Found This While Surfing The net... Read lah... TQ..
- Never allow your partner or yourself to denigrate the other. (denigrate means, minimize: cause to seem less serious; play down)
- You must have personal respect and consideration for yourself. (I do and always do)
- Everyone deserves respect and love, but you can't expect to get it unless you give it. (This is true..)
- If you allow your partner to disparage you, expect to hear other damaging words.
- Whatever you are willing to accept is exactly what you're going to get.
- Be compassionate, understanding, forgiving and merciful.
Patience, kindness, consideration and thoughtfulness can never be in short demand.
- Never let a person use names or words to hurt or degrade you or your partner.
- Vow to protect yourself from thoughtless, rude, mean or punishing behavior.
- If destructive words are being used, for whatever the reason, it must Stop. If not, a relationship can't survive.
- Once you've reacted you can then be proactive.
- A controlled mouth shows a controlled mind. (Agree with this, although sometimes i can't control my mouth)
- Use words for empowerment, encouragement and positive recognition.
- Ask for respect. Quietly demand it.
- If your lover, partner, parent or friend can't exhibit self control over their mouth, seriously consider looking elsewhere for a relationship.
- Pick an appropriate the time to discuss important issues.
- This is particularly true if there is an emotional charge where feelings of anger or vexation need to be vented.
- NEVER enter into discussion of personal, private or intimate issues in public.
- Wait until you have privacy and the time to tackle issues.
- If a person makes a mistake, or does something that disappoints or angers you, belittlement or badmouthing them in front of others will only lead to further resentment, anger and frustration.
- Trying to discuss things in bed just before sleep, or while getting ready for bed is simply thoughtless, inconsiderate and a remedy for disaster.
- Trying to discuss anything when the other person won't cooperate or take the time to talk is a waste of time. If necessary make a date to talk.
- If the person keeps on delaying or avoiding conversation or discussion on issues that are important or significant to you, you may need to put it in writing and place it in their hands.
- Talking is good for closure of some issues. And, unless allowed, will create a wound that won't close.
- You can never truly waste your thoughts and words on the separated or departed. Life and thought continues.
- Romance doesn't just exist, you must make it happen. You must make a sincere effort to keep it alive to help your relationship flourish.
- Little things count, it doesn't have to be a dozen roses and champagne all the time.
- A favorite piece of candy in a pocket or a little note can mean a lot.
- Commit yourself to do something romantic every day.
- Show it. Demonstrate it. It's the accumulative total of all the little things that in end adds up to a super special love and romance.
TQ For Reading
Archive for 2007
Rules Of Love (bla, bla bla...)

Football Simulation Game
Currently playing two diffrent soccer simulation games. Championship Manager (Eidos) and Football Manager (Sport Interactive). Actually, CM and FM is under one roof before. But maybe due to some minor (or maybe big) issue, they splited up! I've been playing this series since the Championship Manager 97/98. It was a very good game by then. Now playing with two diffrent (but almost the same) game make it a bit difficult. I am currently managing Man. Utd for both team. Can't tell the diffrent for now, but will tell you once i've finished playing with my season one, for both game! Hehe...
The last "joint" game (Eidos & SI) i'd played were CM2003/2004. It was a great game. It is still in my PC, haven't got time to removed it. Runs the game on three league namely England, Italy and Spain. I am managing Man. Utd (Off course lah), Aston Villa (to try my tactics) and Real Madrid (aslo testing). Won the EPL (now BPL) for 6th consecutive season with Man. UTD and yes, WITHOUT CHEATING!!! Put Aston Villa into a decent position for 4 season (3 - 6th placing) and winning the League Cup and the UEFA Cup. As for Real Madrid, manage to win the Spanish Primera Liga 4 times, the Kings Cup 2 Times. Always failed to land the Champions League. Hehehehe... Oh, Man. Utd won the CL three times...
That is for CM03/04. The last game i played before swithcing to FM08 and CM08. You might asked what happen CM/FM2005, 2006, 2007? Simple, i really don't have time to play those game. Hehehehwe... Lame excuse? Ya... Okay... will continue this story again!!!

Once Upon A Time...
... i have my very own wall paper by my gf. Hahahaha... this pic was taken inside the airplane, and i was on my way home from KL after attending my convocation way back in 2005. I can't remember how did she get this pic? Did i gave her? Oh, some info about the lyrics. It's a local song sung by Danny F. Malinggi and it it one of my favorite numbers. Hehehe... Anyway, she's a very talented and creative girl. That's the other reason why i love her. TQ For the wallpaper... You can view much more of her creative idea at

Ronal DO It Again!
Cristiano Ronaldo saved the best until last to down his old club for the second time this season and secure a top seeding in the Champions League knock-out phase for Manchester United.

After his one-man mission to inflict more damage on Sporting Lisbon appeared certain to end in frustration, Ronaldo stepped up to drive home a 25-yard free-kick in the second minute of stoppage time. The Portuguese outfit must be sick of the sight of the man they nurtured through his formative years. It was Ronaldo who settled the previous meeting between the sides in September and his sixth goal of United's European campaign will offer Sir Alex Ferguson some much-needed breathing space in his team selection for the final 'dead-rubber' against also-qualified AS Roma in a fortnight.
Given the potentially explosive trip to the Stadio Olimpico comes just five days before a blockbuster Premier League encounter with Liverpool at Anfield, Ferguson wanted his side's Champions League status wrapped up.
(Read the rest of the story HERE)
Great!!! After that shock lost at Bolton last Saturday, They bounce back, although the scoreline was a tight one.
(hehehehe Arsenal LOST though to Sevilla)

I WAS TAGGED ... Again... (this time by bobby)
Ko mimang bah bobby, macam teda urang len suda ko mo pigi tagged... sia juga... Molisau btul bah ko nie... macam ko lah... sia tepaksa pikir 8 perkara and 8 urang untuk di tagged balik... 8? weiii bagus nie numbur nie... anyway, here it is... (This is the second time i was tagged!!!)
The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs
8 (not so important) Random FACTS About Me
1. I'm Addicted to NESCAFFE. Can't live a day without it.
2. My Favorite game is Championship Manager. Currently managing my beloved Manchester United to a record 5th consecutive Premier League title(in the game, NO CHEAT AHHH)
3. I've been blogging since 2005. My first blog was this and the second was
4. I've created KaDus Entertainment in 2005 and later joined by gogds and sumandak (my love)
6. I am a Certified Linux Profesional (by NOVELL) and Microsoft Certified Profesional but still don't know a thing about this two stuff.
7. I Design my own blog header/banner (ala... tu yang di atas tu ba)
settle... wekekeke... as i say earlier, i was tagged before, way back in 2006. July to be exact. em... Here's the link... TAGGED ME? Okay... now is the time to find some victim... the next victim... Okay... who ah...?
Next person to tagged:
1. Davelynn (Because you are my girl and i like to tagged you... wekekekeke)
2. KathleenHalena (You're tagged... again...)
3. linsayhi (for so rajin visiting my blog. TQ Very much)
4. Elviena (for being my jajaliest sista in the world)
5. kupi (because you are so cute...)
6. defoo (you make us proud)
7. Danny F. Malinggi (because you are my fav singer and my friend)
8. jusdy (hehehe... saja mo tagged ko)
Finally!!! Okay... TQ For wasting your time... and tq bobby for tagging me... wakakakaka... molisau betul bah ko nie...

