MOF Futsal

Well, last saturday, as most of you know, i'm involved in the MOF Sport Carnival. the game, Futsal. Being a soccer player myself, i don't see any problem playing Futsal, compare to other sport such as Volleyball. I represent Sabah Credit corporation team and this is my first outing with the team. Last time they enter this competition, i am not in yet. It Was two year ago... According to them, they only reached the semi-finals....

Some picture to tell the story la...

Warm up awal kaka... tapi main ntah pukul berapa... panas uda badan... trus sajuk balik...

sama juga Warm up... tapi sampai sejuk tunggu ni. Wekekeke. In this picture, 5.Johnny, 8.Bandy, 9.Conrad, 6.Gerry. Me? behind Bandy...

warming up with Johnny.

The final Between SCC and Warisan Harta. Fellow blogger and friend, Mr. Gidong was there juga. But he represent Warisan Harta. Gidong squarting 3rd From the left.

try to dribble pass the WH player. Gidong is the next defend player. Wekekekeke. Don't remember wether i succeed on going pass that player or not... Hehehe

In the end, we lost the match 3 to 1. Don't want to complain lah what is the reason. I know that Warisan Harta were the better team than us. Their passing were the best, teamwork are excellent and they are brilliant! Congrats to them.

Happy juga lah when both our team the Mens and the Ladies Futsal team were able to make it to the Final. The ladies lost to Sabah Development Bank by penalty. Well, i'm quite happy, although i did'nt contribute much to this feat. Next Target, The Sabah Statutory Bodies Sport to be held in November... I'm in The Futsal Team juga...

KaDuS Bilang:
Wekekekeke... nasib baik nda injured. Sia jumpa si Gidong sama si kupi sana futsal... they are playing too. Gidong, u knowlah, represent who... kupi meanwhile is representing JPKN. Jabatan Komputer Negeri ka sumting tu... They did well juga,... manage to go into the semi-final... not sure if they ada jumpa our ladies team... wekekekeke. Well... sia really enjoy ni event... although sia nda men banyak... Wakakakakaka

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4 Responses to MOF Futsal

Zehan said...

congrats....u did ur best with ur team...
by the way i've sent u a message in FS asking u for ur email that u use for ur bloig...just in case...reply me soon k...thanks...
check updates at my site...

Beautydaffodil said...

Majula sukan utk negara!!! Huhu sa lamaaaa suda nda men futsal oh.. Congrats dpt 1st runner up jg.. Next year numbur 1 sudaitu..hehe

markiekadus said...

zehan -> hi... tq. ya... we've tried our best but the other team tried harder i guess.... FS, haven't check that for a while (since Facebook become more addictive). I'll login and reply it then...

adora->mari main futsal... siok main futsal, keluar peluh dan segala-galanya... wekekekekeke... Oh, bukan next year... next two year!!! wakakakaka

Claire said...

sy suka main bola..biar pun nda jg la berapa terer tp buli2 jg kalau d sabah tia tau mau bw sepa main..nti sy blk sabah cuti, ada kengkawan..hehe yg ppuan ka main..bawa la sy k...hehe