KE Star Studded Nite - The Briefing -

Last night, after attending my Futsal match cum training at Penampang Futsal, gogds called me to inform that there is a briefing at one of the kadai minum at donggongon to finalize things for the KE star studded nite.

Pasal tu training, as some of you might know... I have been selected to play for Sabah Credit Corporation Futsal team in a Futsal tournament under the Ministry Of Finance. Well, couldn't say much, but i'm not sure if i'll be in the first team. I am not fully recovered from my feet injury and last week my rib is elbowed by Vister... nda sengaja lah kan vister... But i still can feel the pain til this day... So training ja until this saturday lah...

Back to the briefing, Here are some picture of last nite. Took it using Camera phone, so that's the quality... i didnt bring any camera that nite so itulah kualiti dia... didnt expect this briefing juga... tapi worth it lah... wekekeke...

serius betul si umpit nie... dj mark looks cools...

apa yang kamurang tinguk atas tu JJ and TomKurus???

Olumis... sumandak-sumandak dia bilang

TomKurus explaining something to gogds...

cuba kamu guess tangan siapa nie???

If you notice the picture above, i've blurred some wording... its actually the tentative program of that nite. But i wont reveal it yet as it will spill all the surprises... so those who are coming, expect something cool. Reminder though, that we have reached 100 (++) confirmed attendance. Those who have not register their name, you may still come and pay the entrance fee, but i can't promise you that the place wont be crowded. So those who have register their name, PLEASE DONT FORGET to COME with your star studded fashion!!! YEAH!!!

KaDuS Bilang:
sia uda dapat baju, tapi simple saja... wont complain much as i am not into fashion much... kalau buli i just wanna wear my Manchester united replica jersey... tapi cuba cuba lah... wekekekeke...

That's all Fren!!!

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6 Responses to KE Star Studded Nite - The Briefing -

Beautydaffodil said...

Mark, as Pusakag Cafe is yg sono belakang tu Public Bank ka.. pnya kicik that place for 100++ attendees.. Confirm bepeluh.. Haha

markiekadus said...

adora... tu dulu... sekarang new pusakag. bukan uda sana belakang PB. em... sia nda sure muat or tidak, but... hopefully okay lah... wekekekeke... ko datang kah tu?

sumpitz said...

kadut wakakak...TABAL ni mata sa skrg..sampi jam 1 d sana sa ZZZ jam 2 hohoh...ko nda mau minta mekup kah hahahha

Qhris said...

kajen...tensen sy tu india wkakaaka...sdh lah lembab, nda pandai dingar betul2 lg tu order..nasib sja sy penyabarrrrr

Beautydaffodil said...

sedang memujuk si boipren mo datang... hehehe anything glittery bah kan the attire..

bah where's the new place this?

markiekadus said...

pitt-> emmm... minta set rambut lah... kalau make up... i tak rela... wakakakakakaka... tapi time tu ko misti fresh!!! wekekekeke

qhris-> ya bah... sia yang teda kena mengena pun kaampai juga memanggil tu india... mimang derang derang lembab... wekekekekeke. macam kita teda duit kan...

adora-> ya glittery. wekekekeke...
New pusakag cafe ni dia pinya bangunan satu baris sama tu rombituon pinya pub... kalau ko jalan di depan tu megalong, ko buli nampak tu sign board dia... Wekekekeke