SAME Magazine is out!
To the local (Sabahan) entertainment lover, here's the good news. the 2nd Edition of SAME Magazine is out on the market.
It was launch two weeks ago and it has hit the market since... i don't know when, coz i just saw it on the books stand at Donggongon. The 2nd Edition, features Clarice John Matha as the cover and it is price at RM9.00. Not sure at your place lah. All in color so you don't have to worry. It is the first of it kind in Sabah, I mean the magazine. Some of the story are ...
Asmin Mudin (The songwriter of the famous Malaysian Idol song, Gemilang sung by the winner Jaclyn Victor)
**sorry: Asmin Mudin was not the song writer. He was only the lyric writer of Gemilang song. TQ bengodomon for pointing this out to me...
Clarice John Matha (Sabahan equivalent to Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza - (some people say lah))
Reynaldo Paigie (The winner of the Suara Emas Bintang RTM 2007)
... and much more...
If you want assistance to get the magazine (only if you're out of the "reachable" area) do not hesistate to contact me at: or you may
visit KaDus Entertainment website at, to know how you can get your copies of SAME Magazine.
KaDus Entertainment is the official website for SAME Magazine.
Lastly, support your local entertainment industry because if we don't they will be no more of our heritage left in Sabah. It will became history.
SAME Magazine TEAM
KaDuS Entertainment (KE)

Rain, Rain and Rain...
It's been raining since what? 1pm last nite? nda sedar coz sms with my koupusan... then suddenly tertidur. Was feeling tired yesterday. It's been like almost a week nda hujan macam nie... Funny when people start complaining hujan, when the other say, the are complaining about the hot and humid weather and wish for a rain. Now it's raining and still complaining and wanted for a sunny day... Don't get me wrong coz i am the one who complained... hehehehehe
This was what my uncle say to me just now.
Me: Haiya!! ujan lai oh...
Uncle: Bah, musim dia sudah kan.
Me: Basah lah baju, rambut smua lah basah... Malas sia kalau ujan nie...
Uncle: Apa yang kau mau nie? Itu hari panas ko bising, bilang panas lah, peluh lah. sekarang hujan kau masi juga bising. Kau mau apa? Salji?
Me: ... (tidak dapat jawap lah..)
Then i ask my uncle to buy me a cup of nescaffe. Which he did. Haahahahaha..
What did i want? i don't want snow, i'm not the type of person who can stand extreme cold. Nanti karas... bukan apa yang karas... jangan kuning tu utak. I wish for "not so hot, not so cold day". Yang sedang-sedang urang bilang. 50% panas - 50% ujan. Atleast seimbang sikit. bukan lah yang panas mo 1 minggu, teda ujan and then ujan mo satu minggu teda matahari. If kemarau, peluang untuk tempat kami teda air is tinggi. and kalau ujan ja, peluang untuk banjir juga tinggi. So sedang-sedang...
But whatever it is, i am thankful for what God has gave us. I know complaining shouldn't do much help. So I thank you God for giving me the Sun and The Rain...
Don't get me wrong ah...

IGB HD in the 70's
Ever seen a 1GB HD in the 70's? Ever wonder how it's look like? Hehehehe. I'm not sure wether this is the looks of the 70's 1GB HD. It weighed so much it had to have a special floor and case to be mounted in. It's case looked like a refrigerator. This is what it looks like then...Nowadays, 1GB is equivalent to a floppy disk. Mainly use as a portable space or storage. USB Drive, etc. Me myself using this...
Haven't have enough money to upgrade it to 2GB or even 4GB or some say 8GB. hahahaha. Imagine i live in the 70's and i have a 8GB portable drive? hoho...
Other 1GB storage are as follows.
Used commonly in HandPhone, Digital Camera and etc. How fast technology change... can we catch up?

SPM - The Decider?
I'm late! i should've wrote this thing on monday but i can't, so i guess still ok lah. Nothing much, nothing really important actually, but i kindda 'attracted' to wrote about SPM. SPM stands for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia or Malaysia Certificate of Education (MCE). Hahahahaha. I bet almost everybody who read my blog have already taken their SPM. So how was the result? okay? hangkang? Nah...
My Result? not as i expected. i barely score grade 2. (In my time, SPM result are given in Grade 1, 2, 3, SAP and Fail (9). I actually don't have any idea what the system are now. what i heard is their using the open system where score are written as A, B, C and so forth. Not sure actually. Those time, the forecast result is critical. Much more critical than the real SPM result. Some say, the forecast is used to apply for higher learning institution, i.e. University or College. I don't know if the forecast is still valuable or not.
Back to my result, I almost fail one of my most hated subject (but not the class and the teacher... hehehehehe... ) Moral Studies. The subject that i don't expect to score, i did well, such as Geo and History. And Science. Hahahahaha. And believe it or not, I drop the "confirm lulus cemerlang" subject to "cop mati" subject. I drop the Art (Seni) and took Accounting. Wakakakakaka. Luckily enough i do pass the accounting subject.
Okay, To all SPM 2007 Candidate, All the best for your papers. Do well, and don't forget to pray everytime before you wrote your name on the answer sheet.
Tips? Hmm...Okay...

Update... Lagi dan lagi
Haven't have a chance to update my blog. i've been sooo busy this while. arrrhgggghhh... dunno what should i do to make my self unbusy anymore. tapi it's good juga la to became bz. hahahaha.
I'm sick. Like there is something in my tummy. dunno why? and since the the aircond here in the office is sooo cold, i am down with fever and flu i think. Luckily starting tomoro is a long weekend for me... a holiday. hahahahahha...
i'm getting sick... can't stand it any more. got to go... hey, tq for reading. yes you... thank you.

I'm At KB
I'm at Kota Belud, attending some sort of gath actually. but it seem that teda orang. so we went to Yan's CC. We... hehe... me, Mr. George (gogds) and Mr. Lugu... All the way from Japan... errr... not directly lah... wekekekeke...
Well, tonight is Man Utd game... at about 12.00am malaysian time. hmmm... cool! ehehehehehe... i like...
Okay, that's all folks...

It's raining and it's cold
Sajuk. the only world i can describe now. suddenly the langit went from clear to dark. I was praying yang nda ujan, but it seems that, "i'm too late" its raining heavily, and it's cold. Today is wednesday, still two days to saturday coz this week only 4 days has to go to the office.
Man Utd, next match is against Aston Villa at Villa park, and for sure, as an ardent man.utd fan, i will not miss it. will they win, they should win this match to keep the pressure to Arsenal. The match isthis Saturday, and for sure, they will give their best.
Glory-Glory Man Utd.

