Hehehe... lama nda update. Masi blur, i have to admit... but getting okay now... Live must go on urang bilang, which is what i have been doing, continue with life and enjoy every second of it. So what has been happening?
Well, as usual, we heard about the political scene here in Malaysia. Everyday the will be a breaking news, nda kisa lah untuk govt or the opposition. Democracy lived well in Malaysia... Was it...??? Hmmm... Not me to decide lah... Tapi tu belum hangat lai, kalau di bandingkan dengan cerita BONOS!!! Yeah... the Federal Govt has decided to give 1 Month salary bonus to all the Civil Servant serving in and around Malaysia. It will be paid twice, in September and December. Bagusnya...
As for me, being a state govt civil servant, have to wait lah... i heard only today (24/09/2008) the State govt discuss about the bonus for State Civil Servant. Not sure if i'm qualified already, but i hope so... wekekekeke.
apa lai...? Oh. Manchester united draw sama Chelsea kan yang last Sunday. Well, the beat Middlesbrough by 3-1 from GIGGS, RONALDO and NANI in a League Cup match. Didn't see the game though. Read it at Man. Utd Webpage. A very slow start in the league, same as last seaason... But when there are back, there are really BACK!!!
So, this is it at this moment... Nothing much to write actually. So, hope will get the bonos, get my camera b4 the end of this year and get a raised next year!!! Hahahaha... Just dream...
KaDuS Bilang:
Blum ada good story yang sia mo share sini, so nanti-nanti lah...
3 months ago
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