
“Mark, Ko di mana?” Or “Kenapa ko menghilang” are some of the words that my friends, nda kisah lah fellow bloggers or someone who visited my blog, this blog... You can read at my kuta teriak also... wekekekeke... Not because that I wanted to quit blogging or what, only that I don;t know what to write. No idea... Well you know, if I talk about current issues, takut juga kana saman. Nanti famous, susah pula. I am so critical to what ever happening nowadays, especially things that I think are wrong but being practice widely! But I know, if I started to write here, those 'eyes' yang meninguk akan mula memantau ni blog... BORING!!!

Apa lai yang sia mo tulis? Pasal minyak? Urang smua naik muak suda kalau mo cakap pasal minyak nie... Everywhere minyak. Then harga barang naik... As saw in the newspaper cartoon few days ago, ada cakap ”Minyak Naik, Harga Naik, Barang Naik, Darah Naik”. Hahahahaha... I do agree! Smua pun barang naik! I mean harga barang naik. So apa lai mo di cakap. The truth is out there. See for yourself and analyze it. Here and there people come up with some idea on how to save cost. I am saving cost. I don't have a damn car, not even a motorbike, basikal adalah, tapi teda brake... wekekekeke. I used public transportation to go to work. I don't have to pay a parking fee, thank to the ADUN here. Lot of saving kan... Tapi I have to pay more when I buy things at the shop, supermarket, megamarket, flea market , whatever market lah. Even makan. Itu saya, yang tiada kereta. So how about those yang ada kreta? Bukankah derang lebih banyak expenses? Don't they have to spent more and more nowadays? So tell me what formula we can have to save cost? Car pooling? Good idea... tapi macam mana dengan makan? Takan mo bayar pakai bulu mata? Tapau dari rumah... yeah... Another Good idea... tapi bukan kah bahan-bahan yang mo di beli tu pakai duit juga... sama juga kan... So someone, enlighten me! How to save cost kalau keadaan macam nie... seakan-akan Keluar dari mulut buaya masuk mulut harimau saja. Kami juga yang di bawah nie suffer. Tapi adakah sem,ua rakyat Malaysia Suffer? Are you sure... Think Again...

Pa lai? Yesterday newspaper Sabah Times, the front page, reads... A man cheated twice in a day. This is about these two mangkuk tingkat manage to cheat a man of his money worth RM12k sumting. The tactic, senang ja... “Sia kena numbur bah, RM1 juta. Tapi sia nda buli ambil sebab sia pendatang, teda IC. Mo ada IC baru buli ambil. Jadi sia minta tolong ambil, nanti sia kasi ko RM100k kalau ko tolong sia”. Dengan bangganya si kawan ni pun berkata, “buli bah”. Trus ni mangkuk tingkat pun cakap, “Tapi ko kasi dulu sia RM5k. Bukan sia nda picaya tapi jaminan bah. Laipun ko dapat lkebih banyak bah nanti...” ni si kawan pun setujulah... “Ko tunggu sana kadai XXX, nanti sia kasi ko tu tiket, then ko pigi claim. Sia tunggu ko sini, nanti kita kasi bagi tu duit...” bilang ni mangkuk tingkat. So si kawan pun cakap “BAH!”

So when si kawan come to the promise place and waited for few hours, he then realized yang sang kancil kana tipu...Pintar sungguh mangkuk tingkat dua urang nie... The lesson, Never believe when somebody approached u and say sia kana numbur, buli tulung ambil??? Thats BULLS***!!! BUDU! Actually I was once approched by this kind of mangkuk few years ago at Asia City. I was on my way to class when this mangkuk stop me and tell me that he need my help. I asked what, and he says almost the same things as above. Only his winning amount was smaller lah...dia bilang RM100k lah. Want to give me RM3k if I help him to get the money. I asked why not go yourself, the same answer, no ic, no passport. FOOL!!! Berani juga ko jalan teda passport!!!! These conversation cost me 5minutes of my class, I am late!!! So to end the conversation, I told him that I have a cousin working at the immigration department and I am willing to help him if he get cought. But he have to give me more than RM3k. To my surprise he just say, nda pa lah... need to go already.” so simple? Adididididi... not even a tq... Wasting my time and on top of that i'm late for my class!!! Budu Siot!!!

So, I repeat lagi... NEVER EVER BELIEVE when somebody APPROACHED YOU and say, “ble tolong claim tiket yang sia kena” PALA UTAK DIA LAH!!! Tell your friends and Family so that they can be very extra careful! Jan pula, few months akan datang ada lai kes macam nie di front page of paper... Jan kana umpan dengan RM semata-mata or you'll end up losing all your RM! Think again!

Okaylah... sia ilang idea uda... my nest post will be some survey yang sia “curi” from my friendster friends yang amat rajin betul menjawap survey... so until I have another idea... babai!!!!

KaDuS Bilang:

Ni ari teda apa- apa... hahahahaha Sia lapar!!!!

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