Sunday ...
Again ,sunday arrive. So fast the weeks reach its end. luckily tomoro, still a holiday. No need to wake up early in the morning and went to the office before 8. but i actually like it. it seems that wether it is a holiday or not, i woke up early. i used to it. then if holiday, i sleep back lah.
Nothing to write actually... A bit bored. with no fren to chat or do. hmm. listening to some good song from ilike. some indie band and singer. its great.
Well that its lah for today. Hey England win last night. Next week it will be my Favorite Man .Utd against Aston Villa at Villa Park. Will they continue their run of win? Hopefully...

Selamat Hari Raya
Wann Wish, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslims Friends and to all my friends who celebrate it. Enjoy this day. We should be thankful coz' we could celebrate any occassion without any fear of disturbance. Hehehehehe...
By the way, does anybody have some "kuih raya" for me? I'm dying to eat my favorite "kuih makmur". anybody?
OK! Enjoy
(Goes to Siti Saleha, Maizattul, Yanti, Boy (Norizal), Jamil, Ibnie (Kimiko), Hairie, Adlizan, Nadia, Kak Nuridah, All my Cosmopoint former and present student-staff, Sm. St Michael Penampang student and teacher, all friends, All KaDuS Entertainment member, And Everybody!)

Today Is Sunday
Yesterday i wrote about i'm going to take the Linux Examination in a "not-so-prepared" situation and that i will miss the Man. Utd game Live on TV because of the exam time. the exam start at about 5.45PM (about 3.45AM USA time) clashes with the match that start at about 7.45PM. The live show start at 7.00PM. Now here's the update...
The exam went smoothly and thank God that i passed. Luckily the connection to the US server was good enough for me to do the exam without any problem especially the good ol' lagging problem. (The exam connected directly to the US server via the Internet) I hate lagging. I've been experiencing the lagging problem for a long time ago especially when i started to "play" with the mIRC. Still remember mIRC? When the server lag, you have to "ping" it. That was the first time i heard and used the word ping, and now, i'm using it back, not in the mIRC environment, but in LAN environment. Hehehehe... Last resort, change to a nearby server... Adeh... out of topic oredi. I think i should write about this in the near future... hehehehe..
Oh... The internet connection was good yesterday though!
To add the icing to the cake, My beloved Man. Utd won their game against Everton (Liverpool Mersyside Rival...) at Goodison Park. Nemanja Vidic was the scorer of the only goal of the match which ended 1 - 0 to Man. Utd. Great! I didn't saw the whole match so i don't know who's starting the game. Only saw the remaining 25 min of the match. Manage juga lah to catch the goal as it was score in around the 80th minute of the game. Although Man. Utd can't seem to get past the 1 goal in a match curse so far this season, they are doing really well in that match. By the way, if we win, say for 20-0, there are only 3 points to grab! Tapi, yala... at the end of the day, there comes a time when goal different will play their part on the standing of the team in the league. COME ON YOU REDS!!!. For the record, Man. Utd played 6 times with 3 wins (in a row!!!), two draws and 1 defeat. They score 4 goals and conceded just 1 goal so far. The only time that they fail to score was against Reading (0-0) and in their defeat against city rival, Man. City (0-1).
Ok lah.. Tomorrow is Monday. Holiday kunu. So no need to woke up early to go to work... i mean my practical. But can oso be considered as work lah... Lot a thing to do. Learn and learn until i can't learn anymore... or should i say die or disable. Hohohohoho. Finally got certified as a professional in Linux from Novell (NCLP). Last month, i've passed and become a certified professional for Microsoft (MCP)..But for me, my learning curve has not ended. Having all the certification doesn't mean that i am good enough. Still a lot to learn, and i am willing to learn. Hahahaha... enogh about me... later some people would say i am bragging about something that i don't know. Tapi kan... i will learn the thing that i don't know, sooner or later!
KaDuS Bilang:
The key word for today is LEARN! Wakakakakakaka (and oh... Man. Utd win... AGAIN... with 1-0... AGAIN!!!)

My Streesful day

Nickelback - If Everyone Cared lyrics

What Is Insomnia?
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person experiences poor sleep or has trouble sleeping. Insomnia can involve:
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty staying asleep (that is, waking up many times during the night), without necessarily having had any difficulty falling asleep
Waking up too early in the morning
Not feeling refreshed after a night's sleep
In any of these cases the person feels tired the next day, or feels as if he or she did not have enough sleep.
Poor sleep for any length of time can lead to mood disturbances, lack of motivation, decreased attention span, trouble with concentration, low levels of energy, and increased fatigue.
About one-third of the average person's life is spent sleeping. Healthy sleep is vital to the human body and important for the optimal functioning of the brain and other organs.
There are three types of insomnia:
1. Transient, or mild, insomnia - sleep difficulties that last for a few days; there is little or no evidence of impairment of functioning during the day
2. Short-term, or moderate, insomnia - sleep difficulties that last for less than a month, that mildly affect functioning during the day, together with feelings of irritability and fatigue
3. Chronic, or severe, insomnia - sleep difficulties that last for more than a month, that severely impair functioning during the day, and cause strong feelings of restlessness, irritability, anxiety, and fatigue
Is Insomnia Serious?
Insomnia can have physical and psychological effects. The consequences of insomnia include:
- Impaired mental functioning. Insomnia can affect concentration and memory, and can affect one's ability to perform daily tasks.
- Accidents. Insomnia endangers public safety by contributing to traffic and industrial accidents. Various studies have shown that fatigue plays a major role in automobile and machinery accidents. As many as 100,000 automobile accidents, accounting for 1,500 deaths, are caused by sleepiness.
- Stress and depression. Insomnia increases the activity of the hormones and pathways in the brain that cause stress, and changes in sleeping patterns have been shown to have significant affects on mood. Ongoing insomnia may be a sign of anxiety and depression.
- Heart disease. One study reported that people with chronic insomnia had signs of heart and nervous system activity that might put them at risk for heart disease.
- Headaches. Headaches that occur during the night or early in the morning may be related to a sleep disorder.
- Economic effects. Insomnia costs the U.S. an estimated $100 billion each year in medical costs and decreased productivity.
What Causes Insomnia?
There are many possible causes of insomnia. Sometimes there is one main cause, but often several factors interacting together will cause a sleep disturbance. The causes of insomnia include:
- Anxiety, a condition in which individuals feel increased tension, apprehension, and feelings of helplessness, fear, worry, and uncertainty. This may be due to the effects that other people at work have on us, financial worries, concerns over relationships outside work or numerous other causes.
- Stress, or how effectively a person copes with any emotional, physical, social, economic, or other factor that requires a response or change.
- Depression, a mood disturbance characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement.
In addition, a lack of a good night's sleep can lead to these very same psychological problems, and a vicious cycle can develop. Professional counseling from a doctor, therapist, or sleep specialist can help individuals cope with these conditions.
2. Physical Causes
- Hormonal changes in women. These include premenstrual syndrome, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.
- Decreased melatonin. The levels of melatonin, the hormone that helps control sleep, decrease as a person ages. By age 60, the body produces very little melatonin.
- Medical conditions. These include allergies, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, and Parkinson's disease.
- Pain. Pain and discomfort from a medical illness or injury often interfere with sleep.
- Genetics. Problems with insomnia do seem to run in some families, although researchers have yet to identify how genetics play a role.
- Other sleep disorders. These include sleep apnea (in which one temporarily stops breathing during sleep) and periodic leg and arm movements during sleep (in which one's muscles excessively twitch or jerk).
3. Temporary Events Or Factors
- Adjustment sleep disorder. This form of sleeplessness is a reaction to change or stress. It may be caused by a traumatic event such as an illness or loss of a loved one, or a minor event such as a change in the weather or an argument with someone
- Jet lag. Air travel across time zones often causes brief bouts of insomnia.
- Working the night shift or long shifts. Individuals who work at night and those who work long shifts may have trouble adjusting their sleep habits.
- Medications. Insomnia can be a side effect of various medications, both prescription and over-the-counter.
- Overuse of caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine most commonly disrupts sleep. While a drink or two before bed may help a person relax, more than that can lead to fragmented sleep and wakefulness a few hours later.
- Environmental noise, extreme temperatures, or a change in a person's surrounding environment.

