I rarely do this... but let us come together hand-in-hand... eh... how can we hand-in-hand if we only online ah? Virtual kah? Whatever lah... yang penting, i would like to called upon all Malaysians to vote for SIPADAN ISLAND as one of the New 7 Wonders of the world. Hey... this is our pride, Sabah Pride, Malaysian PRIDE.
I don't have any picture of Sipadan Island because i NEVER BEEN IN THAT PART OF SABAH!!! (yet ah). Walaupun i'm sucks (also, aprt from singing and taking photos) at swimming, i still wish i could go there, main air and menyelam... wah... gila eh... tapi bilang my fren si Ritut, nda payah terer berenang... btul kah?
Whatever it is... Let's go and vote for SIPADAN ISLAND to be one of the NEW SEVEN WONDER OF THE WORLD!!! Yiiiha...
Visit: http://www.new7wonders.com/
to vote visit: http://www.new7wonders.com/nature/en/index/
Vote... mari mari vote... Not only Sabahan... To All Malaysian!!!!
KaDuS Bilang:
Ni lah masa kita bersatu padu untuk vote kita pinya khazanah negara sindri... Nda payah mo begaduh pasal itu ini... Mo vote ni skijap saja. Kalau nda menyimpang pigi site lain lah... Kalau lah manang, or even masuk shorlist, buli bangga sudah bah... Sia tau ramai yang nda kisah nda peduli dengan nie... wekekeke
Well... Sia tau, in my country, macam macam kejadian itu ini... since sia uda cakap sekejap saja tu... luangkan lah masa... lupakan perbedaan politik kamu... apa ja kamu mo argue... after all whoever win the government will inherit Sipadan Island as New Seven Wonder Of The World... nda lai mo bangga??? Buka mo begaduh itu ini... huh!
Bah Vote.. Sekian!!!
Archive for February 2009

Tagged (by Grace): 6 Un-Important Fact About Me Ver.2
I think i've done this before... i was thinking to find the old post and paste it, but this is a new tag by Grace. She tagged me for the first time about this tag. There is a lot Un-Important Fact about me, so what the heck juga... So For Grace, Buli Bah Kalau ko... Sorry i didn't notice you are tagging me... Wekekekeke...

Not that scary? See This!!!
Another email message i've got today from my colleage, Ka' Chea. Hmmm...
You've might get this in your email, but i would love to share this again... wekekekeke
What would you do if you really want to go to the toilet and found this thing!
Huhuhu... So, would you dare going this toilet? Or imagine this is at your own home? Or what about you never suspect it, than blackout. Sana dia betapuk... Don't know what kind of snake is that but, looks like a cobra, tapi merah... adakah cobra merah???
wekekekeke... Sia nda mo komen banyak... So, Berhati-latilah di toilet! Yeah!!!
KaDuS Bilang:
I never seen things like this. Not even wishing to see it. No Way!!! Slalu i saw the lipan or the scorpion, tapi kecil saja... wekekekeke... Okay That's all

No Pain, No Gain
Got this email early morning today. From my colleague at the office lah. This is so very meaningful that i really would like to share with you all. U might have seen this or read this before... Tapi biar lah... i really like the message behind the comic.
It Is A Comic
No Pain No Gain… Accept the Pain, Future will be Fruitful…
Don ' t feel the work you are doing is painful, because there will be always a reason for that pain or work.
KaDuS Bilang:
So. Got the message? I'll let you figure it 4 yourself lah... Wekekekeke.. Enjoy your day!!!

Si Greg Tagged Sia...
1. Copy Badge “2008 Cute’s Blogger Award” untuk diletakkan di blog anda
-Cute? hmmmm.... Biut sia agree... wakakakaka
2. Link atau ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kepada anda
- GREG CHAI! Wekekeke... Knew him through blogging... Famous with his Kopi 'O KAw, although i've never taste his KOPI 'O KAW! bila tu ah greg. Another photographer, a Canon User to (i like). Only meet him once, during last year Red Is Glam Party organised by O2C at D'Junction. Simply a great friend nie urang... Wakakaka... Buli sudah kana blanja kupi kah nie Greg??? Sukup sudah???
3. Setiap blogger hendaklah menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum pemenang seterusnya - ( 5 Fact & 5 Hobbies )
5 Un-Important Fact
1. One of the millions Manchester United Fans!!! Yeah
2. Can't live without my phone
3. Can't function well in a day without NESCAFFE!!!
4. I love taking photo and singing although i'm SUCKS at both...
5. Nowadays i only watch TV at Saturday during Soccer match...
5 Hobbies
1. Singing
2. Photography
3. Blogging
4. Game
5. Tinguk Bola esp. Manchester United
4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan menyertakan nama mereka di blog anda.
1. Webber
2. Vister
3. Girlyenn
4. Davelynne
5. Zehan
6. Ruth Bensing
7. Adora
8. You Whoever you are
9. Ko yang sedang membaca nie
10. Iziau ih mambasa...
KaDuS Bilang:
NAh... untuk kasi penuh blog yang kusung nie... Wakakakaka... Enjoy...

