"Why insult Sabah? What has the state of Sabah done wrong to you? Do you have any problem with us?"
This is some of the question i might ask to the SOB kid tha has been insulting The state of Sabah although indirectly. Hmm... Using a social networking website such as Facebook to "express opinion" towards one states was a silly things to do. Everybody can see that. Mind as well he wrote a special column in the national newspaper about what he dislike about Sabah.
This happened few days ago when i saw a screenshot of a comment written in the Facebook wall of one Luca Lukas. Dunno whether this is a real person or just a hantu lah. Don't even dare to put his real location, real picture.. Cowards. I guess most of my FB friends has seen that comment and to be frank it's hurts just to read it... Ini kah yg derang mo kasi bangga tu konsep 1 Malaysia? Hmmm... Guess this guy don't even know how many states there are in Malaysia. Although you are not directly insulting Sabah, but your intention is that you are insulting Sabah... Bodoh Btul.
To compare Sabah with another 'developed' states is a stupid things to do. Every states in Malaysia ada kelebihan and kelemahan. You want to compare the advantage with the disadvantages? adei... kenapalah ko ni budu btul...? Kenapa lah Sabah cuma ada Gunung Kinabalu yg buli dibanggakan? At least our Gunung is rated as one of the toughest mountain to climb in the world. It has brought Malaysia name as one of the Top tourist destination in the world. Same goes to Pulau Sipadan. Kalau ko pikir bagus2, we have contributed some of Malaysia economics via tourism. Sama juga macam negeri lain. So smua ada peranan bah. Yg ko nda puas ati kenapa? What is your contribution towards your country? States? Or even your community? Oh, maybe you are as proud by your contribution as a foul mouth SOB, who don't even know anything. Sia rasakan, kalau teda sumbangan ekonomi dari negeri Sabah dan negeri lain2 di Malaysia ni, blum tentu ko dapat guna Facebook or even surf the internet. Hahahaha...
Talk about illegal immigrant, okay, i do admit, mmg berlambak lah di sini. But pikir balik little boy... Do you think that ur place is 100% clear of all this illegal immigrant problem? So tinguk ko pinya persekitaran sebelum ko cuba mo critics pasal tempat urang... Blajar cermin diri sindri sebelum ko mo komen urang len...
About kakitangan kerajaan dari semenanjung yg kerja di sini... I guess ko mimang nda tau apa2 pasal kerajaan Malaysia... Ko tentu nda tau yg derang pigi bertugas di sini bukan atas permintaan derang, tapi atas arahan kerajaan yg berpusat di ibu negara, KUALA LUMPUR. ko tau ka di mana KL? I guess u don't know, sebab tu lah ko cakap macam tu kan. Go back to school u idiot... Ambil Pengajian Malaysia or Pengajian AM. Jan lupa ambil Pengajian Moral. It can help u in the long run... Trust me...
Banyak lai daa yg sia mo tulis, but i don't want to be labeled as racist. Luca Lukas, seriusly talking u have what it takes to be the number one racist in the Malaysia... Ada sudah ciri-ciri ko tu. Kalau sia kasi post what u've said in ur FB wall sini, maybe api kemarahan urang Sabah akan lebih meningkat. So better jangan... Ko pikr ja lah sindri... Keep your mouth running and be ready for a lot of police reports being made towards you... When it happened i'll be one of many people to laugh...So Luca Lukas, or whatever this SOB name is, Grow Up! Please...
End of opinion... Hahahaha
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3 months ago
One Response to Why Insult My State, Sabah?
Wui btul punya marah Ah mark.. Kerana ko marah semua harta ko sy punya kakakakakaka.. Steady ko kwn
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