What a day...
Just finished my lunch time at Donggongon. I'm currently doing my 2 month practical training in Sabah Credit. For the first few days, work has been though except for today. So boring... i feel like i'm going to sleep. Hehehehe... ada derma darah hari ni, so not many work to do, as our supervisor is involved with the blood donation campaign. Hmm... if sia cakap this with my other friends, yang sedang praktikal di tempat lain... mimang derang cakap... "Wah untungnya kamu...!!!"... Apa yang untung??? ITS BORED!!! Tahan hati ja tidak tau apa mo buat... ehehehehehe. Been like this since 7.50am this morning till now... (1:43pm)
Prolific Tenor Pavarotti Dies

Manchester United: Now & Forever Man. Utd!!!
Another dissapointing performance by my favorite Man. Utd. I guess a lot of United fans worldwide especially in this part of the world was "devastated" by Man. Utd recent form. I am one of the dissapointed fans. This would be their worst start ever since 1998. First game, they drew 0-0 with Reading and 1-1 with Portsmouth. Last night saw United lost for they first time this season against their city rival, Manchester City by 1-0. so far United has collected only 2 points from the possible 9, and could be 7 points behind their main title contender Chelsea. To make it worst, they were 7 poinst behind Man. City. (City won their last 3 mathces)
What happen to Man. Utd? It's a question everybody ask including those who support other team. They might be expecting to see Man. Utd doing well in the first few opening fixture. If you ask me, i would definitely say, I DONT KNOW. United, on paper has the strongest assembled squad. The arrival of Nani (Sporting Lisbon) and Anderson (Porto) looks to strengthen United squad. And there was, (for me) the most intresting signing by Man. Utd. Owen Hargreaves (Bayern Munich) and the much awaited signing of Carlos Tevez (West Ham). It's looks like Man. Utd were untouchable this season. Chelsea on the other hand was not the biggest spender. The only significant arrival was Florent Malouda (Lyon) and yes, he announced his arrival by scoring goals, against Man Utd. In my point of view, this is one of the best assembled squad mades by Sir Alex Ferguson during his 21 years at Old Trafford. But what happen? Despite their vastly talented squad, with the attacking flair of Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo, they have only manage to score one goal! That was through Paul Scholes. A midfield player! the sign of United slump stated when Rooney was force out of the game against Reading because of injury. That was the turning point. Now without Ronaldo, the problem could not get any better. With only Carlos Tevez as a striker, it's hard for him to shoulder the responsibilities of Man Utd main goalscorer.
For me they were no problem with the way Man Utd plays. Although Rooney and Ronaldo were out, they still show the best they can. Of all the three game, they control almost 70% of the ball posssesion and in the game against Portsmouth, they got 22 shot on goal but only one finds the net. The are playing their normal game actually. From what i see, the opponent seems to know the tactic deployed by Sir Alex. Like they, the opponent can read what was the player thinking. Maybe they all have what Matt Parkman (Cast in Heroes) can do. The ability to read mind. Micah Richards (Man. City) was nothing if he's up against United, but for me he was the man of the match last night. Any through ball, any crosses and passing, he would be there to cut it of. For me, Sir Alex needs to change his tactic. I don't mind if Ryan Giggs has to be sacrifice in order to change tactic. Man. Utd needs to come back, and sir Alex needs anything in his tactic books to do that. Whoever play, as long as it's suit the tactic, i doesn't matter. I really hope Rooney will be back soon. He's the player who can make the diffrent in Man. Utd. Carlos Tevez needs to regain his match sharpness. United must WIN the next two match if there still want to retain the Premiership. By united standard, losing two matches will close half the door to retain the Premiership, although i still have high hope that United will do well after this. Crossed my finger to see the United improvement.
It's really hard to walk around with people around me who supported other team. What make me sick, some of my friends was a Man Utd supporter (Until Beckham sign for Real Madrid and/or when Roman Abramovich bought Chelsea and started to buy a lot of Star player), mocking me when United lose or even draw. I don't know how will my day be today (as this post was written last night). I should count how many people making funs of United recent form to me... hehehehe... that would be much fun.

Browsing through the web, i found some old pic of me and my friends. Taken around 2004, almost 3 years now. we were at the Hutan Lipur Likas in our Student Council (MPP) Courses. Why they called it Hutan Lipur, i don't have any idea. Hahahaha. The place is in the middle of a school, a housing area and a small town... okay... Enjoy the pic.. Laugh if u want to... Ahaks...
They named this pic, AFTER CRAWL. hehehe... after doing the commando crawl, or should i say 'main lumpur'. Really enjoy the day. (Back Row L-R: Donna, ME, Nukley, Christina, Albina, Munah. Squatting L-R: Faizal, Mushie, Ijan, Bobby) Hehehehehe... guys where are you!!!
I Enjoy this activities. TQ Ms Liza! Just look at my leg. Macam baru lepas dari sawah ja.
After the outdoor couses. Feel tired tapi enjoy!!!
Were are presenting something here. but i can't remember what. This pic was taken a day before the outdoor courses. This pic is at Cosmopoint KK!!!

