Well, nothing much on this Saturday morning... morning? AFTERNoon uda oh. Still feeling the hungover becoz of last nite, but okay oredi lah. After a bowl of hot 'mee soup', really makes me energized! Hahahaha. Good ol' remedy for the kogutan (hungovers) effect.
Yesterday our office, organized the Inter-Floor Choir competition where we were divided into 3 group according to the floor. I was in the 3rd Floor group. We sang two songs, namely Peng You (Emil Chow) and Sejahtera Malaysia. Well, we only manage 2nd placing but most us our collegue thought we are the winner. Nda pa, will try next time. For the record, since i works here, i've involve in three choir competition. Well, this is the proved that SCC is truly a singing organization!
Yesterday was also the last day for some of our trainee. They were attached here (SCC) as part of their studies requirement. This includes the trainee who were attached to the IT Section. Three trainee completed their training yesterday (two will complete next tuesday). Here are some of the JAJAL face of our trainee...The five left! Doing their style... Just don't know why zura doing that sign... wakakakakaka
Junior Bungkilan - At first, pendiam ya amat... but lama-lama, utak dia semakin rusak! Wekekekeke. His final day was yesterday
Arzura - This girl hails from Sandakan and studying at KYM (Kolej Yayasan Melaka). This is her 'JAJAL' face...
Nirmalasari - Best Friend wit Arzura. Same from Sandakan and KYM. According to her, this is her 'JAJAL' face, but for me is the AYU-AYU face!
WEBBER - A blogger friend. He can be found HERE. He is very closed to another blogger and trainee, Vister.
VISTER - Another blogger-trainee here in IT Section! Ni lah muka jajal dia. Wakakakaka... Oh, he can be found HERE
Well, i have a very good time with all this trainee... Jajal-jajal pun derang tetap bersemangat mo belajar and finished their training. During my college time, i was not that lucky to go to any industrial training as our only option is to do the Final Project. No option lah. So i never felt this kind of training until i took my Linux certification, and sent to SCC for two months industrial training, which lands me the job here... Wekekeke...
KaDuS Bilang:
To those yang rasa kana sabotaj pic dia... well, this is just me to let the world know that i have a very special brother and sister in SCC, and not only as a trainee ah. So Godd Luck in whatever you are doing next, and KO LAH THANK YOU!!!
3 months ago
3 Responses to Our Trainee
bah.. jan ko lupa muka2 jajal ni ahhh..... ahhahaha.... tp ini ka muka jajal yg sebenar?... ehehhehe... whatever la kan.... hehehe.... all the best mark....
hello topinai....ko ada p anugerah pertisa juga ka semalam......sia nampak ko....hehehe.....aik...ko kenal juga dgn c junior bungkilan.....nanti ko tlg sia tanya khbara dia kio....classmate sia bah dulu tu...ko tanya dia..kenal dengan zeno ka tdk..hehehe....keep in touch
gade -> dia lah tu... ndada lain... nda akan kana kasi lupa tu... kalau ko nda picaya, nanti selepas 6 bulan ko abis, ko cuba mai datang sini... wekekekekee
CKzen -> elo, aiks.. napa ko nda pigi tagur sia? ko faham-faham saja lah kalau sia uda di dewan pasal, pigang kamera, nda sedar sekeliling sudah tu.. mo kana umban kali baru sedar..
Si junior, ya, kanal... sia besa sama kakak dia bah sama kajen dia... dia baru juga sia biasa... malangnya dia uda abis praktikal sini... wekekekeke... nanti kalau kami ada men futsal, sia kasi tau dia lah... wekekekeke
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