I Don't Know
Bukan tajuk untuk poem terbaru, bukan juga tajuk baru lagu... wekekekeke... Actually i don't have any idea for the title of my post. Even worst i don't have any idea of what am i am going to write today... Hmmm...
Belum sampai satu bulan sia kana transfer pigi sini SCC Alamesra Client Centre. Makin hari-makin ramai yang datang and berurusan sini. So, i'm calling to those who working and residing around Alamesra and it's surrounding area to come to our Alamesra Client Centre. Especially those yang ada urusan pinjaman dengan kamirang. Sinang, dekat, nda susah cari parking... Tapi i thing yang sia rasa nda siok is dia pinya food price... Snake Plate pinya price (for Regular nasi campur). Wekekekeke... So please come here if you are sooo lazy to drive to our HQ at Penampang. Oh, you may also make your payment here at Sabah Credit Alamesra CC.
Oh, Satu lai pula... kalau mo pigi 1 Borneo, terpaksa mo seberang jalan raya dengan gaya 100 meter. In my view, i think they should build a flyover for people to cross from Alamesra to 1Borneo. Much more easy. Takan mo tunggu ada urang kana langgar dulu baru mo bertindak kan...? Daripada guna tu duit untuk benda-benda yang nda bagi faedah kepada smua urang, i mean everybody, i think better you people invest untuk kegunaan bersama. Bukan satu saja urang yang cross that road everyday... Ramai bah... If i spent my time walk and count the people who crossed the road to Alamesra, maybe i can get over 100 a day... Tapi nda lah sia mo buat karaja bodo macam tu... buang masa saja... Wakakakaka
Okay. Now about KaDuS Entertainment Website (www.kadusmusic.com). We've been having technical problem recently, not due to us, but from the server itself. I am sorry to make you register again. I know it is Sucks to do it over and over again. I've been informed by by two other co-founder that they are trying very hard to rescue all the user database... Well, i might no nothing about all this database things but i'm sure, it is going to be so hard for them to do so... Be patience. We (KE Admins) are not going to make your life hard... We want to make sure your stay at KE Website is much easier and much fun... But due to this people (or maybe group of people) tlampau gatal tangan mo inject urang pinya file with Virus or whatever, we have to clean a lot of file inside it. So far, the user DB is not infected. Eh apa sia cakap nie...
Oh, i want to say a BIG SORRY To all the audience who come and witness the First KE Next Top Entertainer first Heat. I wrongly announce the Winner. Mimang kanaKutuk-kutuk lah sia... tapi Sia manusia saja bah... Bukan Perfect. Prone to make mistake... LAi pun 1st show mimang nervous. Won't blame anybody lah... it will happen when we less expect it. So Again A Big Sorry... Oh, congrats to Carrey Oliver and Deffny Pearl Tanggar for making it to the Final.
Apa lai ha...? oh...
KaDuS Bilang:
Ni lai... nantilah sia update lai... really teda idea nie.. .wakakakakaka... Okay babai All...!!!

Kalau sudah start busy...
Hmmm... February sudah... nda kesedaran... And part of the big task for KE (KaDuS Entertainment) this year has passed. masi ada few part lai. Well, ita long journey to success. Wakakakaka...
Well... macam sia tulis di post sia di ata... kalau uda start busy... apa-apa pun buli termiss... Rarely has the chance to update my blog... trus jadi static blog. Hmmm... No wonder my blog visitor has drops recently. Yalah... you don't want to go to a blog yang nda pandai ada update kan... bosan juga tinguk benda yang sama. Only has time to update on what has been happening at FB. Yalah... men click saja and it won't required you to type panjang-panjang. LEn lah if you have all the time in the world untuk mo tulis panjang-panjang. Me??? nah time is very-very precious for me... ehhh... am i becoming a workaholic geek? Palis-palis...
For the first time since i know how to used my own handphone, sia pinya tier change dalam masa dua hari saja... I am using the urang kuning pinya line since i first own my phone. Macam-macam udalah thney change their plan... Now i'm usung the Fu-yoo plan... Tapi macam tidak uda kana offer untuk customer baru nie... This plan give me 7 sen per sms to all network... ya... that's include those yang 'ada X', merah2, sama oren2. wakakakaka... Not sure lah kalau other plan dia ada offer yang auto reducing call rate. Then change of tier... Every month sia start with RM0.48. Bila reach rm30 of usage, dia auto reduce pigi RM0.38 to all networks. Selalunya sia reach ni tier tengah bulan... tapi since banyak urang sia mo call, nah dua hari ja trus reach nie tier... infact dalam tiga hari nie, i've spent a lot on phone only... so do you think i need to have a postpaid phone instead...?
Wah... ni minggu macam nda brapa busy... but since i learned about loan process and bla-bla-bla... macma sia rasa makin busy pula.. sindrom mo tua kah nie...? well mimang pun mo tua. Wakakakakak... Oh ya... i finally went to 1 Borneo yesterday... tapi sia bingung dengan tu tempat... bingung tempat keluar dia... and i hate the escalator rata. Sikit sia jatuh... Dei.. kampungan juga sia nie tau... Wakakakaka..
KaDuS Bilang:
Ermmmm... nantilah... sia update lai ah... Sekian Terima KAsih...