Song Of The Day
Feel bored... waiting for tomorrow match (the match Man Utd against Man City) was A long wait. Arrggghhh! The red devil was not in a good form for this past two matches. Two draw against Reading (0-0) and Portsmouth (1-1). The last time Man Utd draw the first opening match was in the 1998/1999 season, a it become historical. I really hope they can regain their best. Man Utd were without Rooney and Ronaldo. So can they do it agaisnt the rejuvenated Man City? ... Hehehehe...
Feeling Unwell so here's Match Box 20's UNWELL.
all day
staring at the ceiling making
friends with shadows on my wall
all night
i'm hearing voices telling me
that i should get some sleep
because tomorrow might be good
for something
hold on
i'm feeling like i'm headed for a
and i don't know why
i'm not crazy i'm just a little unwell
i know right now you can't tell
but stay a while and maybe then you'll see
a different side of me
i'm not crazy i'm just a little impaired
i know right now you don't care
but soon enough you're gonna think of me
and how i used to be
see me
talking to myself in public
and dodging glances on the train
and i know i know they've all been talking 'bout me
i can hear them whisper
and it makes me think there must be something wrong
with me
out of all the hours thinking
i've lost my mind
i've been talking in my sleep
pretty soon they'll come to get me
and they'll be taking me away

Sekali sia teingat gia...
I've found a very intresting post about some fun stuff when we were born around 70's and early 80's. I was among those who was born in that time... Siok oh, tu rekindle this kind of memory. Found this in Cons Constantine friendster profile. Hehehehe... TQ cons for the memory refresh!
Ni bah kan..kalau kamu urang lahir tahun 70an atau awal 80 an mesti kamu urang ada experience semua ni......Time tu tempatan yang popular cerita P-Ramlee...Paling-paling movie Jepun tu O-Seen ka tu ejaan dia...Movie yang lain Six Millon DOllar Man, cerita ninja...tundercats,ultraman,transformeskartun yg famous tu mickey mouse sama chipmunk ja :)ada juga la ninja turtles..
- Betul tu... yang sia ingat lai, ada satu siri ninja yang paling sia suka. Hero dia Sasuka. mati tu last-last. O-Seen? sia nda ingat, tapi yang sia ingat tu drama men bula tampar jipun. Jan lupa, bionic man sama bionic woman. Ninja turtle is my favorite.
Masa di sikul time rehat kana minta berus gigi..hehehh tu time sekolah rendah la kan..tapi yang siuk kan masa rehat tu kana bagi susu :)lepas tu ada masa-masa tertentu ada tu nurse tukang periksa gigi (dentis) pi melawat sekolah mau check gigi...Bila masa pulang kana kasi makan ikut tu program RMT..Rancangan Makanan Tambahan
- Sweet memory. sia pena bemain siram-siram sama kawan time berus gigi. Pasal susu tu, yang sia nda buli lupa, susu kutang bangas. Kalau malatup... alalalala... Punya bau. tapi siok tinguk dia kambang nie... tu RMT tu sia terlibat juga. tapi macam bukan ari-ari kami dapat. paling sia suka tu nasi guring ikan bilis sama bubur kacang ijau. Yeah!
tu cikgu-cikgu masa tu..senjata paling power diurang tu kira rotan la yang sia rasa diurang ambil lebihan untuk buat pagar bah tu..kalau tida pun diurang pakai tu pembaris yang kuning tu :) abis la tapak tangan siapa-siapa yang kana denda..kana rotan ooo.
- sia pena kana rutan pakai pembaris besi panjang. sebab? tidak hafal sifir 9. sia nda tau kenapa masa tu mesti betul mo hafal sifir. then sia nda tau kenapa sifir 9 ja sia ada masalah. Nasib bukan sifir 12. Asal nampak sigu pigang rutan, mimang bagagar kami tu...
kantin masa tu?sama ja menu dia tiap-tiap hari...mee goreng sama kuih pisang atau kuih kosong..kadang-kadang ada juga air sirip:)
- air sirip? ko maksudkan air sirap bah kan... kami dulu sia nda ingat ada sirap. yang sia ingat Oren sama Sarsi. kadang-kadang ada juga milo sejuk lah.
bagi yang tinggal di bandar macam di KK..supermarket yg popular tu Kompleks Karamunsing sama tu Yaohan(CenterPoint)
-dulu kalau mo pigi shopping, kira grand uda kalau tepigi Yaohan. Kompleks Karamunsing pun mimang class juga. Sekarang nda buli pilih ni, mana satu mo pigi...
kamu urang masih ingat masa sekolah menengah..camana mau begaya pun lupa suda sebab masa tu kasut jenama Bata BM Turbo atau Pallas Jazz atau Aliph saja yang ada..tu pun kasut yang sama iklan sana tv.
- Sia teringat time sekula rendah. kasut sia dari darja 1 sampai darja 3, jenama Yayasan Sabah. yang ada stripe warna coklat tu. infact baju pun sumbangan yayasan Sabah. Lepas tu baru upgrade pigi Pallas, sampai lah abis form 5. nda tau mana suda tu kasut tu...
Tingu wayang??kira popular la kunun kalau rajin pi tingu wayang..murah ja tiket masa tu
-dari dulu sia nda pandai tinguk wayang...
Music masa tu?sia pun lupa-lupa suda..yg sia ingat tu SEARCH,GERSANG kemudian EXIST,4U2C,Feminin,KRU jadi popular selain tu music barat Vanila Ice...
Ermmm lupa mau kasi tau..masa tu kami urang dengar melalui tu rancang muzik di radio atau kena beli keset..alallal mana ada CD atau mp3 player time tu:)
- sia dengar lagu Paul Anka, Beetles, Bee Gees. Radio dulu masih lai Blue Network. ada lai rancangan From Me To You, tiap-tiap tengahari jam 1 kah tu... NKOTB pun pemes time tu.
Download??amacam? Internet?? bila masa ada (sia main Internet hujung Tahun 1995) EMail?Paling kuat la pos la
-agreed! sia punya pos pun men pas kawan. Cuba ko tulung kasi ni anu ni. Tu lah pos men free sia...
This post can also be seen at my Friendster Blog.

Welcom Carlos Tevez!!! - TEVEZMANIA at Old Trafford!
The most exciting news that i've been waiting for quite sometime. The signing of Carlos Tevez to Manchester United. Although it will be only a 2 years loan deal, i believe that Sir Alex Ferguson, finally get his man. This was one of the most complexes tranfer negotiation by Manchester United by far. I know Old Trafford is the place for Carlitos, no offence to West Ham. I still remember one time when Tevez sign for Corinthians (Brazil) from Boca Juniors (Argentina), he wore a Manchester United shirt during an official club press confrence, and was fined for that... Truly Man. Utd was in Tevez heart long before he sign for them.
By far, this will be one of the most intresting signing by Man. Utd. I am eager to see how Tevez and Rooney spearhead Man. Utd attacking line. Some say that Rooney and Tevez has the same style of play, but that was not the case for me. And former England International Captain Alan Shearer agreed.
"While some have voiced concerns that the pair are too similar in style to
work together, Shearer counters that their compatibility will make United an
even more entertaining side next season.
The former England star told The Sun: “I don’t believe Tevez and Wayne
Rooney are too similar — because great players can always play well together.
“Rooney and Tevez do not have a lot of height but that is not the way
Manchester United play.
How often do you see them aiming high balls up front? Not very." Alan Shearer
Carlos Tevez will NOT making his Man. Utd debut tomorrow, but he might be playing some part next week as early as Wednesday against Portsmouth. According to, Owen Hargreaves, Nani and Anderson will be in the squad for the game against Reading tomorrow. Eager to see how the three new signing adopt in Man. Utd squad.
By the way, Manchester United has announce their squad number for this season. Most of the first team squad will wear the same number. Below are the list of new number.
4. Owen Hargreaves
8. Anderson
10. Wayne Rooney (8 last season)
14. Gabriel Heinze (14)
32. Carlos Tevez. (Same number last season at West Ham)
For full list of Man. Utd squad number for the 2007/2008 season. CLICK HERE
Glory-Glory Man. Utd!

