I've read my newspaper this morning (local one lah... can't afford to buy the national daily...) when i stumble upon a news that one Senator in Malaysia urged the goverment to take action against the Bloggers who wrote about goverment and leader that meant to spread false rumours. Have'nt seen one yet, but people nowadays knows how to use the internet as a tools to express themselves and to write about almost anything they feel.
Not sure what kind of action does the Senator want the goverment to take against those "pedas" bloggers. ISA detention? Jail Term? Internet ban? Those action would make the "controversial" bloggers to learn their lesson of not to talk bad about the country or the leaders.
i am a blogger myself and i do sometime see some blogger using their blog to tell how much they hate this and that leader. It's up to the bloggers themselves wether to continue writing in a "controversial" way or not. The only thing i hope is that i can still blog about everything i like, whenever i want until i say stop.! Hahahaha...
So to the everybody... BEWARE!!! BLOGGERS IN FRONT
to the bloggers... BEWARE!!! GOVERMENT IN FRONT
NEXT POST: The Clawless Tiger.
3 months ago
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