Direct translation of April Fool, APRIL YANG BODO! Hahahahaha... nah... i don't actually know what is the real direct translation of April Fool. 1st Of April has been marked as the "Be Careful" day every year. People seem to be more 'aware' of their friends on that day. Takut kana lah... Some people has marked their personal calender so that they tidak kena.
I used to be the victim of this pranks when i was in primary school. the most
common tricks i always kena during that time was... "Mark, ko punya seluar tidak kena zip", or "mark button baju ko tidak ngam", or "kanapa baju ko ada itam2 (or kuyak)", ni to name some lah... tapi ada juga yang silap bila cakap. This is the most lame pranks yang sia pernah dapat... "mark, tali kasut ko tebuka" sedangkan i'm using a straped on shoe... tu yang pallas zap tu bah... still remember kah... Whatever... Hehehehe... when i'm in secondary school, the pranks gettin "seram". amat seram sampai ada yang pigi cakap sama sia yang gf sia minta break, or Pengetua mo jumpa pasal hal disiplin... maka-maka teda pun...
I am one of those yang owez berhati-hati when come to 1st of april. Hehehe...
One of the rules of April fools is that kita nda buli marah kalau kana... Yang
sia takut kana yang 'kaw-kaw' punya pranks, yang bikin panas... tapi nda buli
marah... wekekekeke... Sia nda pernah lah kana yang "kaw-kaw" pnya april
fools... tapi sia rasa kena buat preventive measure juga lah... Dulu masa study
di kolej... sia penah nda pigi kelas pasal takut kana april fools. Sebab my fren
di kolej dulu, smua ada utak "kreatif" ni, mo kasi kena urang dengan pranks yang cukup seram, cukup ekstrem and cukup kaw-kaw. Wekekekekeke... sia nda sanggup oh...
Now, still a lot of my friends yang "cuba" mo kasi kena... and yet sia dapat
juga elak... cuma satu ja yang buli sia katakan kena... and satu yang a very
good one but tidak kena... yang sia consider kena, is one of my workmate. Last
saturday i rekomen her a laptop in accordance to her budget... she bought it...
But yesterday (1st April) she sms me tellin me that her laptop tidak buli on...
even with the charger on... Takajut juga lah because as far as i concerned
mustahil bah that laptop tidak buli on while the power still plug on and that
laptop is brand new. Since i scared that she will blame me for telling her to
buy that laptop, i call her... Dia teruskan juga dengan dia pinya story...
sampai sia pun bingung skijap... last-last i smell sumting, but its to late when
she says... "ko ingat kah brapa haribulan nie ari..." arrrggghhh!!!!
But before that, ada bah this newly known fren. She sms me tellin me to go down
to meet her cause she had to come to the nearby bank to pick her money...
mula-mula sia tanya betul or tidak... mo cari kebenaran la... tapi last-last sia
heran... why on earth dia kena datang pigi sini (penampang) sedangkan di tempat
dia pun ada bank yang sama... kalau teda pun, takan teda ATM? Last-last she
admit... hahahaha... tapi i think that was the best attempt i ever had lah...
and i almost kena... kalau i tidak realised cepat... wekekekeke
Well.. April Fool truly bukan budaya kita... infact dia kena import dari tah
negara mana... you can know more about April Fool by searching in the net... or
just go to and type "April Fool" in the search box there...
Every year, sia tinguk the newspaper or news in the internet, misti ada laporan
about april fool punya aftermate... kesan dia lah... ada yang terbreak ada yang
bergaduh, ada juga yang bertikam, ada yang sampai bunuh diri semua pasal kana
april fool... hmm... Yes its a joke.,.. tapi sia harap teda yang suffer sampai
macam tu lah here in Malaysia. Kalau mo buat jokes tu bertempat lah.. bukan saja
on April Fools day, tapi hari-hari biasa... later got people yang rasa very
humiliated gara-gara lawak april fools yang terlalu seram nie... Some people ble
trima,... tapi bukan semua ble trima yang kaw-kaw pinya... Hehehe... So sesiapa
yang kana "lawak seram" bersabar saja lah... anggap tu sebagai sumting yang
besa-besa ja... jan di simpan dalam hati ....Yeah...
KaDuS Bilang:
Huh... luckily i tidak kena yang kaw-kaw pinya... tq juga sama kawan-kawan
kerana tidak kasi kana yang extreme nie... hmmm... tapi kalau sia kena pun i
can't marah... that's the rules... dunno sepa yang pintar btul buat nie rules...
but whatever it is... jan yang over pula lah... wekekekeke
3 months ago
2 Responses to April Fool... Ya... Rite
Luckilly I never kena april fool...hehehe
odoi ku diau, mark! sanggup nda p kelas pasal takut kana prank ja ah... gitu *pahit* sekali pengalaman ko sampai jadi fobia LOL ...
pa buli buatla ko dikelilingi oleh orang² yang sangat free mau fikir idea prank urang ... sia punya koligs semua bz, teda urg ingat pun april fool! :D
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