Linux (Lee-Naks)???
Linux was something new to me. Been studying Linux for 2 weeks now. By the way, what is the right pronounciation of LINUX? It is:
a) Lai-Naks (LINUX)
b) Lee-Naks (LINUX)
c) Lai-Nuks (LINUX)
d) Other
Hahahaha. Tapikan according to the creator of Linux, Linus Benedict Torvalds, The right pronounciation of LINUX is b) Lee-Naks. Tapi masi ramai yang sebut a) & c) & other. Tapikan apa saja orang mo sebut ni linux nie, yang penting it's go to one place. The original Linux that was created by Linus Torvalds. Ahaks
We seem to argue a bit in class about what is the right pronounciation of LINUX. But bukanlah begaduh sampai mo betumbuk pun. Cakap-cakap saja lah. Even in our outing in Poring, pun kami masi argue pasal ni. Especially with my friend FELIX. Ok bah kalau ko felix.
This is For You Felix:

Be (EXTRA) Carefull
I've read my newspaper this morning (local one lah... can't afford to buy the national daily...) when i stumble upon a news that one Senator in Malaysia urged the goverment to take action against the Bloggers who wrote about goverment and leader that meant to spread false rumours. Have'nt seen one yet, but people nowadays knows how to use the internet as a tools to express themselves and to write about almost anything they feel.
Not sure what kind of action does the Senator want the goverment to take against those "pedas" bloggers. ISA detention? Jail Term? Internet ban? Those action would make the "controversial" bloggers to learn their lesson of not to talk bad about the country or the leaders.
i am a blogger myself and i do sometime see some blogger using their blog to tell how much they hate this and that leader. It's up to the bloggers themselves wether to continue writing in a "controversial" way or not. The only thing i hope is that i can still blog about everything i like, whenever i want until i say stop.! Hahahaha...
So to the everybody... BEWARE!!! BLOGGERS IN FRONT
to the bloggers... BEWARE!!! GOVERMENT IN FRONT
NEXT POST: The Clawless Tiger.

My MCP Pre Test!
Finally i've passed my pre-test of the Microsoft Certified Proffesional or MCP. 3 times, i failed. Ahaks... The last time i took the test, i pass with 909 out of 1000 marks. But it is because of some help from my friend. Today without any help, i berjaya untuk mendapatkan markah yang bulilah... atleast i've pass lah! i tell you, this MCP is not an easy stuff, if you see it for the first time. Hahahaha... i hope i would get certified by microsoft!

Congratulation To REY!
Congratulation To Reynaldo Pagie For Winning the Suara Emas Bintang RTM 2007 Singing Competition. Apart From from winning the main prize, Rey also won "Most Popular Votes" via SMS. Again, you make us, the Sabahan Proud and you prove that we the Sabahan are not lack of talent when it come to singing! Hmmm... Should I say more! He's the best!
KaDuS Bilang: Bah... maan poh topbinai. Yang penting ko telah berjaya. Siorang disini akan buat yang terbaik dari kamirang, iatiu menyukung ko punya kerjaya seni di peringkat kebangsaan yang telah pun bermula!!! Buli bah kalau ko!!! KaDus Entertainment akan sama-sama menyokong kerjaya seni anda!
Pic: Courtesy of RTM

* * * [[ S U R V E Y ]] * * *
1. What is your Boyfriend/girlfriends name?
- Davelynne O.DR.
2. What color underwear are you wearing now?
- Dark Blue...!!!
3. What are you listening to right now?
- Ganit Piginawaan by Felix. Love this song. It is in my MP3 Player.
4. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?
- Mana Buli kasitau ko... manatau ko pulis!
5. What was the last thing you ate?
- Mee Tuaran. Just Now! my aunt belanja!
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
-Blue or Dark Blue
7. How is the weather right now?
- HOT!!! nanti petang ujan lai la tu..
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- It's Vincent Chang. Just Now. My collegemate talking about Bussiness!
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite/preferred sex?
- long hair, rebonding like style, sexy... bla bla bla
10. Favorite type of Food?
- Anything that can make my tummy stop singing!
11. Do you drink?
- Jarang uda!
12. Do you smoke?
- Not Anymore!
13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember what you did?
- NEVER! I tend to remember everything i did when i get soooo drunk!
14. Hair color?
- Black
15. What is your eye color?
- Brown
16. Do you wear contacts?
- Nope. My Friends Alexander was amazed yesterday as i able to read from far.
17. Favorite Holiday?
- Kaamatan and Christmas. Chinese New Year also as i can get money from those red packets.. Angpow lah!
18. Favorite Month?
- My Birthday month. November. Why? Because i was born in November!
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
- No lah... for what reason i want to cry for no reason... Blur!!!
22. Are u too shy to ask someone out?
- Yes if i don't really know them.
23. If you can say something to someone right now what would it be?
24. Hugs or Kisses?
- Can i say both??? Nah, Hugs i guess.
25. Chocolate or Vanilla?
- Vanilla!!!
26. Who is least likely to respond?
- Can't understand what does it mean...
27. Who is most likely to respond?
- Same... Can't understand what does it mean...
28. Who do you want to respond?
- Huh???
29. What books are you reading?
- I Don't Read Books.. Reading Books make me Dizzy!
30. Piercings?
- Yes. Two on my left ear
31. Favorite Movie?
- Hot Shot: Part Deux, Pirate Of The Caribean, a lot lah!!!
32. Favorite football team?
33.What were you doing before this?
- Downloading the studies guide for my MCP (70-270) test, eat.
34. Any pets?
- Yes. Cats!
35. Screen name?
- nick name? KaDuS, markiekadus
34. Butter popcorn, plain, or salted?
- Plain.
37. Dogs or cats?
- Cats
38. Favorite flower?
- Not a flower lover!
39. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
- Yes
40. Are you taken or single?
41. Have you ever loved someone?
- Off course lah!!! Yes!
42. Who would you like to see right now?
- My sweetheart.
43. Are you still friends with your exes?
- Not all.
44. Have you ever fired a gun?
- Toy gun, Yes. Real gun, never. Got a chance to hold a real M-16 when i was a little kid, from my parents friends who works as a policeman at the time.
45. Do you like to travel by plane?
- Yes!
46. Right-handed or Left-handed?
- Right Handed. I can play billiard using both hands though!
48. How many pillows do you sleep with?
- Two. Plus bantal paluk... wekekekeke
50. Do you have a Tattoo?
- Yes!

