Weird But True

What is your first impression after viewing this pic? Len macam kan...

Funny bah this pic... I actually don't know what kind of flower is this, but it's look like a breed or family of cactus... dunno lah... Kenapa lah stail dia macam nie... wakakakaka... Berurat-urat lai tu...WAKAKAKAKAKAKA Anyway, i took this pic from budak hutan blog... as i found this pic very intresting. So anybody, who have any idea about the exact name of this flower, tell me... i need to know!!!

KaDuS Bilang:
Nda dapat bilang... bingung saja... wekekekekeke

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4 Responses to Weird But True

BuDakHutaN said...

hehehe... sia pun tia tau bah tu... memang ada tumbuh sana opes... dia neh spesies kaktus... ada duri2

gade said...

huhu... macam tu "toli rogon" panggilan org dusun la.. ndak tau ini atau bukan.. tp macm... emm itu lain sikit la... ada warna2 lg... pastu ndak la panjanag sangat mcm tu.... tp mungkun adik beradik la tu... hahahahahah...

ReNo said...

ya saya setuju dengan si gede tu. macam 'toli rogon' atau 'toli di ongkur-ongkur'. tp bezanya 'toli2' di atas sejenis cendawan atau kulat..haha bagus ni. saya suka benda2 ni. kepelbagaian biologi kita ni...

Anonymous said...

ini yang paling si saiful suka ni tauuu... ekekekekek