(Still) In Holiday Mood + Unmotivated + Sleepy = Yawn...

Pic Credit: babasteve

This is what happen when the weekends is too long. Feel very sleepy at work. This is my condition at the moment. I feel very sleepy, if i were to be given pillow now, i will fall asleep. Kompom. But this is not due to the effect of Night out or doing late night stuff. I Just Can't Sleep. DJ? Nah, can't do that at the moment, with the streamyxs line slow? i can't stream a thing. Another problem arise when the computer i used to DJ with is having problem. Suddenly bagi sia masalah. I've been trying many ways, to repair it, tapi sama juga. The last option is to format it? Hua... Format, with all my data and songs inside... hmmm... So that's the reason why. Whenever i do get an access to the internet via streamyx, i was using my old but reliable pc. The quality, well, not up to what i expected. Bah, pakai ubuntu kan..so what d'ya expect? hehehe

Many of my colleague are still on leave. Still having their CNY Holidays, or i love to say it, blum habis limau mandarin. Hehehehe. Just Jocking lah... While they enjoying their holidays, some people has to come to works as usual. The Extra two Days Off, on top of the normal weekend makes people feel that they are having a long, very long paid holidays. For some people, they might find this holiday is boring and need to come back to work ASAP. Ya la... given their current working environment is good. Ada yang harap cuti dapat dilanjutkan sampai, what maybe satu bulan? tu mungkin pasal enviroment tempat kerja macam hell. Am i? I am confidently answer yes! hehehe. 

When all he symptom is put together in one day, then you will get people yawning, just like our friend in the picture. Not exactly like him lah, sebab dia yawn dengan penuh perasaan. Kalau urang, pandai kasi tapuk2 lai tu mo yawn... It's normal ba. Nothing to be ashamed of. Kalau kana tanya samada menantuk or nda, and kalau mo cover, cakap ja kurang oksigen. hahaha..

I Guess it is not too late for me to wish each and everyone of you Gong Xi Fa Chai. May the Year of the Tiger Brings More Prosperity to You And Your Family!!! Yeah!!! (so u can also belanja me for yamcha session... hehehe)

KaDuS Bilang:
This is another posting sot by me... Sleepy Post i called it... hehehehe...

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3 Responses to (Still) In Holiday Mood + Unmotivated + Sleepy = Yawn...

Mell_f said...

Iya bah,manada mood mo bikin kerja ni kalau kosong seja tu tempat. tapi bsemangat jg sy mo pulang awal kalau begitu kekeke nda bah.

BuDakHutaN said...

macam masih tia sukup bah kan tu cuti..hahaha... teda ka cuti kana bagi sampai dua minggu ka..satu bulan ka... hehehe

tapi karang kana kasi 'cuti' trus plak.. sandi eh...

markiekadus said...

Daniel -> done that... hehehe

Mell -> yabah, nampak tu suasanan, macam best lai tidur ni... huhuhuhu... Tapi Tadi mimang 5 sharp sia pulang... Pigi mengHolykan diri kunun...

BudakHutan -> Mimang pun nda sukup. Tambah lai enviroment di opis, btul2 nda buli pakai punya. Hahaha. KAlau kita minta cuti satu bulan, nanti management, dengan sukacitanya menambah "cuti terus" bye bye gaman... hehehe