Yep... the post title's tells everything. I still here... Well alive and still active... in the outside world lah... in this blog, I still having a hard time to to update this...
Nanti2 sajalah...
Archive for 2013
Im Still here... Well alive...

Thank You SIR ALEX! Welcome To Manchester DAVID MOYES
In a Season where Man. Utd won the EPL by major points, United fans all over the world were shocked to hear that Sir Alex Ferguson announced his retirement from managing Man. Utd on 8th May 2013. I was shocked. Sia tidak sangka Sir Alex will announce his retirements. I thought he will be immortal, he will managed Man. Utd forever. I thought he will 'never' retired. For me He is Man. Utd! But when i learned that Sir Alex said he had made the decisions since Dec 2012 i had to admit that he had done his best to to get where Man. Utd are now, he in fact succeeded.
I grew up supporting Man. Utd, no other team. I started watching them in 1990, 4 years after SAF took over. I decided that this team will be my team 2 years later. My favorite player that time was Bryan Robson, after it Ryan Giggs until now. 23 years, i witness SAF developing player after player. Some great signing, some not, but majority of his signing had excel in Man. Utd shirts. From Eric Cantona to Mark Hughes, Ince, Steve Bruce, Andrei Kanchelskis, Solkjaer, Cole, Yorke & Sheringham. I never imagine Kleberson and Juan Sebastian Veron wore the Man Utd before. Who could have forgotten the Fergie's Fledglings that responsible for the 'Treble' in 1998-99 season. Developing David Beckham to a world class player, the same way he did to Cristiano Ronaldo. Phew... that's a lot. That's why i said, Manchester United is Sir Alex Ferguson. I've lost words...
I will have to get use to not seeing Sir Alex Ferguson in the stands at Old Trafford or any Stadium in the world.I will miss SAF chewing his bubble gum from start whistle till the end, his face turns red when he is piss-off with the performance of his team, the commentator saying about the 'hairdryer' treatment if the team were behind, keep looking at his watch when the game is at injury time (especially when his team had a slim lead) and the way he argue with the fourth official. I will miss that! Well,
SAF will remain at the club as a directors and ambassador. I know he
will not ends there. I will hear news about him... i just knew it.
For this i would like to say Thank You Sir Alex! I am proud to support Manchester United because of you!
Welcome David Moyes. When everybody was expecting it will be 'The Special One' Jose Mourinho is about to replaced SAF, Man. Utd announced that it will be David Moyes, i believe after an endorsement from SAF himself. Not to disrespect Mourinho, i think SAF was looking for someone who could develops young player and turn them into world class player, just like what SAF did in his 26 years at Man. Utd. Maybe Moyes is NO SAF or Mourinho. Moyes is Moyes and i believe he will delivers. He might struggle early but believe me, SAF was almost sack in 1990, but look what he did to Man. Utd. Give Moyes time. I also might felt akward seeing it is not SAF coming out from the tunnel but a different manager, but i know i will get used to it...
So Welcome To Manchester David Moyes, The New Manager of Manchester United!!!
KaDuS Bilang:
Kehilangan besar dalam bola sepak. Thank You Sir Alex...

Happy Mother's Day
To All Mothers,
Happy Mother's Day! Especially to my mum, who made it possible for me to live in this world...
Thank You Mum!!!

