Oh mula suda pula...

Sia nda sedar oh... last nite, after taking my bath, i went to sat at our living room chair and watch the tv. Knowing me, i keep on changing the channel if there is no good show. When i click on ch104, RIA, trus i ternampak AF Diari... Wha! Already started ka!!! i tot belum lai...? Tapi yalah... i am cool from af now... macam teda feeling sudah sia dengan af nie... Hehe...

Well for the sole Sabahan(I heard la) yang di sana tu... all the best... hope you can become the champ!!! Yeah...

Tapi yang paling penting is Manchecter United... nda kisa lah AF kah apakah... yang penting iaalah MANCHESTER UNITED!!!

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