Wah... November uda kah? Cepat oh masa berjalan... Feel like just yesterday i celebrate New Year, ganti kalender... now, mula countdown uda... So november has started, although baru sekarang sia mo update blog sia... BZ sikit sia on Saturday and Sunday, don't have a time to go and update this blog...
So... What in Store in November For Me?
Well i always say November is my favorite month of the year. 1 reason is because it is my favorite number... 11. This is the same number i used during my footballing time few years back. And this is the Same number i used in the just concluded MOF (Ministry of Finance) Futsal Tournament, (where we finished 2nd place.) And will probably wear the same number in today's Futsal Tournament. Another??? Hmmm... what else...
Wedding Seasons???
This month i have to attend few weddings. All as a guest. None as a photographer, except for the 22nd November. I was asked to take photo during a wedding reception at Papar and later at a hotel in KK. Nda ingat that Hotel oh. At Papar is my cousin and at KK is my office colleague. On the 16th November also have to attend because it is also my cousin wedding and i am in-charge of the band boy. Might be singing the opening song, entrance song beh... So, bersedia bawa payung kerana pasti akan hujan hari itu... wakakakaka... So many people getting married on November Why Ah?
Blogging Talks
What else... this surprise me! I am invited to give a talks about blogging this month. A Computer association told me that i should became as one of their speaker and mainly my slot will be fill with blogging topics. What should i talk ah? Never done a public speaking before... and i might not be the right person to talk about blogging... I just started blogging 3 years ago, and my knowledge about blogging is stil below par... But since they (the organizer) need somebody like me (dunno what their criteria would be), so take the challenge lah. Say to my self, bila lagi kan... Wakakaka... Well, if you guys have any idea on what i should talk about, please tell be... I need ideas!!!!
Sabah Statuary Bodies Sport 3 - 7 November 2008
hmmm... as i say above, i'll be involve with this sport. Although only one event. FUTSAL!!! Was selected originally to play Volleyball, but the problem is, i don't know how to play it. Better more, i Never play the game before. so i declined. So i opt for Futsal. I should be running juga, tapi looking at the sport pinya jadual, there is no 400m hurdles or 110m hurdles. yang ada 400m saja. Since originally the schedule clashed (Athletics & Futsal), so i go for FUTSAL only. Just last week they told that the FUTSAL game has been rescheduled to 3rd of November (Originally 5th Nov). Too late lor... I didn't go for selection for the athletics event, coz i am still recuperating from my foot injury! Actually playing at the MOF tournament under pain barrier... men tahan saja... Now okay sikit uda... Cuma one thing i worried the most is my fitness... Duh!!!
Last tournament, we achieved 2nd place... But can we went further this time around? i heard there are lot of good team this time around... Hopefully can play my part lah...
KaDuS Bilang:
Will be a very busy month for me... Hopefully i will have time to go and buy something for my self... lama sia nda beli barang yang nda tentu-tentu... Wakakakaka... Okay... See ya!!! I'll be blogging juga ni minggu jan risau!!!
3 months ago
One Response to November
if they've invited u to sing it means ur not bad at all....hehehehe...
last time 2nd place...this time hopefully 1st.....good luck...
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