Gong Xi Fa Chai! Happy Chinese New Year All
Might be late, but this is me. hehehe. being busy with everything. Hahahaha.
So just want to wish Happy Chinese New Year to all the reader of this blog. This year is the year of the Snake. As for me, i was born in 1980 and bear the sign of Monkey, Steel Monkey to be exact. So what's in store for me in the year of the Snakes?
Most i read says that i will have a stable year with its ups and downs. Financially, it will be good, but i doubt that because i will be using almost all my savings on my big days. Maybe after that. hehehe.
Works/career wise, they might be a promotion, but looking at how things go at the moment, i don't think it will be this year, but i am confidence of a promotion. Maybe i just need to avoid conflicts with people near me, but not doing things such as "angkat kaki".
Nearing the big day, the zodiac says that i might not have a stable relationship... hmmm. All i read saying that Steel Monkey will be a bit lonely this year. Don't know what that means... But my overall health is good, only need to 'drive carefully' which i will and always do while on the road.
All the above I'll used it as a guidelines on how i will face the year. Never before i 100% adhere to all the advice of my Chinese Zodiac. Merely a guidelines. Try to improve where is my weakness is no 1 priority, the rest, if achieved is a bonus for me.
So, once again i would like to wish a Prosperous Chinese New Year To All readers of KaDuSViLLe.
KaDuS Bilang:
Well, this year would be the last year i can received angpows as a bachelor. Starting next year, wont be eligible anymore. So sepa2 yang rasa mo hulur angpow sama sia, selagi Chap Goh Mei blum sampai, masi buli lah tu... hahahaha... Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!!

Currently Listening To: Cakra Khan - Harus Terpisah
Enjoy, A song by Indonesian Cakra Khan. looking at his name, people might says that he is from India or Pakistan, but he is Indonesian. Not sure if he is related to any Indian's Khan or he is an Indians descendants.
According to Indonesian Wikipedia he was born in Pangandaran, Indonesia on 27 Feb 1992. Harus Terpisah is his first ever single. Enjoy the lyrics and the music video from You Tube.
Harus Terpisah
Cakra Khan
Merenungkan jalan yang kan membawaku pergi
Pergi tuk menjauh, menjauh darimu
Darimu yang mulai berhenti, berhenti mencoba
Mencoba bertahan, bertahan untuk terus bersamaku
Ku berduka, kau bahagia, ku pergi, kau kembali
Ku coba meraih mimpi, kau coba tuk hentikan mimpi
Memang kita takkan menyatu
Bayangkan bayangkan ku hilang, hilang tak kembali
Kembali untuk mempertanyakan lagi cinta
Cintamu yang mungkin, mungkin tak berarti
Berarti untukku rindukan
Ku berlari, kau terdiam, ku menangis, kau tersenyum
Ku berduka, kau bahagia, ku pergi, kau kembali
Ku coba meraih mimpi, kau coba tuk hentikan mimpi
Memang kita takkan menyatu
Kini harusnya kita coba saling melupakan
Lupakan kita pernah bersama
Ku berlari, kau terdiam, ku menangis, kau tersenyum
Ku berduka, kau bahagia, ku pergi, kau kembali
Ku coba meraih mimpi, kau coba tuk hentikan mimpi
Memang kita takkan menyatu
Well i love this song. It's not just because the lyrics, but i love this song mainly because of the melody. Well enjoy!

Silent Riot - Rusuhan Tersembunyi (History Sabah)
I was 6 years old that time, and was in Kindergarten school at St. Francis Convent, Kindergarten. According to my mother, because of this event, my grandmother was very scared and have ask my mum, not to send me to KK school anymore, because she feared things like this could happen again. As a result, i further my primary education at Penampang until i completed my secondary education.
This will remain part of Sabah history. Please share to all Sabahan.
Director: Nadira Ilana
Link At: KOMASVIDEO YouTube Channel
KaDuS Bilang:
Kalau kamu cakap tempat lain bahaya, you never come to Sabah. Walaupun this has been 26 years, the memory still lies in people's mind, including me...
God Bless Sabah!