Happy Birthday To: RITA a.k.a. Pelangi
Wanna wish :
Semuga panjang umur and gembira selalu....
P/S: I Took this picture from her friendster. Jan marah kio.Wakakakakaka
Nice Pic actually. According to her, the flower was send by her Friends from the USA. Lucky You!
Visit Her Friendster Profile At:

Theme Song?
Going to the class, if idon't listen to this song, my day would be , well kindda incomplete. I must listen to this song everyday, because we are used to this song. Haven't listen to the song before i first heard it in our class. The song will be played by one of our friends before and after the class started. Kinnda anthem to our class. Ahaks.. It reminds me when i were still studying at primary school (still high school), we used to line up every morning and sing the National Anthem + State Anthem + School Anthem. Only today, we listen it before the calss started.
Its (the song) make our mood up! Dunno who bought it but tq playing the song everyday! Yiiha!!!
Harold, Hairie, Richard, Ibnie... (I now you'll like this song)
The Lyric
The lyrics widgets going crazy... i've deleted it.
Enjoy This Song Guys!
(some error might occurs on this lyric widgets. dunno why. i'll rectify it soon. thank you)

My Phone Number
Some of my friends will be irritate when they read this. Sorry lah... I just want to tell you what number (phone number! not 4d or 6d ah) that i've been using now. A lot of my friends has been asking me this, everytime they meet me. and when i tell them my number, the tipical word... "Aiyahhh... Tukar lagi kah???"
Actually, my current DiGi number, the one yang start 016-802**** tu, is only my second number in my whole life. My first number was 016-8386680, but i've lost it in 2002 (or 2003, didn't remember it.). Back then, the were no "keep your number if you lost your simcard" service, so i have to change to a new number, my current DiGi number... 016-802****. The 016-8386680 is own by someone in Papar (maybe).
So to all my friend, especially those who still searching for my current number, let me update u k.
- 016-802****
Not Use Anymore:
- 016-8386680 (Own by someone in Papar...)
- 012-8354355 (My first Maxis number. Did not use anymore)
- 019-5857380 (Suddenly my line and my gf line been cut of without any notice...)
- 014-2823500 (Using it only a short while...)
So to all of you... sorry for the trouble. And yes i still use my old DiGi number. NOT my first DiGi number. Ala... if anything just email me lah!!! TQ...
P/s: Gayo... i've lost your phone number. If you read this, please sms me. TQP/s: This post meant for those who know my number before. TQ again.

Cool Heroes Video
This is for me the best "Tribute Song" to the series. Although this might not be the official video for Heroes, i think Nicklebecks song If Everyone Cared goes along really well with this clip and the series. A big thumbs up to agentScarn on YouTube!
Enjoy this cool video, especially for the fans of Heroes. Watch Heroes Every Wednesday at 9.00 (Malaysia) at Astro's Channel 70.
Are You On The List...?

Heroes: Confusing but a SUPERB SHOW
People in the USA will know this shows. The advertisement in Our local TV says "Heroes- The Number Show In America." When the advert come out, i thought this is another boring series. I've watch few series that dissapoint me. Mutant X, one of the example. Heroes give me something that i've been missing since i last seen Smallville. Ekekekekeke. First Episod, which i've forgot how it goes, was actually the best 1st Episod of any shows i've seen! People says, 1st Impression is important, and yes, Heroes does took my attention. Hehehe.
This is the first ever show that make me confuse every episod. It's hard for me to understand the story, what will it be and so on. I've even ask some of my friends about the ending. A potential spoiler for me... Hahahaha. But this is what i like about Heroes. It give you the "question marks" every episod. Kalau lah ada movie di Malaysia buli buat macam nie?...

Sooo Iritating! Sooo koinggorit!
Hahaha... kanapa ah?
Hot, annoyed, dunno... A simple matter happen to me when i least expected! Happen to me around monday to friday... What would you do, when you've done your work with the best you can... then came your friends who is in your group, edited it, and become much worst than what you've done? I just can't imagine my work, do it accordingly to the real format, being edited and become a work just like a form 3 student works...
Bukan mo cakap apalah... sia rasa macam sia-sia saja kerja... Mo tegur pun susah... tahan saja lah... Apa pun, we've presented our work and i don't think that we've done great. Just hope it will be okay lah...
Hahaha... no idea what to wroe on... it's seem that i've bee "Missing In Action" from this blog for quite a while. The reason know to some of you. So nanti-nantilah... kalau ada masa baru sia update betul² ni blog... nanti lah.. iwas thinking of changing this blog skin (AGAIN!!!??). Macam lama suda tidak tukar baju...
Bah... Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan
-To our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (who support Man. Utd Tour in Malaysia), Selamat Pengantin Baru!
-To Marylyn J. Arik, Congratulation On You Wedding Day! (Sorry I can't come... So tired after 1 week work at KDCA, I'll meet you later)
-To Mary J. William (Congratulation on your engagement. I hope you've listen my pason at Sabah VFM. Hehehehe... Sorry also, can't come. But i'll promise you i'll come on your wedding day!!!)
-To the visitor of this blog... sabar-sabaron pendeh...
- To Elviena a.k.a. Yan: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???
- To my Beloved koupusan: I Love You... Wekekekekeke
(Dunno why, suddenly become a dedication like post... hahahahaha)

The Manchester United Asian Tour 2007
AFC President Mohamed Bin Hammam speaking at the AFC Asian Cup™ Organising Committee meeting today.
KUALA LUMPUR: AFC President, Mohamed Bin Hammam, today expressed concern over the planned July tour of Manchester United to Asia and other European club activities, saying that the pre-season commercial tours were in direct conflict with the continent's flagship competition, the AFC Asian Cup 2007™.
In his opening remarks to the 8th AFC Asian Cup™ Organising Committee, which met today at AFC House under the chairmanship of China's Zhang Jilong, Bin Hammam said: "Organisation of different competitions in and around the AFC Asian Cup™ is affecting the mood of the competition. The visit of Manchester United is of particular concern to us."
"The Manchester United tour dates clash with the AFC Asian Cup™ (July 7-29) and AFC doesn't want any competitions to be promoted or organised during the month of July," continued the AFC chief.
"If the tour goes ahead then it will be a breach of the OAA (Organising Association Agreement)," said Bin Hammam.
from AFC Official Website @
[Where the issues started]
Man United chief 'sad' at AFC over Asian tour

