It's been raining since what? 1pm last nite? nda sedar coz sms with my koupusan... then suddenly tertidur. Was feeling tired yesterday. It's been like almost a week nda hujan macam nie... Funny when people start complaining hujan, when the other say, the are complaining about the hot and humid weather and wish for a rain. Now it's raining and still complaining and wanted for a sunny day... Don't get me wrong coz i am the one who complained... hehehehehe
This was what my uncle say to me just now.
Me: Haiya!! ujan lai oh...
Uncle: Bah, musim dia sudah kan.
Me: Basah lah baju, rambut smua lah basah... Malas sia kalau ujan nie...
Uncle: Apa yang kau mau nie? Itu hari panas ko bising, bilang panas lah, peluh lah. sekarang hujan kau masi juga bising. Kau mau apa? Salji?
Me: ... (tidak dapat jawap lah..)
Then i ask my uncle to buy me a cup of nescaffe. Which he did. Haahahahaha..
What did i want? i don't want snow, i'm not the type of person who can stand extreme cold. Nanti karas... bukan apa yang karas... jangan kuning tu utak. I wish for "not so hot, not so cold day". Yang sedang-sedang urang bilang. 50% panas - 50% ujan. Atleast seimbang sikit. bukan lah yang panas mo 1 minggu, teda ujan and then ujan mo satu minggu teda matahari. If kemarau, peluang untuk tempat kami teda air is tinggi. and kalau ujan ja, peluang untuk banjir juga tinggi. So sedang-sedang...
But whatever it is, i am thankful for what God has gave us. I know complaining shouldn't do much help. So I thank you God for giving me the Sun and The Rain...
Don't get me wrong ah...
3 months ago
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