What would happen if one day your full citizenship was reduced to only a Permanent Resident status? And how big your problem would be? This is what happens to one of my fellow national, Mdm. Yong Lee Hua @ Piang Lin. This bumiputra native certificate holders nationality was reduced to a PR status by the National Registration Department (NRD) after she lost her IC and went to replace it early this year.
I read about this in a national web portal and from Daily Express. I was shocked to learn that these things do happened. She lost her purse, which contains her IC and some of her personal belonging while shopping at a supermarket at Penampang Baru, according to the news I read lah… I guess the supermarket refers to the now hangus one, Servay Supermarket. Shen went to make the police report on the same days and few days after that she went to the NRD office in Donggongon (yang satu baris sama Ching Fah tu), to apply for an IC replacement.
When notified by the NRD that her IC was ready, she went to the NRD office to get her IC. Come to her surprise, the IC color was red (instead of blue color). When she asked why does the IC color was red, the officer simply replied that “normally” they will replace the senior citizen who lost their IC’s with red IC’s!!! Luckily her son told her that the red IC is meant for people with Permanent Resident Status and asked her to go back and asked for MYKAD which is meant for Malaysian Citizens. Apa tu NRD officer jawap nie kali? Realizing they (the NRD officer might had made a mistake), instead of replacing the Red IC’s with the Blue on (MyKAD), she told Yong to apply for Malaysian Citizens!!! Adakah???
So many problems arise for Yong. She weren’t allowed to travel overseas and even to west Malaysia. She has to use the driving license as a proof of identity. Tapi she was allowed pula to cast her votes during the recent General Election.
Okay… from what I see, the NRD has made a mistake by downgrading Yong’s full nationality to a PR status. Yalah, we have to be careful with our belonging especially our Identity card. Tapi kalau kita pigi apply for replacement, we have to pay juga. What the point to pay such fee kalau benda logic macam ni pun buli buat mistake. Ya… True, people make mistakes. We are not perfect. Tapi kalau setakat silap ejaan nama, or salah alamat or salah input gender, tu buli accept lai mistake. That is what we called a mistake. But this??? Sampai Full citizenship buli kana reduced pigi PR status? Doesn’t make sense!
Satu benda lai yang sia nda faham… Why must you (NRD) “normally” replaced senior citizen IC’s with a red one if their lost their IC? Apa sebab? Is it because there are senior citizens? Are their rights as a Malaysian is reduced as they reaches Senior citizen age? And the word “normally”… Bila masa derang tukar polisi? I read the newspaper everyday, read it online, listen to the radio news and watch the news on television. I can’t seem to remember when did the NRD change their policy about this?
What makes me irate is that, when Yong went to get her MyKAD replacement, the officer told her to apply for a Malaysian Citizens!!! What??? Bila masa bila a Native Ceriticate holder kena lucut tahap kewarganegaraan dia? Kenapa pula dia kena apply jadi warganegara? Bila masa dia surrender nationality dia? I see Yong as a responsible Malaysian because as soon a she realize that her IC’s was missing, she went on to the Police Station to make a police report. Some people would wait for few days to even start to think about making a police report, but that was not the case for Yong. Is this the returns she got for being a responsible citizen???
Kalau setakat mistake, the NRD can always tell Yong to surrender her red IC’s and replace it with the real MYKAD that she should have in the first place. Ini tidak. Len pula derang suru buat. Adakah patut sampai mo apply for citizenship pula? Well if this thing can happen to her, it can happen to any Malaysians, including me…
I’m not here to criticize the NRD, but when they realized that there is a mistake in their process, they should rectify it as soon as possible. Don’t make other people suffer by your action. Silap-silap tahap kewarganegaraan anak-anak dia pun buli kana tarik balik oh. Bayang kan how things could get more complicated if that happen???
KaDuS Bilang:
Sia dengar ja nie crita, macam sia pun takut mo pigi ganti IC sia. Sia pinya IC patah bah, tapi belum tebagi dua juga. Dakat-dakat kana tu chip lah. One time sia Malaysian, sekali dapat IC, Mira, jadi PR pula… Hmmm… banyak urang cakap yang pilak-pilak tu senang ja mo dapat PR status or even MyKad. Tapi yang bikin takutkan, kerana mistake and “normally”, kita pula yang buli kana downgrade nationality. Adakah patut… I just hope that Yong’s situation will be settled peacefully, supaya sia pun brani mo pigi NRD mo tukar IC sia… But at this very moment, I won’t change it! Paduli lah…
Satu lai,… mo kena sentiasa jaga-jaga kita pinya IC. Jan ilang… Tapi kita cuma manusia biasa. Sinang buat mistake, macam tu officer, so bila ilang, trus buat laporan pulis. And trus pigi buat IC baru. Sia ada suggestion. Pigi Scan tu IC, depan Belakang, pas tu print yang color. So ada proof kalau tu NRD mistakenly downgrade ur IC. Check all you status in the MyKad. Tu Astro decoder buli check tu. Kalau nda, cari tu MyCard reader device, install dalam PC and check… Installation tu senang saja tu… Okay… Time To go…
3 months ago
3 Responses to Foreigner in our own native land
this is so fucking stupid. seriously it just makes me mad about how fucking dumb those people at NRD are.
aik..piang lin???? mcm pernah dngr nama tu..bukan dia tggl dekat sana kampung noosob baru ka???
mimang di nosoob tu. rupanya adik sia slalu pla pigi sana tu... tulah dia pun tau wekekekekeke
fie -> i do agree with you...
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