Hmmm... February sudah... nda kesedaran... And part of the big task for KE (KaDuS Entertainment) this year has passed. masi ada few part lai. Well, ita long journey to success. Wakakakaka...
Well... macam sia tulis di post sia di ata... kalau uda start busy... apa-apa pun buli termiss... Rarely has the chance to update my blog... trus jadi static blog. Hmmm... No wonder my blog visitor has drops recently. Yalah... you don't want to go to a blog yang nda pandai ada update kan... bosan juga tinguk benda yang sama. Only has time to update on what has been happening at FB. Yalah... men click saja and it won't required you to type panjang-panjang. LEn lah if you have all the time in the world untuk mo tulis panjang-panjang. Me??? nah time is very-very precious for me... ehhh... am i becoming a workaholic geek? Palis-palis...
For the first time since i know how to used my own handphone, sia pinya tier change dalam masa dua hari saja... I am using the urang kuning pinya line since i first own my phone. Macam-macam udalah thney change their plan... Now i'm usung the Fu-yoo plan... Tapi macam tidak uda kana offer untuk customer baru nie... This plan give me 7 sen per sms to all network... ya... that's include those yang 'ada X', merah2, sama oren2. wakakakaka... Not sure lah kalau other plan dia ada offer yang auto reducing call rate. Then change of tier... Every month sia start with RM0.48. Bila reach rm30 of usage, dia auto reduce pigi RM0.38 to all networks. Selalunya sia reach ni tier tengah bulan... tapi since banyak urang sia mo call, nah dua hari ja trus reach nie tier... infact dalam tiga hari nie, i've spent a lot on phone only... so do you think i need to have a postpaid phone instead...?
Wah... ni minggu macam nda brapa busy... but since i learned about loan process and bla-bla-bla... macma sia rasa makin busy pula.. sindrom mo tua kah nie...? well mimang pun mo tua. Wakakakakak... Oh ya... i finally went to 1 Borneo yesterday... tapi sia bingung dengan tu tempat... bingung tempat keluar dia... and i hate the escalator rata. Sikit sia jatuh... Dei.. kampungan juga sia nie tau... Wakakakaka..
KaDuS Bilang:
Ermmmm... nantilah... sia update lai ah... Sekian Terima KAsih...
3 months ago
3 Responses to Kalau sudah start busy...
the 1st time u go there memang can get confuse with the entrance and exit...but lama2 you can remember already...the mall is beuatiful's like the next mega mall...banyak pintu keluar/masuk and also and ada north south wing....
Dulu2 sy pki rangkaian paling popular d msia, then sy tukar p yg ada tanah jajahan terbesar d msia in 2003 smpila skg. Mmg byk ni sy pki prepaid, am also thinking of using postpaid suda ni. Mcm x logik suda sy punya belian prepaid hehe.
uih,nah!sa visit blog ko sdh..ajar bah sa kasi cantik blog..
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