Guessing Game: Malaysia's 13th General Election
Since 2011, byk sudah kana cakap pasal ni. GE13 or PRU13. Everybody was talking about this, be it at the coffee shop, offices, home, and almost everywhere. Sekarang lagi la. Di mana2 saja jumpa pasti akan cakap pasal nie. Most story sia dangar, misti pasal politik, misti pasal pilihanraya. Dia nda kira kaum, agama, umur (yg qualified mengundila) smua pun membicarakan bila tarikh PRU 13. Kalau nda silap, last PRU was held on March 2008. Kalau ikut perlembagaan Malaysia, 1 Term is equivalent to 5 years. Kalau ikut lagi, bulan 3 ni genapla 5 Tahun the current govt bearing office. As far as i know, the parliament akan terbubar secara otomatik apabila itu term sudah habis. So mo tidak mo, the GENERAL ELECTION WILL BE HELD tahun ini juga, 2013.
As said before, since 2011, ramai sudah yang bercerita pasal ni election. Sia tinguk smua parti politik pun all geared up. Derang ready since 2011 lai, since drg jangka yg the election will be held on 2012. Tapi nda juga. Dunno why nda jadi. Maybe ada beberapa isu yg menyebabkan election nda jadi time tu. Sepanjang 2012, there a lot of events unfold and some of it might be the 'key' to Malaysia next General Election. What it is, i guess everybody would have knew about it, so no need for me to say more.
Normal question is being asked by friends around Sabah. "Who will you vote?" Well i cant say at the moment. If the last election i am FIRM with my votes, this time around i am more a fence-sitter. As said before, a lot of events unfold in 2012 with some of it will be the keys for this coming GE. So to answer the question of who will i vote, i will have to say "tunggu dan lihat". I'm taking that approach so that i can evaluate ALL parties move before i made the next move. Some might say that mine is only one vote, and would not make much different in the voting process. My answer is simple. Although i am not as important as many out there, my one vote will be very crucial for all party. My one vote will become a key vote, if there is a draw, tapi mungkin nda la.. Hehehe. But i still say my votes is important as other's.
So, who will we votes will depend on many factors. I can only say that our vote will be very crucial. Thank you
KaDuS Bilang:
Sia declare diri sia sebagai ATAS PAGAR. Selagi sia nda nampak manifesto, selagi tu sia nda akan tau which side i should be. Until that, kita tunggu dan lihat... Jan ja election kana time sia pnya trip... Hehehehe...

Problems on New MyVi Steering
On Thursday, my friend inform me about a news from the mainstream TV. Since nowadays, i rarely watch news at mainstream TV (because of too much politics) i don't know about the news. It was inform that all the new MyVi will have to go for a 'special' service to replace a problematic EPS (Electronic Power Steering).
Following is the official press release from Perodua regarding the practise. This press release is copied from Perodua Official Web site (
Perodua initiates Preventive Measure Campaign for New Myvi
Rawang, 16 Jan: Perodua is initiating a Preventive Measure Campaign call for its 74,000 New Myvi variants produced between March 2011 and March 2012 to replace the Electronic Power Steering (EPS) column of the model.
The exercise is to ensure that owners of the New Myvi enjoy optimum performance of their vehicle.
“We apologise for the inconvenience caused to our customers but this campaign is necessary as the car’s performance may not be at its best and could partially compromise the driver’s response time at low speeds,” Perodua Managing Director, Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said.
He said that based on studies conducted by Perodua, the problem could be detected when the EPS indicator is alight, after which, the driver could feel a slight heaviness at speeds of between 30km/h and 40km/h.
This can be temporarily fixed by switching off the engine and restarting the car.
“However, for a permanent fix and to eliminate any possibility of risk to our customers, we kindly request that an appointment to be made at any of our 170 service centres nationwide for the replacement of the EPS column,” He added.
The car company has already issued notification letters to the affected customers.
Aminar said that after making an appointment at the most convenient service centre, a customer will be given a briefing on the replacement of the EPS column. The exercise will take approximately 80 minutes.
“Perodua will absorb all costs for the replacement of the EPS column; in addition, priority will be given to those affected because here at Perodua, You Matter Most,” he said.
“The campaign time frame is open ended; that being said we encourage our customers to make their appointments as soon as it is convenient for them to ensure that the replacement can be done orderly and smoothly,” Aminar said.
As a one of the many user of the new MyVi, initially i did not notice any problem until one day last year i was driving i notice sounds coming from the steering every time i make a turns. Sometime i also notice my steering became a bit lighter on turn. When i saw this press release by Perodua, i did not see any mention of what the variant of the new MyVi. It could be The New Myvi, Elegence, SE or Extreme (1.5). I dont know whether this problem is connected with the recent press release.
Being advised by friends to go and check at Perodua Centre, just in case. Will wait for my niece to get back to work before she can confirm whether my car is included or not. Untuk keselamatan, mo juga pigi check lah...
KaDuS Bilang:
Paling bahaya kalau driving jauh, palis palis lah, mo juga check ni kalau sia pun involve.

