How to start ah... Raining again, and it seems that it's been raining every afternoon, after 2pm lah... Luckily i didn't paly soccer every evening uda. Kalau dulu, asal petang misti main, but have to tahan kalau raining, although i like playing soccer in the rain. Hehehe... I still remember, when i was in school, i always plays soccer while it is still raining. Tapi when i go home... conform kena scoled by my mum, because of my baju yang... hmmm tidak payah cakap lah... sooo kotor. After dat, if my anti-body tidak kuat, conform lai sakit... God ol time... now can't do that. Few reason, i don't have a team or a good word is, nda kana pakai uda... I believe it is not because i'm not good in soccer but there is people much better than me in my team i guess. Hehehe... then come works. i left the office everyday at almost 7pm except i have somewhere or something to do. Then there is FUTSAL where we play nda payah pikir wether it hujan or panas, malam or siang... wekekekekee...
Now i'm sick. Got my self some cough problem. Baru 3 days... last saturday i kena fever, but okay oredi, tapi datang pula nie cough yang really menggangu my day. Hard to talk, sing or do whatever pleases me... arrgghhh... and it almost 9hb May 2008. We are going to "malakat"(terms used by one special fren to described my favourite outdoor activities - mount climbing) di gunung kinabalu. I don't want to be sick for that day. Must be fit, although i didn't make a preparation for this trip... Can i get to the top? Oh YEAH!!! Harap tidak raining, coz the last time i went to climb the mountain, it was raining heavily.
Okay lah for today update... tidak tau lai bila can update this blog nie...
3 months ago
One Response to Raining Day
ya ya.. tersangatlah lebat ujan kemarin sampai yang sia nda abis tingu CSI ...
ba get well soon, mark! :)
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