I'm really busy this past few days. That's explain why there is no update here... will update you soon. But here's some brief update on what has been happening last week.
Works as usual. Nothing special recorded. Only some news making the headlines. One is the 'tanah runtuh' in West Malaysia. hmmm... My prayers and thoughts goes for the family victims. Next quite bizarre news. It is about a man killed at a karaoke in Sandakan. Reasons: Mic! (Mikrofon bah). The victim is so reluctant to hand over the mic after he sing his songs. (Normally they rotate table by table bah). But this fella' thinks that, maybe i should runs the show tonite and be a star. Prove to be wrong!!! He was stabbed by those who (maybe) feels irate. Well, if i am in that situation, i will be annoyed too. Tapi nda lah sampai mo menikam. So i do agree when a plain cloth policeman goes to any pubs or karaoke to do a spotcheck. To ensure no trouble will arise lah...
(This is For Bobby: Ini Adalah Pemeriksaan Rutin... Sila Keluarkan Kad Pengenalan Anda dan berikan Kerjasama Sepenuhnya!!! Hehehehehe)
Anugerah PERTISA 2008
This event held at the KDCA building and organised by PERTISA (Persatuan Artis Tempatan Negeri Sabah). Great event though. I was assigned as the official photographer for the night with gogds, pirut, gonit and bambangan. Luckily we used to cover this kind of event, so not much problem lah. Two things bothering my concertration was the audio quality (which not really up to my ears standards) and the lighting (really confusing when i want to take picture nie.) But overall the event was good! Hope to see more event like this in the future... Hey our Local Sabahan music industry is going into the right direction... SUPPORT US!!! We may not be able to become the best music industry in Asia, we can truly be the Best In Malaysia!!!
O2C's RED Is GLAM Charity Party!
I confirmed my attendance on the very last minute as i was undecided wether to go or not. But after talks with gogds and some friends, i've decided to go. Dan lagi, i've received some SMS mengerikan dari someone that i dont know (at first) then finally ikew who was it. Sebab SMS dia makin lama makin mengerikan...
The event was BRILLIANT and Big kudos to O2C! There were talks, magic show but what i really like is Live Band Show by JIAJA. Finally i've listened the Kura-Kura song live! The song is sooo funny lah... it's about two turtle... Eh nantilah cakap pasal ni lagu... Then i finally meet up with fellow blogger such as Greg Chai (TK), si kuai, girllyen (with her baby, D90) and zi (nda tertegur dia nie... siou). Ada lai, but sia nda brapa ingat. And sia nda nampak si Adora Madpie semalam... mana dia pigi??? But it was a memorable event lah... And on top of that i'm having fun taking picture last night.
So Next update (hopefully) will be with the picturelah... Need to compile dulu all the picture as soon as i got it from tuan gogds!
KaDuS Bilang:
3 months ago
6 Responses to Will Update Soon
Which event? PERTISA or RED GLAM PARTY? Actually si boyfriend ada pigi tu PERTISA but a while only.. and the RED PARTY, I wanted to but cant drive at night..maybe next time ah...
si markie.... sumbung kenen ko ah.. awas! hahahaha..
Nice meeting u!..;)
Adora -> satu ja mslh dia ba. Sa x gia kanal c boyfriend tu. Klu sa kanal, sa pg jg daa tagur2 hehe...
Kuai -> mada sumbung. Sa malu2 tondoyutung ba tu. Laipun takut sa pg sana area kamu. Takut kalapik. Wakakaka.
And nice knowing u too...
aik... sa nda nakalapik pun... hehehe
looks like u had fun...is Jiaja reuniting... the last time I heard they were on hiatus..they're very talented....
kuai -> sebab ko cuma minum orange juice... galas saja yang lain... wekekekeke
Zehan -> not sure about jiaja zehan... but i just loves the kura-kura song... wekekekekeke
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