the FA Cup Competition. Both season, only manage to reach 3rd Round.
Checking on the news, the Sabah FA board is rumoured not to renew my contract! What, after what i did to the team, they want to dismissed me? Hahahahaha. I was teamless when the new season start. Still trying to find other team though, hopefully offered as a National Coach! Wajakakakaka. Nah...
Gettin bored... well, sorry... this is the game that i was addicted now. Start a new game, and Currently managing Feyenoord (i miss the european Champions League). Finished 2nd in my debut season, win the Dutch Cup (beating Ajax 2-1) and gaining places for ECC. Magical or what? Oh and i have the goal machine in my team. Roy Makaay. He was superb. Top scorer in the Dutch League with 23 goals. I hope i will not sacked coz, i really want to play in the champions league with other team apart from Man. Utd. Okay will update with my screenshot from the game.

Goodbye Forever 2007! 2008 Here I Come!!!
I,m back for the first time since 2007. Hehehe... like it's been years since i'm gone. Nahh.. forget it. If i was ask to give a sentence to describe my 2007, the Word will be "WHAT A YEAR!!!". 2007 for me has been full of ups and down (in my case a lots of downs). No real highlight for me. The only things that i learned this year was, There is no Success if there is No Struggle. Here's some not so important milestone from 2007 years for me.
- Manchester United won back the Premiership title for the first time in 4 years. (and they beat Liverpool again this year at Anfield)
- I've become a certified Microsoft Professional and a certified Linux Professional (TQ to SSTC, MOST and Alex Ku also Will, Nadia, Andrew and Kak Nuridah)
- I'm in the SAME Magazine Editorial Team (thanks to Janry)
- Having my own columns at SAME Magazine (also thanks to Janry and SAME Team)
- I've learned to take picture using SLR camera (thanks to gogds)
- Completed the recording process of my songs at RTM and the songs was played on air (although only one time Credits to Sugali, D'Sunset Blues, Michael & Mary)
- Done my practical training at Sabah Credit Corp. Design the Email logo for SCC webmail.
- For the first time i've gained FULL ACCESS to entered almost all AREA of KDCA at the State Level Kaamatan Celebration.
- Back to my PC repairing/servicing biz after few years of absent.
- Found a lot of new friends.
- Sang "ITU KAMU" by Estranged at my friends wedding (hehehehehe... Though Song for me)
- Played Football Manager 08 game for the first time. Guided Manchester United to a Double (Premier League & F.A. Cup) Success. Guided Sabah to promotion from the Malaysian Super League and Won the Malaysia Cup and still running strong at Malaysia Super League. ALL WITHOUT CHEATING! i.e trainer, editor.
- My favorite singer and Friends Danny F. Malinggi finally released his much AWAITED/ANTICIPATED first solo Album! (Congrats DFM...)
- ... and a lot more (not so important)
Although it seems that i've achieved almost all that i wanted or dreamed off, there are a lot of failure. My biggest failure was when i still failed to get a full time job. Most of the job i got was either part time, contract or self-employed. Then there is people who looks down on me when this situation occurs. Been in this situation since i learned to manage my own life and finance. Its really hard to convince people what you are capable when you have nothing to proved (according to these people lah...). Then there's come my financial problem. Although it was better than 2006, still failed to get the things that i really wanted. Some family problem that make 2007 a challenging years for me. And to wrapped up my disappointing years, was when i was dumped by my gf. But it was a mutual consent actually. Nothing "big" happened. At first it was bitter to swallow but having thought of it for few days... well i have to accept it, with an open arms and open heart. Someone says this" Cinta Semestinya Memiliki..." and Stevie B. Sang this lyrics once in his song (which happen to be one of my all time favourite, When I Dream About You) "When You Love Someone, You Have To Learn To Let Them Go" Hehehehehehe...
What A year!!! Can i say more? As i say earlier my achievement was overshadowed by my disappointments and failure. Don't wanna blame anybody but would like to say Thanks for letting me to learn how to face the ever challenging days upon me. 2008 will be the year for me to try and changed all my bad lucks. I am not really superstitious person, but already some people predict that i will have a far more challenging years ahead of me in 2008. I am determined to change that. I know there might be some people who love to see me fall but i will try to proved them wrong. I'll let them see me fall awkwardly in 2007 and it will not be repeated (i hope... hehehehe).
Finally, I would like to say few words here...
- All the reader, visitor of my blog. Thank You for always visiting, giving comment and playing my sudoku widgets. Hahahaha.. You know who you are...
- To my 1997 batch (form 5), sorry, we failed to organized our 10th anniversary since leaving high school. I know we've been busy ... Hope to make it happen this year!
- To gogds: TQ for letting me to learn (also used ur camera) the photograph taking technique and be patient to teach me. TEACH ME MORE BOSS!!! Hehehehehe
- To Janry: Bro: TQ for giving me a chance to become the Editorial Team for The SAME Magazine! I will strive harder to show that you've made a right choice for including me in the Team. and TQ for the Column! Hehehehehe... Ok Bah Kalau Ko...
- USAL & DFM: Bro, You ROCKS!!! TQ for all the advice you've given me on the singing technique. Nahuuuuu....
- My Sista' Yan: Sis... TQ for being there always for me. 2007 was a hard year and you were there since day 1! how could i thank you???
- To YOU, The one i'd LOVED before: TQ for the 1 and the half year of maturing relationship. You changed me a lot. From nobody to somebody. TQ for all your prayer towards me, and i know it was Fulfilled by God! Sorry for all the hurts, embarrassments & wrong doing that i bought upon you and your family. May God Bless You and your journey towards what you've been dreaming off!
- To all my friends: Happy New Years! You are all my friends till the day i die! Sorry can't mention you all, coz it wont fit this page... so i've treated you equal... hehehehehe...
Hmmm... like giving speech! hahahahaha... Nah... this is the way i like... So to all... Enjoy your New Year. Sorry for Everthing.. May God Bless You all to face 2008!!!
Peace and God Bless
Markie Marc Mojitoh a.k.a. markiekadus