A long weekend... Cuma i didn't really feel like it. Macam skejap ja... Kemarin Bulan ogos... ni ar bulan september suda. Skejap kan... wakakakakakaka. What am i trying to say is that time move so fast, and sedar nda sedar we are 3 months away from celebrating another Christmas and another New Year. Time does fly so fast. Kali pakai turbo. Ahaks...
Today mark 1 year i'm at SCC (including my internship training lah), Well as i said before from my previous post financial is not a major problem so far. Being able to buy what i want, (within my gaji region lah...), whenever i want. Tapi when things start to become more expensive, i guess macam teda respon saja... sama juga lah. To be frank, i am almost pokai ni and its still the first day of September. Wakakakaka. Berapa lama lai pay day ah? I am still targetting to buy stuff that i really wanted to help me "earn" more money, tapi bila sia buli dapat ah? Bila sia buli dapat Camera impian sia???
I've been trying to find another way of getting money apart from my day job. Been oing this for quite sometime... Nda juga buli harap sama gaji sedia ada... Kalau harga barang masi murah, i don't care but almost everyday harga barang mo naik. Apa jadi kalau kuih pisang satu biji nanti harga dia satu ringgit? So have to find other lubang lah... Bukan lubang yang macam-macam ah... Ni lubang yang bagus... wakakakakakaka... Hopefully some people would understand that i need to have other source of income and wont stop me by asking me to do things that is not worth my time... That people ah...
Apa yang sia cakap ni. Well actually i want to tell about this three days of holiday dah... Kalau ikut betul, infact today is the only real Holiday for me, (the first of August). Saturday and Sunday are like normal day for me. So cakap saja long weekend, tapi sebebnarnya cuma extra satu ari untuk tidur lambat and bangun lambat. Apart from visiting my cousin at the hospital, I have been spending my day watching movies and listening to mp3. Tu ja. The latest movie was, Zohan (You Don't Mess With Zohan) and The Love Guru. Mike Myers is singing in the movie... wakakakakaka... Funny Man!!! Gajah Berantam??? Wakakakakaka
Sori ah Pelangi, can't wait for you as banyak mungit, including my brother were asking me to see it... Derang bilang, siok lah... bagus lah... itulah... ini lah... and because of the temptation, sia tewas juga... wakakaka... Don't wori i still will give you those pario... wekekekekeke
KaDuS Bilang:
Ni lah karaja kalau nda tau apa mo buat... selain dari kerja-kerja rumah yang bertimbun. Nasib juga sia ni belum kawin... kalau uda kawin and ada anak, sia nda tau lah apa macam lai... wakakakakaka... Okay lah... time to go... my kepala sakit sudah... macam ada yang mo tukul-tukul nie... arrrggghhh!!!!!
3 months ago
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