Finally... it's Sunday. This was one of the most hectic, stressful, shocking and sad week in my life. I wish i never been in this kind of situation anymore, but i only could wish... God is the one who decide it. Like the way He took my cousin last Saturday...
Last Saturday, i was at the office doing overtime. Friday, was at Kudat and was sick because of the non-stop raining weather over there. But i still think that i am up to the work and just go on Saturday, although i have difficulties waking up in the morning. Just starting to do my job, phone start ringing, and my dad called, telling me that my cousin is unconscious and has been rushed to the hospital. When i arrived, he was already gone... That is the starting of my miserable week.
Come Monday, The new Computer System is scheduled to be launched live by the management. I have no option but to skip work, and attend my cousin funeral, which was held on the same day. But the Go-Live plan was not materialized, as there is some things to be sorted out, and re-scheduled for 19 Jan 2010. Came back to work on Tuesday, was bombarded with tasks, i.e. making sure everything runs smooth. Although my mind not that ready, as I'm still mourning or the sudden death of my cousin, I've tried my best to overcome it. Not that successful though as the memories remains...
Wednesday, the effect of rain at Kudat and on the day of the Funeral, starting to emerge. Sign of dizziness, plus my body temperature slowly risen up... But it become worst on Thursday, my stomach giving me problems, as i've turned the office toilet as my second office. hehehehe... Suspect food poisoning. Afternoon, my body temperature, rose up dramatically and i was weak until the evening. Sikit lai nda buli drive pulang, tapi sia paksa juga lah...
Friday, i'm taking emergency leave as once again, i have troubles waking up, but this time, it has become worst. Kepala berat btul, badan panas... and the first thing yang sia buli buat after sia dapat bangun... visiting the toilet, yet again. Time to see the doctor, tapi petang sudah baru sia daat pigi ni... Yesterday, Migraine pula ynag mengattack... arrrgghhhh...
On top of everything, Stress is the number one word for me in January. With works, life, commitments and my surroundings. It's really hard for me to take this. How can you live in a very stressful situation created by someone who things he owned everthing? nda juga pernah begini before, but since this dude arrived, i have to be extra careful when doing things or talk, as everything will be used against me. Huhuhuhu. The worst thing is, this dude proud of his Stressful Enviroment of his creation and eager to get people live in his way of life... gosh...
So tommorow, a new days, a new weeks... hope everything will be back to normal, except for the stressful situation. I doubt it will end soon. Dunno when it will end... Dear God, help me to overcome this...
KaDuS Bilang:
Saja menulis sesuatu yang terbuku di hati sia ni... hmmm...
3 months ago
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