Malaysia rise up! 112
Now, 3:12pm, i know at Stadium Merdeka, almost 100k people of all ages, race and religion gather for the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat HKR. I really hope that they will be no problem to my fellow Malaysian. They are voicing what they felt, and the sincerity shows. They just want a 'clean' Malaysia.
Be safe fellow Malaysian. My prayers goes to all of you out there!
Sekarang, 3:18pm, sia rasa di Stadium Merdeka, mo dakat 100k (mungkin lebih sudah) orang dari berbagai agama, bangsa dan umur bekumpur untuk menyertai Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR). Sia harap ndada apa2 yg serius berlaku, sebab sia tau ini ialah perhimpunan aman. Rakyat mau menyuarakan permintaan derang. Derang mo kasi tau apa yang derang rasa sama kerajaan. Derang mau Malaysia menjadi negara yg 'bersih'!
Sia harap rakyat Malaysia selamat disana. Doa dari sia menemani kamu semua!
Pic: Hotlink from Eyesdotcom blog
KaDuS Bilang:
Di KK pun ada, cuma mo closing account di opis, jadi sia nda dapat join. This will continue sampai satu minggu. Hehehe. All The best!!!

Currently Listening To: Fabian William - Id Pagandadan
Hallo all, Happy New Year 2013. Hopefully you all have a GREAT New Year Celebration with whoever you are, be it your family, friends, love one or alone. Whatever it is, i hope you all have a blast. Have you set your resolution? What your aim for 2013? I guess it gonna be an exciting one rite. Wish you all the best, achieving it. No matter how high the challenge is, please stay put... You never know what in store for you, by accepting the challenge.
Okay, as for my first post of 2013, i l dont have much to write. Teda idea bah ni... But semangst utnuk mo terus blogging membuat kan sia bepikir, its better for me to share a lyric by one of Sabah local talent. Fabian William, a guy from Kg. Maukab Ranau (kalau nda silap), with his, hit song Id Pagandadan. Siok ni lagu... Here,s the lyrics
Fabian William - Id Pagandadan
Au po natagak ih kalangadanku,
Sundung no baino au kito mi'iso,
Id tinipiku okito ku ika,
Mamanau sumoborong tumongkiad...
Gisom no daa do baino,
Au po nokosimban,
Tupus om langad hiti ginawoku,
Sokiro daa gumuli,
Tadau di nawayaan,
Au ku daa tumongkiad dika...
Pinologos ku ika minibok,
Miampai suang ginawoku mandad,
Nung insan tadau koguli ko kawagu,
Kada oku pologoso magandad id kotuongon,
Guli no om babango koposionku,
Insan poh...
Powoyoon kud tongus,
Pason langad ku id dika,
Simbaro oku maya,
Dilo rasam....
Au po natagak ie kalangadanku,
Sundung no baino au kito mi'iso,
Nga guli no
Nga guli no..
KaDuS Bilang:
Nanti sa upload video link dia. Kalau nda dot tunggu, you may always browse You Tube and search for Fabian William - Id Pagandadan. Jan tanya sia pasal mp3 or video to be emailed to you. Please Buy The Original, Support our Local Artist. Kalau jauh dari Sabah you can always ask your friend to courier it to you. Sia pun buli tulung... More than willing lagi. Hehehe. Bah enjoy