Currently Listening To: Kerispatih - Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu

Ya... ya... i know... Lambat uda kan... Wekekekeke... But i don't care... Just want to share you another song that really touch my heart. Cheh... jiwang tu....

Another great song (for me) by Kerispatih, an Indonesian Band, famous with Tapi Bukan Aku and Mengenangmu. I owez sang Tapi Bukan Aku whenever i go to Pusakag Cafe while George loves Mengenangmu. Wekekekeke

This time around, i would like to share you another Kerispatih's song in their 2008 album, Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu, which also is the title of the album.

Below are the lyric of this song. Hayati kaka... wekekekeke

Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu.

Seputih cinta ini
Ingin kulukiskan di dasar hatiku
Kesetiaan janjiku
Untuk pertahankan kasihku padamu

Bukalah mata hati
Ku masih cumbui bayang dirimu di dalam mimpi
Yang mungkin takkan pernah
Membawamu di genggammu

Dirimu di hatiku
Tak lekang oleh waktu
Meski kau bukan milikku
Intan permata yang tak pudar
Tetap bersinar
Mengusik kesepian jiwaku

Ku coba memahami
Bimbangnya nurani
Tuk pastikan semua
Tak akan kuingkari
Terlalu banyak cinta yang mengisi datang dan pergi
Namun tak pernah bisa
Lenyapkanmu di benakku

If you want to ask the meaning of this song's lyrics, you have to listen to dis song and try to mendalami tu lirik. Lain urang-lain dia pinya pemahaman. I have my own reason for this song and it is strong! Wekekekekeke... Even the videoclip does not represent my feeling, so i guess it's up to the person who listen to this song lah...

Oh... ada dua vclip for this song. Both with SAME opening and the jalan crita, but different ending. Two different ending for the same girl... Dua-dua menyakitkan ati lah... and cukup parah...

CLIP 1 (Insane)

Clip 2 (Suicide)

So, which one do you think is the most tragic ends??? Insane or Suicide?

This is love. When we fall in love with someone, we tend to do everything and anything just to be with the one we love. This is sacrifice... Although some people might say, ni kerja budu. Ada benar juga lah... Tapi sometime, when we have done all this, nda pula kana appreciate and punyalah main senang mo kasi lepas after everything they have done. Kesian... But do they care??? Do They? I raised my case since sia pun nda tau apa yang sia cakap.. .wekekekeke

KaDuS Bilang:
Tu ari urang bilang sia jiwang betul bila dengar ni lagu... nah... nda lah... i'm a big fan of indo-band. Their songs really inspires me. Not all lah, certain song. Some kena dengan cerita hidup nie... wekekeke... Well that's life lah nama dia...

Okay... Will update on KE Next Top Entertainer: The Grand Final soon! Sabar kamurang.

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2 Responses to Currently Listening To: Kerispatih - Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu

Anonymous said...

Punya susah sa mau carikau punya comment button..LOL!!

Anyway,the two vids didnt do much for me..but maybe the song and the lyrics :)

markiekadus said...

emelda -> wekekeke... actually, sia pun nda sure mana tu comment button mula-mula... wakakakaka

Ahaks... that why i saud, lain urang, lain pemahaman dia... the lyrics was strong for me...