Just A Post

Sunset @ TG. Aru Beach

I personally love this pic. The original pic can be viewed at my facebook Album. I edited this pic as i want to see how i can manipulate it. Balik balik sia cuba pun macam sia ndada idea. Just maybe i'm satisfied with it, although a lot of friends comment that this could be better. Well, i'm stil RE-LEARNING my photography using my latest toy. Since i haven't took much picture lately, i guess i have fall back into novice level. Nda pa lah. Love it.

While taking this pic, i've been thinking about a lot of things. Nda juga center pikiran sia time tu. Life lah paling banyak sia pikir... Sometime i see life just like the sun. Rise in the morning with a new hope, strikingly at it's peak in the noon, and finally set it self in the evening. Kita kana kasi lahir, with hope and everything, and at one time kia akan berada dalam kita punya puncak kehidupan. Lastly, secara, pelan-pelan, kita akan kasi tinggal juga everything yang kita pernah buat or achieve di dunia nie. Sometime dari pagi, matahari nda kelihatan sebab mendung. Mo ujan. Life pun begitu. Some people live their life without people noticing it, and it went well. Nobody will ever know. Tapi, kalau sini cuaca mendung, kita nda nampak matahari, but in the other side of the world, matahari terang benderang, panas... Well, same goes with life. We might not notice their presence in our life, but somewhere, they are brightening other people life. Macam mana pun situasi dia, at the end of the day, the sun will set itself. Tenggelam juga akhirnya. Nanti malam urang akan cakap, maybe this dialog. "Wah, panas btul oh matahari tadi, memancar." or, "Hujan lebat... mendung saja". So, life pun begitu... Bila kita meninggalkan kesan sama idup seseorang, urang akan ingat... samada kesan bagus or nda, urang akan cakap2 juga tu... tapi kalau kita ndada kasi tinggal apa2 urang nda akan cakap... Begitu kah? wekekekeke

That's life... dari yang sia nampak... Macam matahari ni. Hahahahaha... Apa yang sia tulis ni... sia pun nda mengerti... Whatever lah...

KaDuS Bilang:
Matahari yang panas sejak kebelakangan ni... wekekekek. Bila mo ujan nda tau... tapi nanti ujan, sia cakap juga tu.. nanti ada juga pic ujan ni.. hahaha.. Have a Nice Day Everyone...

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2 Responses to Just A Post

BuDakHutaN said...

"we might not notice their presence in our life, but somewhere, they are brightening other people life"
betul3x... agree with u bro...

eh..tapi sunset di mana ni? tjg aru ka?

markiekadus said...

heheheh.. tu yang kita panggil "unsung heroes" hehehe

Yup bro... di tg aru... 2nd beach ni...