Silent Riot - Rusuhan Tersembunyi (History Sabah)

A great video by Nadira Ilana regarding the 1986 Riot. It give the details on how the riot happened, what caused it and who was behind it. This video maybe has given a clue of how some of the illegal immigrant entered Sabah. This was the darkest day of Sabah after independent. 

I was 6 years old that time, and was in Kindergarten school at St. Francis Convent, Kindergarten. According to my mother, because of this event, my grandmother was very scared and have ask my mum, not to send me to KK school anymore, because she feared things like this could happen again. As a result, i further my primary education at Penampang until i completed my secondary education.

This will remain part of Sabah history. Please share to all Sabahan.

Director: Nadira Ilana
Link At: KOMASVIDEO YouTube Channel

KaDuS Bilang:
Kalau kamu cakap tempat lain bahaya, you never come to Sabah. Walaupun this has been  26 years, the memory still lies in people's mind, including me...

God Bless Sabah!

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2 Responses to Silent Riot - Rusuhan Tersembunyi (History Sabah)

Anonymous said...

sa suka ni... buli sa share-share kah ni?

markiekadus said...

Anon- > buli bah kalau ko... mmg untuk smua ni... silakan share