KUALA LUMPUR, May 10 (Reuters) - Manchester United chief executive David Gill is 'sad and disappointed' that his team are not welcome in Malaysia, according to local media on Thursday.
Gill wrote to Malaysia's Tourism Ministry after the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) bowed to pressure from the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), which does not want any football event to clash with its flagship tournament, the Asian Cup, from July 7-29.
United were due to play in Kuala Lumpur against a Malaysian select team on July 27, two days before the Asian Cup final in Jakarta.
The AFC and FAM had signed an agreement last year in which the Malaysians were barred from promoting any other football event in July.
'We are extremely sad and disappointed to hear that we are not welcomed,' Gill's letter was quoted as saying in the New Straits Times on Thursday.
'Malaysia is our second home. We played there in 1995, 1999 and 2001 - more than anywhere else in Asia.
'We are proud to come and celebrate (Malaysia's) 50 years of independence and it's a once in a life-time celebration. We were very much looking forward to celebrating with our fans (in Malaysia).'
Malaysian fans also expressed their disappointment.
UPB-Myteam president Khairy Jamaluddin was quoted by the paper as saying: 'I don't think the MU tour will take anything away from the Asian Cup. In Malaysia, we are passionate about football and we cannot get enough of it.'
Lawrence How, president of Malaysia's Manchester United Fan Club, said: 'I am not surprised that (the fans) are upset. You must remember that many of the fans cannot afford to visit Old Trafford to watch United play.'
Meanwhile, the Hong Kong-based promoter of the United tour, which also includes matches in Japan, South Korea and Macau, is confident the Malaysian part of the programme will continue.
'All four legs will go ahead as planned,' Paul Kam, chairman of ProEvents Management Ltd was quoted as saying by Hong Kong's South China Morning Post. 'There is a lot of speculation going on, but everything will be resolved soon.'
The paper said that Macau organisers would cancel ticket sales on June 2 should promoters fail to provide proper assurances that United will play there.
Malaysia PM insists Man Utd fixture will go ahead

KUALA LUMPUR, May 11 (Reuters) - Malaysia will defy the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and host Manchester United in July, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi insisted on Friday.
The AFC had angered Malaysians earlier this week by ruling out a United friendly tour match in Malaysia because it would clash with its flagship tournament, the July 7-29 Asian Cup.
Banking on their huge fan base in Asia, United had been due to play in Kuala Lumpur against a Malaysian select team on July 27, two days before the Asian Cup final in Jakarta.
The match had looked to be off when the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) bowed to AFC pressure and said United were no longer welcome.
However, the Malaysian Prime Minister joined in the fray on Friday, telling reporters the game would go ahead as scheduled.
"We want them to visit Malaysia because this year is Visit Malaysia Year... if Manchester United play in Kuala Lumpur, there will be a lot of Manchester United fans around this region, including from Singapore and Thailand, coming here."
"We hope the organisers will not cancel the game. This is the wish of the government as part of Visit Malaysia Year," he said.
AFC president Mohamed Bin Hammam has accused United of being disrespectful by organising a pre-season tour which clashed with the Asian Cup.
The AFC and its Malaysian affiliate had signed a deal last year in which the Malaysians were barred from promoting any other soccer event in July.
United chief executive David Gill said this week he was "sad and disappointed" that his team were not welcome in Malaysia.
The Hong Kong-based promoter of the United tour, which also includes matches in Japan, South Korea and Macau, had expressed confidence the Malaysian part of the programme would continue.
"All four legs will go ahead as planned," said Paul Kam, chairman of ProEvents Management Ltd. "There is a lot of speculation going on, but everything will be resolved soon."
United kick off their pre-season tour against J-League champions Urawa Reds in Saitama on July 17 before travelling to South Korea to play FC Seoul on July 20.
They play China's Shenzhen FC in Macau on July 23 and were planning to finish with a match in Kuala Lumpur on July 27.
The Asian Cup runs from July 7 to 29 and is being hosted by Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. Japan have won the last two Asian Cups, in Lebanon in 2000 and in China in 2004 when they defeated the hosts 3-1 in the final.
by Picture from
[Big thumbs ups to Pak Lah!!!]

It's Been A While
Hai... It's been a while since i last jot a line (or two) in this page. I did notice that the visitor of this page were droping, because of no new updates! Wekekekeke... Been busy for this past one month and will be until the end of November. (Or much longer). I am currently doing a short term course on Open Source Operating Sytem. Trying to became (only the the few in Sabah, According to our lecturer) a Certified Linux Proffesional. Hopefully!
While i'm off the net a lot of things has happen to me and other aspect of my life... haha... The the best thing was MANCHESTER UNITED WON THE PREMIERSHIP!!! Its top all the best thing that i've achieve and covered all those down thing (problems, some disatisfying people towards me and everything else). This feat was due to Manchester United beating Local Rival Manchester City at the City Of Manchester Stadium and Chelsea Failed To beat Arsenal at The Emirates Stadium! A BIG TQ To ARSENAL!!! (Even if they not do that for Man. Utd... Hahaha).
Congratulations to Sir Alex Ferguson on winning The premiership this season. To all The Player and Staff of Manchester United Football Club!!! WE"VE GOT OUR TROPHY BACK!!!

Man. Utd 7 – 1 AS Roma: Magnificent 7!!!
Manchester United started off well and Michael Carrick start the goal rout by shooting from outside the penalty area. Alan Smith then added the second goal after receiving a diagonal low cross from Ryan Giggs. Giggs orchestrated the third goal, again from a low cross that found Wayne Rooney in the box. Manchester United make sure they finished the 1st Half high as Cristiano Ronaldo low shot found the net in the near post of Roma goal.
Ronaldo then started the second half exactly as he end it in the first half when he tapped in a low cross, again from Ryan Giggs. Michael Carrick then scored his second of the night, and again from outside of the penalty box. Roma do get their consolation goal when a brilliantly taken volley by Daniel De Rossi found Man. Utd goal. Patrice Evra scored the final goal of the evening after receiving a low cross from Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and shooting low, from outside Roma’s penalty box.
The best game I’ve seen by Manchester United throughout this season at Old Trafford. It was a sweet victory given all the trouble Man. Utd get last week. Losing to Roma and Portsmouth with the same scoreline, 2-1. For the record, Man. Utd started the game without their first choice player, captain Gary Neville (Right Back), Nemanja Vidic (Central Defender), Paul Scholes (Midfielder) and Louis Saha (Forward) because of injury and suspension. They also miss the service of Mikael Silvestre (Left Back/Central Defender) and Park Ji Sung (Midfield) due to injury. Amazingly the so-called fringe player, such as Wes Brown, John O’Shea, Darren Fletcher and Alan Smith did play well. Credit should also be given to Roma, although they were 6 goals down, they still try to attack and if not the brilliant display by their defence, Man. Utd should end the night with even greater margin.
My idol, Ryan Giggs did not scored but still manage to assists on three of Man. Utd goals. Overall Man. Utd play magnificently as a team and I think they could beat any team with that kind of performance, including Chelsea! I do hope they will win their next match against Watford in the FA Cup Semi-final at Aston Villa ground, Villa Park this Saturday.
The Team:
GK - 1 Edwin van der Sar (7/10)
DF - 4 Gabriel Ivan Heinze (8/10)
- 5 Rio Ferdinand (8/10)
- 6 Wes Brown (8/10)
- 22 John O’Shea (7/10)
MID - 7 Cristiano Ronaldo (9/10) (2 Goals)
- 11 Ryan Giggs-capt- (8/10) (3 Assists)
- 16 Michael Carrick (9/10) (2 Goals)
- 24 Darren Fletcher (8/10)
FW - 8 Wayne Rooney (8/10) (1 Goals)
- 14 Alan Smith (8/10) (1 Goals)
Subs - 3 Patrice Evra (8/10) (1 Goals)
- 20 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer (7/10)
- 23 Kieran Richardson (7/10)
Glory-glory Man. Utd!!!
Final Score: